This is what DavidSimonTonge,Ambassador of the UnitedKingdom of GreatBritain andNorthern Ireland`in Côte d'Ivoire / Ivory Coast said hiscountrywill continue to supportto the by, seizingthe UN to strengthen . This is what the UN and the French troops are overseeing, This is what Obama. Cameron, Hilary Clinton and the so called international community as well as their medias have been praising as democratic . This what our tax money will soon fund .
police Lt. Yacouba Koné, it is the Commissioner Alain Amane who was abducted
and murdered in mysterious circumstances worthy of a thriller. And reflect the total insecurity in which is immersed Côte d'Ivoire under Alassane Ouattara . with army forces Composites in which some branches are criminalized.Alert. Killers cops are the city. With
these serial murders, Côte d'Ivoire is plunged dangerously in a chronic
insecurity and risk of descending into chaos if we are not careful. While
attacks against the positions of the FRCI are still a mystery, the
Ouattara regime refusing to open a serious investigation, another
phenomenon - more pernicious - is taking shape. It is the rape followed by murder of police officers who tends to generalize. In the space of a week, the police recorded a second victim in its ranks. After
police lieutenant Yacouba Koné, killed by several bullets last week
after being abducted by a "commando unknown", the Commissioner of Police
29th District neighborhood located in Biafra, in Treichville, who found
death yesterday under equally mysterious.According
to reports, yesterday during the day the was a rumor that the abdugation of the
Commissioner Alain Amane invaded the networks of the national police. The news was taken seriously. Searches were
undertaken expeditiously will find, alas, his lifeless body on the
highway north, precisely in the vicinity of the town of Elibou ext
kilometer 75, in the administrative district of Sikensi. Sources say that the police officer was murdered and that he had died when his captors left him on the north highway .His body was transported, according to our informants, the Military Hospital of Abidjan (HMA). An autopsy will tell more about the exact circumstances of the brutal murder series. Indignation
is large in the national police where different bodies take the bet
does not go unpunished serial murders within the corporation. In
the space of a week, and are two police officers who were killed after
being abducted by men in military uniforms and traveling in 4x4
vehicles. The
police station in the 33rd district police in Port-Bouet Gonzagueville
the lieutenant Yacouba Koné was abducted by heavily armed strangers led
him to an unknown destination before been executed by several bullets. Despite the intervention of two police commissioners who were able to come into contact with the kidnappers. Eyes were then turned to the FRCI central base in Port-Bouet . Which suggests to a serial killers or settling of accounts whose authors are lurking in the army.Emmanuel Akani
Is thus we have been always supporting and intend to continue supporting with the taxpayers money ?
Meanwhile DavidSimonTonge,Ambassador of the UnitedKingdom of GreatBritain andNorthern Ireland`in Côte d'Ivoire said that hiscountrywill continue its supportto the Ivorian government, seizingthe UN"to strengthen the security of theCôte d'Ivoire" Well the first to do should be bringing the head of the army to justice since these crimes are organized to get rid of the previous Ivorian officers and replace them by foreigners it's no linger a secret.
Repression, massacres,arrests, kidnappingsofopponents: Ouattaraisnotready for democracy.As in 1992,theHouseofDetention and CorrectionofAbidjan (MACA)is once againtheseatoftheIvorianPopular Front (FPI).TheLagoonsDictatorholdatleastoneofhiscampaign promises:"Give mefiveyearsand I will changethe face ofthis country."CongratulationsOuattara. By Toussaint Alain He did it even faster than he thought just a year was enough to eradicate the opposition party and anyone with a different view. some leaders of the FPI currently infreedom such as JustinKua andAmani N'Guessancould be arrestedinthe coming days.the same sourcewehad already alerted us about the arrestofLaurentplannedAkountheNo. 2of the FPI who is presently incarcerated with no right of visit.This informationhas beenhidden.What was meant to happen happened.We makethisinformationpublicso that security measuresand precautionswould be taken.According to the samesourcethe intension ofbloodythisrtyDramaneis tocondemntheimmediate influential party leaders for 6 months.They will thenbeen declared ineligiblefor the upcoming electionswith this as a criminal record. And all this is condoned by the international community , well at
least that's what it appears to be since they are all aware of what's
going on, the UN and all the foreign diplomats are right there....And no
one sees anything wrong with that nothing it's said no condemnation of
those human right abuses.
If it looks the mafia, smells like the mafia acts like the mafiathen it must be the mafia.. Strengtheningsecurity in Côted'Ivoire: The UKready to seize theUN
Government activities: the ambassadorofUK, Mr.DavidSimonTongewith the MinisterofState`Hamed Bakayoko Wednesday, August 22, 2012. Abidjan.Office of the Minister`sStateMinisterof interior .HamedBakayokoreceivesSEMDavidSimonTonge,Ambassador of the UnitedKingdom of GreatBritain andNorthern Ireland`in Côte d'Ivoire
Abidjan -The UnitedKingdomis ready to seizethe Security Councilof the United Nationsto strengthen the Security theIvory Coast, said onThursday in theIvorian press.
