Election frauds, putsch , Genocide, human right abuse, impunity, all this
with the caution of the "International Community" and the UN who have
to stand and take their responsibilities in these odious massacres.
http://www.reuters.com/ article/2012/07/24/us- ivorycoast-un-refugees- idUSBRE86N14G20120724
Caught red-handed
UNOCI, tasked by the U.N. Security Council to protect civilians under imminent threat of physical violence, said its detachment in the camp was intended to provide security for aid workers and their equipment and that its staff had been "surrounded and blocked by the crowd".
"Ivorian authorities were in charge of the general security of the camp ... I would like to reiterate that at no time was the security of the camp under UNOCI's responsibility," Arnauld Akodjenou, the deputy head of the mission, said on Saturday.
Ivorian authorities have also promised to investigate.
Duekoue has long been a flashpoint for ethnic violence aggravated by disputes over land ownership. Human rights investigators say about 800 people were massacred there during last year's conflict. Friday's attack was also ethnically motivated.
"The failure of the Ivorian security forces and U.N. peacekeepers to protect those in the camp raises serious concerns," said Matt Wells, West Africa researcher with Human Rights Watch.
"UNOCI has often played an important role in civilian protection, but the inability to stop the attackers in this instance should spur an immediate investigation into what went wrong, with a commitment to make public the findings."
So was it because they were blocked by the crowd or simply that it was rather the Ivorian authorities who were in charge of the general security of the camp ? These kind of lies and denials are more than serious especially when it involve the live civilian population.
The Blame Game
* U.N. peacekeepers, police present during raid on civilian
* Seven killed, 50 wounded in attack in volatile west
* U.N. mission says government responsible for security
American Embassy’s National Daily Press Review
This daily press review is compiled by the Information Section of the Public Affairs Office of the American Embassy in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire.
1. New details on armed attack and mass prison break in Dabou
2. Ivorian and Liberian authorities say the UN must help monitor security along their common border
3. Gender-based violence still calls for action, woman rights activist says
4. South Africa-based airline company to resume activities from Abidjan
3. Gender-based violence still calls for action, woman rights activist says
According to Mrs. Josiane Adoubi, the National Coordinator of the PAIMSC, a government-sponsored task force set up to fight against gender-based violence, efforts are still needed to address the issue. Speaking in the course of an interview with Notre Voie (p. 6), Mrs. Adoubi argued that though achievements have been made over the past decade, the recent political and social unrest have exacerbated the issue of gender-based violence nationwide; hence her plea for continued support from the government and international partners in the fight against the phenomenon.
For questions regarding this service, please contact: Mr. Folli Teko in the Public Affairs Press Office, TekoFX@state.gov.
If we link the above statement with this :
UNOCI spokesman, Kenneth Blackman, told reporters in Abidjan that members of the armed forces, known as FRCI, are accused of carrying out rapes, acts of torture, armed robberies and other abuses in several locations in recent weeks.
And all that without a single arrest or a single Security Council resolution , we are not even talking about the Duekoué genocide where aver 1000 civilians were killed (according to the British Red cross who counted bodies) by Ouatarra forces and the continuous daily human right abuses
Yet on a simple allegation about 7 women killed by the Ivorian Defense abs Security Forces (under Gbagbo ruling) without any investigationa the Security Council manipulated by Sarkozy's France made a resolution , froze Gbagbo' and his family as well as all his collaborators accounts, embargo on goods and drugs followed.
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=dc-82bYEFd0&feature=related
Again the video experts think the scene is very dubious.....
Now as you can see this is not a conspiracy theory it is a reality the Ivorian's daily life since the UN had this ingenious democratic idea to resolve a disputed election result by the refusal to recount the vote ( as was the case in many other countries including the USA.) bomb the palace of the president who contested the UN certification of the results. Notice that the UN was already involved in an issues of elections mass frauds in Afghanistan and Haiti . In the case of Afghanistan we strangely find the same usual suspects (USA, France embassy as well as the UN) as claimed by the beneficiary of the frauds President Karsai and the former deputy special representative of the United Nations in Afghanistan Mr Peter W. Galbraith .This whistle-blowing costed his job since he was sacked for exposing the UN collusion with so called IEC regardig the mass frauds.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ wp-dyn/content/article/2009/ 10/02/AR2009100202855.html
Can we trust the UN after all this ?
