Writing on 16/08/12

ivory coast paddy
This is a disturbing information, which is found in the pages "Confidential" to the Parisian weekly specialized on Africa "Jeune Afrique". "Several major foreign agro-industrial groups are currently negotiating with the National Rice office. Among them, the French Mimran, who plans to produce 1 million tonnes of white rice along the river Bandama, between Grand Lahou and Tiassalé (South), but the Franco-American Louis Dreyfus, the Swiss investment Grain Company and the Singaporean Olam Export Trading Corporation and Singapore Agritech. Hundreds of thousands of hectares are concerned, "wrote the title. adding a pretty special.detail that "According to the Ivorian landlaw , a foreign company cannot acquire land, only benefit from long leases." Is this means that the would be a change in the law that protects the Ivorian rural land heritage for the investment projects to be activated?
Anyway, Alassane Ouattara makes no secret of his desire to change the 1998 law on rural land , which is also a serious bone of contention with its ally, the PDCI. In addition, the firm Armajaro, led by the British Anthony Ward and whose Africa director is Loïc Folloroux , the step-son of the current head of state, has been repeatedly suspected of having been "informed" of different attempts to destabilize the Ivory Coast, to the point of speculating quite appropriately, is also interested by the question. "Anthony Ward [...] wants to go to the conquest of arable land in Africa. In summer 2009 already, the company distributed two million dollars to cooperatives and farmers Certified 'network' Sustainable Production "in collaboration with GTZ, USAID and Kraft. After the certified cocoa and coffee , the UK Holding turns to food, this time betting on the population boom and the increasing world's hunger, "wrote the journal The Economic Africas in July 2010.After Liberia and Sierra Leone?The American speculator George Soros, whose name has often been cited among the financial supporters of Ouattara's political adventure, also has"eyes open". "I am convinced that lands will become one of the best investments of our time. Eventually, of course, food prices reach a level where the market will likely be inundated with food, following the development of new lands, or new technologies, or both, and the high market will disappear. But we're not there yet, "he said in June 2009.Furthermore, when one observes the two African countries most affected by grabbing ofarable land in black Africa, we see that the first two being Liberia (67% of arable land in the hands of foreign groups) and Sierra Leone ( 15%). These countries are, like Ivory Coast, the West African countries that have experienced terrible wars that benefited "the new predators," where the "international community" has installed his foals after elections that she controlled from start to finish, and where UN operations continue long after the armed conflict in order to protect new food moguls before using the power of states to impose themselves on the natives? Vigilance is necessary.
Philippe Brou
UN WATCH IVORY COAST Many times warned about the occupation of rich lands by the so called international community pretesting Right to protect or help to bring democracy. The UN/NATO often used as political or military means to achieve that goal. This is how the new world order intend to acquire resources, energies to have the control and impose the one world government . From this background you it should be clearer why the "international community" wanted to impose a Burkina Faso national as Ivory Coast president against the choice of the democratically elected president Laurent Gbagbo. You should understand by now why war was preferred over the recounting of the vote which is the most democratic and intelligent thing to do when thete's a disputed election result. Elections which were rigged, manipulated once again with the help of the usual suspect as was the case in Afghanistan and Haiti by the UN, the US and French, Ambassadors. You'll certainly understand why the rebel have never been disarmed by the UN/French mission, why the "international community " created the rebellion, armed and formed the rebels. Why Gbagbo and all his closes collaborators as well as sympathiser supporters illegally incarcerated , The point is not just understanding by what shall we do next ?

ivory coast paddy
This is a disturbing information, which is found in the pages "Confidential" to the Parisian weekly specialized on Africa "Jeune Afrique". "Several major foreign agro-industrial groups are currently negotiating with the National Rice office. Among them, the French Mimran, who plans to produce 1 million tonnes of white rice along the river Bandama, between Grand Lahou and Tiassalé (South), but the Franco-American Louis Dreyfus, the Swiss investment Grain Company and the Singaporean Olam Export Trading Corporation and Singapore Agritech. Hundreds of thousands of hectares are concerned, "wrote the title. adding a pretty special.detail that "According to the Ivorian landlaw , a foreign company cannot acquire land, only benefit from long leases." Is this means that the would be a change in the law that protects the Ivorian rural land heritage for the investment projects to be activated?
Anyway, Alassane Ouattara makes no secret of his desire to change the 1998 law on rural land , which is also a serious bone of contention with its ally, the PDCI. In addition, the firm Armajaro, led by the British Anthony Ward and whose Africa director is Loïc Folloroux , the step-son of the current head of state, has been repeatedly suspected of having been "informed" of different attempts to destabilize the Ivory Coast, to the point of speculating quite appropriately, is also interested by the question. "Anthony Ward [...] wants to go to the conquest of arable land in Africa. In summer 2009 already, the company distributed two million dollars to cooperatives and farmers Certified 'network' Sustainable Production "in collaboration with GTZ, USAID and Kraft. After the certified cocoa and coffee , the UK Holding turns to food, this time betting on the population boom and the increasing world's hunger, "wrote the journal The Economic Africas in July 2010.After Liberia and Sierra Leone?The American speculator George Soros, whose name has often been cited among the financial supporters of Ouattara's political adventure, also has"eyes open". "I am convinced that lands will become one of the best investments of our time. Eventually, of course, food prices reach a level where the market will likely be inundated with food, following the development of new lands, or new technologies, or both, and the high market will disappear. But we're not there yet, "he said in June 2009.Furthermore, when one observes the two African countries most affected by grabbing ofarable land in black Africa, we see that the first two being Liberia (67% of arable land in the hands of foreign groups) and Sierra Leone ( 15%). These countries are, like Ivory Coast, the West African countries that have experienced terrible wars that benefited "the new predators," where the "international community" has installed his foals after elections that she controlled from start to finish, and where UN operations continue long after the armed conflict in order to protect new food moguls before using the power of states to impose themselves on the natives? Vigilance is necessary.
Philippe Brou
UN WATCH IVORY COAST Many times warned about the occupation of rich lands by the so called international community pretesting Right to protect or help to bring democracy. The UN/NATO often used as political or military means to achieve that goal. This is how the new world order intend to acquire resources, energies to have the control and impose the one world government . From this background you it should be clearer why the "international community" wanted to impose a Burkina Faso national as Ivory Coast president against the choice of the democratically elected president Laurent Gbagbo. You should understand by now why war was preferred over the recounting of the vote which is the most democratic and intelligent thing to do when thete's a disputed election result. Elections which were rigged, manipulated once again with the help of the usual suspect as was the case in Afghanistan and Haiti by the UN, the US and French, Ambassadors. You'll certainly understand why the rebel have never been disarmed by the UN/French mission, why the "international community " created the rebellion, armed and formed the rebels. Why Gbagbo and all his closes collaborators as well as sympathiser supporters illegally incarcerated , The point is not just understanding by what shall we do next ?
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