Received in audienceon Wednesday bytheIvorian Minister ofthe Interior,HamedBakayoko, Ambassador of Great Britainin Côte d'Ivoire, SimonTongeDavidexchanged withthe hostonsecurity issuesin the contextofrenewed violence,marked byrepeated attacks againstthe Ivorian armyby unknown gunmen, the newspaper reported Fraternite Matin.
Côte d'Ivoire iswithin the scopeof an embargo onthe importation of arms, established by resolutionof the Security Council1572-2004UN, the strongestmilitary-political crisisin Côte d'Ivoiresince 2004,recallsone.
British diplomatsaid that hiscountrywill continue its supportto the Ivorian government, seizingthe UN"to strengthen the security of theCôte d'Ivoire."
its well known that slavery in the old days was of economic order as it
is in the modern days. The shackles and the whip have been replaced by
debts and sanctions, embargoes.ICC sentences, assets freezing. The shackles are laid on Africans through the IMF which has strangely transformed countries very
in resources into High Indebted Poor Countries , and the whip is used
through the UNSC, EU etc the UN /NATO/French troops are those guarding
or executing the slaves. Otherwise how on earth someone in his/her right
mind could say such thing as "hiscountrywill continue its supportto the Ivorian government, seizingthe UN"to strengthen the security of theCôte d'Ivoire." knowing that we are dealing with a genocide perpetrator regime? It was the British Red Cross who reported the Duekoue genocide. UNOCI spokesman, Kenneth Blackman, told
reporters in Abidjan that members of the armed forces, known as FRCI,
are accused of carrying out rapes, acts of torture, armed robberies and
other abuses(kidnapping, massacres) in several locations
Human rights abuses in Côte d'Ivoire on rise: UN
UNOCI peacekeepers
Human rights violations perpetrated by soldiers are on the rise in the West African country of Côte d'Ivoire, according to the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI).
spokesman, Kenneth Blackman, told reporters in Abidjan that members of
the armed forces, known as FRCI, are accused of carrying out rapes, acts
of torture, armed robberies and other abuses in several locations in
recent weeks.
all that without a single arrest or a single Security Council
resolution , we are not even talking about the Duekoué genocide where
aver 1000 civilians were killed (according to the British Red cross who
counted bodies) by Ouatarra forces and the continuous daily human right
And American Embassy’s National Daily Press Review This
daily press review is compiled by the Information Section of the Public
Affairs Office of the American Embassy in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire.
1. New details on armed attack and mass prison break in Dabou
2. Ivorian and Liberian authorities say the UN must help monitor security along their common border
3. Gender-based violence still calls for action, woman rights activist says
4. South Africa-based airline company to resume activities from Abidjan 3. Gender-based violence still calls for action, woman rights activist says
to Mrs. Josiane Adoubi, the National Coordinator of the PAIMSC, a
government-sponsored task force set up to fight against gender-based
violence, efforts are still needed to address the issue. Speaking in the
course of an interview with Notre Voie (p. 6), Mrs.
Adoubi argued that though achievements have been made over the past
decade, the recent political and social unrest have exacerbated the
issue of gender-based violence nationwide; hence her plea for continued
support from the government and international partners in the fight
against the phenomenon.
For questions regarding this service, please contact: Mr. Folli Teko in the Public Affairs Press Office,
As we rightly said before Ouattara stands on the"international community's omnipotence " to commit odious crimes against the Ivoirians.
With such support from the UK and other Western countries as well as
the UN there's no doubt one can kill in all impunity. Notice that the UK
and France have signed a "secret" (secret in the sens that majority of
British and French citizen never heard of it)treaty for common or join
army. And Francois Hollande in order to keep his promise of not getting
involved in the African internal affairs can easily pass the relay stick
to his British counterpart to do the dirty job Sarkozy was doing. This
is nothing but a real mafia activity as we know that the firm Armajero, led by the British Anthony Ward(former Bristish secret service agent) and whose
Africa director is LoïcFolloroux , the step-son of the current head of
state, has been repeatedly suspected of having been "involved" of
different attempts to destabilize the Ivory Coast, to the point of speculating quite appropriately, is also interested by the issue. "Anthony Ward [...] wants to go to the conquest of arable land in Africa. In
summer 2009 already, the company distributed two million dollars to
cooperatives and farmers Certified 'network' Sustainable Production "in
collaboration with GTZ, USAID and Kraft. After
the certified cocoa and coffee , the UK Holding turns to food, this time
betting on the population boom and the increasing world's hunger, "wrote
the journal The Economic Africa in July 2010.After Liberia and Sierra Leone would it be Ivory Coast ?The
American speculator George Soros(Antony Ward's partner),
whose name has often been cited among
the financial supporters(in arming rebels, destabilizing the the legal,
sovereign regime through his philanthropic organization and NGO suxh as
HWR) of Ouattara's political adventure, also has"eyes
open". "I am convinced that lands will become one of the best investments of our time. Eventually,
of course, food prices reach a level where the market will likely be
inundated with food, following the development of new lands, or new
technologies, or both, and the high market will disappear. But we're not there yet, "he said in June 2009.Furthermore,
when one observes the two African countries most affected by grabbing ofarable
land in black Africa, we see that the first two being Liberia
(67% of arable land in the hands of foreign groups) and Sierra Leone ( 15%). These
countries are, like Ivory Coast, the West African countries that have
experienced terrible wars that benefited "the new predators," where the
"international community" has installed his foals after elections
that she controlled from start to finish, and where UN operations continue long after the armed conflict in order to protect new foodmoguls before using the power of states to impose themselves on the natives?