This amateur video was made by a patriot at Sebroko (Côte d'Ivoire), outside the headquarters of UNOCI. He filmed unknowingly staged death orchestrated by peacekeepers, French journalists and puppets acquired at the cause of Mr Alassane Dramane Ouattara.
Watch and have a good look at the end of the video the young man pretended as dead, gets up after the "medias" finished their staged footage.
This staging will serve as a support to TF1 to overwhelm the Gbagbo regime, mass killings evoke and invoke likely use ICC at the 20H News
For the rest going through the Common Article 3 of the 1949 Geneva Conventions in relation the conflict in Ivory Coast we can see that accusations of civilian killings from the Ivorian army under Gbagbo ruling were false.

In Book III, Volume 1 (Instruction of first-year trainee officers), the Teaching Manual provides:Chapter 1. Introduction to the law of war…
II.1. DistinctionAt all times, a distinction must be clearly made between combatants and civilians or the civilian population as such … Civilians are protected against attacks, but they lose that protection during the time of their effective participation in hostilities.…Chapter 3. Identification
…II.1. Civilians
Civilians must not be attacked … Civilians are not entitled to take part directly in hostilities. If they do, they lose their status as civilians during the time of their direct participation ……II. 4. Civilians accompanying the armed forcesCivilians accompanying the armed forces are, for example, war correspondents, personnel responsible for the wellbeing of the armed forces, supply contractors, members of labour units or civilian members of crews of military aircraft … They are in the same situation as other civilians; in order to be entitled to protection against attacks, they must abstain from directly taking part in the hostilities.
In Book IV (Instruction of heads of division and company commanders), the Teaching Manual provides:
I.4. Unlawful combatants“Unlawful” combatants are those who take a direct part in hostilities without having the legal right to do so according to the LOAC.I.4.1. Civilians participating in hostilitiesCivilians who take a direct part in hostilities (other than in a levée en masse) are unlawful combatants. They lose their protection as civilian persons and become lawful objectives during the time they take a direct part in hostilities. ……II.1. Legitimate objectives…II.1.1. Definitions“Legitimate objectives” comprise combatants, unlawful combatants and military objectives. …
II.1.5. Unlawful combatantsUnlawful combatants are legitimate objectives during the time they take a direct part in hostilities. Unlawful combatants comprise:- civilians (except for those who are lawful combatants because they participate in a levée en masse).
And the involvement by the UN to protect the army is contrary to the convention since II.1. Legitimate objectives…I“Legitimate objectives” comprise combatants, unlawful combatants and military objectives. And that's what was recently targeted by the attackers
the Council’s decision to transfer to UNOCI three attack helicopters from its Mission in Liberia. That measure was urgent, as it would increase the capacity for deterrence and early reaction when faced with destabilization threats.
So why the international community is in supports of destabilization of the so called repressive and dictatorial regimes such as in Libya,Egypt, Ivory Coast (prior to the putsch against Gbagbo) and now Syria, ? Yet with all the abuses of human right from Ouattara the UN is going against his mandate and get involved in the hostility along side dictatorship. . It seems obviously to be an act of self defense from the population who is not protected by the UN and have a complete silence and from the so called international community who forgot about it's famous R2P(Right to protect or Responsibility to protect) probably reserved for only a chosen internationally recognized certain part of the population.. Worse it's when the UN urge the population to respect that very represive regime internationally recognized and strongly rejected nationally since it has nver been the choice of th people. This exposes why the UN and the "International community " are silent n refuse the protect the civilian population and fight alongside the dictatorship who can commits all sort of crimes in all impunity.. They say very often when committing their crimes." we''ll kill you and nothing would happen" this can only be said by people who have the assurance of protection , the instruction and green light of the omnipotent "international community". If this statement is incorrect then we would take the whole world as witness and call for a national march, and protest (to show that we have never voted this non Ivorian as president ) with the guaranty of the full protection of the UN/ French troops during and after the march. We therefore call the real international community and the UN to stand up and take their responsibilities in all the crimes commuted since Avril 2011 and still going on in Ivory Coast. By the way the UN or the international community can suit us for defamation if they believe we are not telling the truth,
Ivory Coast camp attack victims say U.N. failed to protect them
Caught red-handed
UNOCI, tasked by the U.N. Security Council to protect civilians under imminent threat of physical violence, said its detachment in the camp was intended to provide security for aid workers and their equipment and that its staff had been "surrounded and blocked by the crowd".
"Ivorian authorities were in charge of the general security of the camp ... I would like to reiterate that at no time was the security of the camp under UNOCI's responsibility," Arnauld Akodjenou, the deputy head of the mission, said on Saturday.
Ivorian authorities have also promised to investigate.
Duekoue has long been a flashpoint for ethnic violence aggravated by disputes over land ownership. Human rights investigators say about 800 people were massacred there during last year's conflict. Friday's attack was also ethnically motivated.
"The failure of the Ivorian security forces and U.N. peacekeepers to protect those in the camp raises serious concerns," said Matt Wells, West Africa researcher with Human Rights Watch.
"UNOCI has often played an important role in civilian protection, but the inability to stop the attackers in this instance should spur an immediate investigation into what went wrong, with a commitment to make public the findings."
So was it because they were blocked by the crowd or simply that it was rather the Ivorian authorities who were in charge of the general security of the camp ? These kind of lies and denials are more than serious especially when it involve the live civilian population.
The Blame Game
* U.N. peacekeepers, police present during raid on civilian
* Seven killed, 50 wounded in attack in volatile west
* U.N. mission says government responsible for security
American Embassy’s National Daily Press Review
This daily press review is compiled by the Information Section of the Public Affairs Office of the American Embassy in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire.
1. New details on armed attack and mass prison break in Dabou
2. Ivorian and Liberian authorities say the UN must help monitor security along their common border
3. Gender-based violence still calls for action, woman rights activist says
4. South Africa-based airline company to resume activities from Abidjan
3. Gender-based violence still calls for action, woman rights activist says
According to Mrs. Josiane Adoubi, the National Coordinator of the PAIMSC, a government-sponsored task force set up to fight against gender-based violence, efforts are still needed to address the issue. Speaking in the course of an interview with Notre Voie (p. 6), Mrs. Adoubi argued that though achievements have been made over the past decade, the recent political and social unrest have exacerbated the issue of gender-based violence nationwide; hence her plea for continued support from the government and international partners in the fight against the phenomenon.
For questions regarding this service, please contact: Mr. Folli Teko in the Public Affairs Press Office, TekoFX@state.gov.
If we link the above statement with this :
Human rights abuses in Côte d'Ivoire on rise: UN
Human rights violations perpetrated by soldiers are on the rise in the West African country of Côte d'Ivoire, according to the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI).UNOCI spokesman, Kenneth Blackman, told reporters in Abidjan that members of the armed forces, known as FRCI, are accused of carrying out rapes, acts of torture, armed robberies and other abuses in several locations in recent weeks.
And all that without a single arrest or a single Security Council resolution , we are not even talking about the Duekoué genocide where aver 1000 civilians were killed (according to the British Red cross who counted bodies) by Ouatarra forces and the continuous daily human right abuses
Yet on a simple allegation about 7 women killed by the Ivorian Defense abs Security Forces (under Gbagbo ruling) without any investigationa the Security Council manipulated by Sarkozy's France made a resolution , froze Gbagbo' and his family as well as all his collaborators accounts, embargo on goods and drugs followed.
Again the video experts think the scene is very dubious.....
Now as you can see this is not a conspiracy theory it is a reality the Ivorian's daily life since the UN had this ingenious democratic idea to resolve a disputed election result by the refusal to recount the vote ( as was the case in many other countries including the USA.) bomb the palace of the president who contested the UN certification of the results. Notice that the UN was already involved in an issues of elections mass frauds in Afghanistan and Haiti . In the case of Afghanistan we strangely find the same usual suspects (USA, France embassy as well as the UN) as claimed by the beneficiary of the frauds President Karsai and the former deputy special representative of the United Nations in Afghanistan Mr Peter W. Galbraith .This whistle-blowing costed his job since he was sacked for exposing the UN collusion with so called IEC regardig the mass frauds.
Can we trust the UN after all this ?
This amateur video was made by a patriot at Sebroko (Côte d'Ivoire), outside the headquarters of UNOCI. He filmed unknowingly staged death orchestrated by peacekeepers, French journalists and puppets acquired at the cause of Mr Alassane Dramane Ouattara.
Watch and have a good look at the end of the video the young man pretended as dead, gets up after the "medias" finished their staged footage.
This staging will serve as a support to TF1 to overwhelm the Gbagbo regime, mass killings evoke and invoke likely use ICC at the 20H News
For the rest going through the Common Article 3 of the 1949 Geneva Conventions in relation the conflict in Ivory Coast we can see that accusations of civilian killings from the Ivorian army under Gbagbo ruling were false.
Côte d’Ivoire mandate of the UN
Côte d’Ivoire’s Teaching Manual (2007) provides in Book I (Basic instruction):II.1. Protected persons and objects- Civilians: persons who are not members of the armed forces and who do not take part in hostilities.
In Book III, Volume 1 (Instruction of first-year trainee officers), the Teaching Manual provides:Chapter 1. Introduction to the law of war…
II.1. DistinctionAt all times, a distinction must be clearly made between combatants and civilians or the civilian population as such … Civilians are protected against attacks, but they lose that protection during the time of their effective participation in hostilities.…Chapter 3. Identification
…II.1. Civilians
Civilians must not be attacked … Civilians are not entitled to take part directly in hostilities. If they do, they lose their status as civilians during the time of their direct participation ……II. 4. Civilians accompanying the armed forcesCivilians accompanying the armed forces are, for example, war correspondents, personnel responsible for the wellbeing of the armed forces, supply contractors, members of labour units or civilian members of crews of military aircraft … They are in the same situation as other civilians; in order to be entitled to protection against attacks, they must abstain from directly taking part in the hostilities.

I.4. Unlawful combatants“Unlawful” combatants are those who take a direct part in hostilities without having the legal right to do so according to the LOAC.I.4.1. Civilians participating in hostilitiesCivilians who take a direct part in hostilities (other than in a levée en masse) are unlawful combatants. They lose their protection as civilian persons and become lawful objectives during the time they take a direct part in hostilities. ……II.1. Legitimate objectives…II.1.1. Definitions“Legitimate objectives” comprise combatants, unlawful combatants and military objectives. …
II.1.5. Unlawful combatantsUnlawful combatants are legitimate objectives during the time they take a direct part in hostilities. Unlawful combatants comprise:- civilians (except for those who are lawful combatants because they participate in a levée en masse).

And the involvement by the UN to protect the army is contrary to the convention since II.1. Legitimate objectives…I“Legitimate objectives” comprise combatants, unlawful combatants and military objectives. And that's what was recently targeted by the attackers
the Council’s decision to transfer to UNOCI three attack helicopters from its Mission in Liberia. That measure was urgent, as it would increase the capacity for deterrence and early reaction when faced with destabilization threats.
So why the international community is in supports of destabilization of the so called repressive and dictatorial regimes such as in Libya,Egypt, Ivory Coast (prior to the putsch against Gbagbo) and now Syria, ? Yet with all the abuses of human right from Ouattara the UN is going against his mandate and get involved in the hostility along side dictatorship. . It seems obviously to be an act of self defense from the population who is not protected by the UN and have a complete silence and from the so called international community who forgot about it's famous R2P(Right to protect or Responsibility to protect) probably reserved for only a chosen internationally recognized certain part of the population.. Worse it's when the UN urge the population to respect that very represive regime internationally recognized and strongly rejected nationally since it has nver been the choice of th people. This exposes why the UN and the "International community " are silent n refuse the protect the civilian population and fight alongside the dictatorship who can commits all sort of crimes in all impunity.. They say very often when committing their crimes." we''ll kill you and nothing would happen" this can only be said by people who have the assurance of protection , the instruction and green light of the omnipotent "international community". If this statement is incorrect then we would take the whole world as witness and call for a national march, and protest (to show that we have never voted this non Ivorian as president ) with the guaranty of the full protection of the UN/ French troops during and after the march. We therefore call the real international community and the UN to stand up and take their responsibilities in all the crimes commuted since Avril 2011 and still going on in Ivory Coast. By the way the UN or the international community can suit us for defamation if they believe we are not telling the truth,
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