You would find Antony Ward and George Soros linked very often to mafia
style financial transactions , regime destabilization and the IMF which
is in fact one body with the UN....Now can you see the big picture ? In
Syria we have to destabilize the legal, legitimate regime for being over
repressive on armed rebels. And in Ivory Coast as well as in DR Congo
we have to protect the genocide perpetrator, human right abuser regimes
who guaranty to sell out the sovereignty of country and lets us exploit
the resources almost for free since they are ranked High Indebted Poor
Countries known in plain language as bankrupt therefore belonging to the
multinationals mafia clothed in the IMF. Notice that in UK , France, US
repression on protesters ,rioters are seen as reestablishing order yet
we do worse in other people countries by organizing armed rebellions to
destabilize and overthrow legal regimes.The UK is known as one of the
most integrate high moral standard countries in the world and we should
not go in the way of the mafia if we want to defend the British value,
Our Interest would be well defended if we keep the value of high moral
standard and expose the mafia.
Kpolo Ouattara (Ivorian Office of Natural Parks and Reserves interview):'' Those who are
inside the park are mostly foreigners .Every week, two or three buses
transport the illegal discharge, thus increasing their population. If you share on the basis of two convoys per week, is easily make up 600 people a month.''How are the activities of Mont Peko park today? I took office in Duékoué in December 2011. In fact, I was here in 2008-2009 and I went on training. With regard to the conservation of the park, our absence on the ground since 2002 has had an impact. It was the same everywhere. Even our premises were occupied by the military. We do not exist even in the city. After the post-election crisis, we occupy our local revenues had become, in the meantime, housing some elements of FRCI. We partially rehabilitated the building in March 2012. Unfortunately for us, we are told that the FRCI back. We were told that this is temporary. But it worries us. And the park itself?In technical terms, this is another problem. It was tough. The staff I found there was not on the ground. Attack risks were great. Especially at the level of the park, there was a lot of information circulating. What these rumors were about?It is mainly the presence of armed men in the park. Myself, after six months of service, I went there once. Why are you afraid, too?I was aware of the situation when I arrived. My method was to approach local residents before meeting those in the park. We are emerging from an armed crisis . I can not commit just ar my arrival, repression. I had strict instructions from my superiors in this direction. So I came as an agent of development. Locally, I relied on the population. Because people thought the Forestry would no longer be back and the area had been decommissioned. I succeeded in my mission partly because the prefects and sub-prefects helped me. Two-thirds of the park are in the department of Bangolo and the other third in Duékoué. It was about meeting the infiltrators. I've sent them invitations with the help of sub-prefects of Guinglo Taouaké, Bléni-Méhouin. But they refused to meet me. What is the nature of the infiltrated population ? For us, they are peasants. Those of them who told me, asked me to get in touch with Amadé Ouérémi before meeting. But for me, it is about people who are individually illegals. This is where I realized that they are organized. From February 2012, I changed my strategy in seeking to meet Amadé Ouérémi in vain. I went through the same sub-prefects, without success. And when I wanted to get into the park to see it directly, I was dissuaded by evoking the danger I was exposing myself. Have you tried to reach Amadé Ouérémi by phone? The Number, I had worked well. But he never answers. I learned later that he does not answer calls from numbers he doesn't know. So I changed the method again. Doing what?I went by people who are close to him. Including fellow Burkina Faso. Only promises were made. I tried to meet him through the sub-prefect of Bagohouo who sent me to meetings to introduce myself to the population, in vain. What have you done?Finally, I took my courage in both hands to enter the park. Why such a fateful decision?I had a time constraint because of the assessment mission parks. Experts had to come to see the degradation of Peko (fauna and flora). I referred to the sub-prefect of Bagohouo who encouraged me. As to the head of the village, he said: "Go ahead, but I can not accompany you." There was one week left for beginning of the mission. I took the path that leads to the camp Amadé Ouérémi. I came to a corridor where people asked me what I was doing in this place. were these people armed? They were in civilian clothes and were unarmed. They were a dozen. I was asked if I had an appointment with Amadé Ouérémi. When I answered in the negative, I was asked to wait. Fifteen minutes later, Amadé Ouérémi appeared. It was April 25. He was not happy that I got into the forest. What has he given as an argument to justify his displeasure?He asked who allowed me to enter the park. He threatened me saying he does not like the Forestry officers because it is his forest. He even told me that if I came to look for trouble, he was ready. He uttered death threats against me. What did he say exactly?He said he was going to kill us.How many people have done this mission? We were four. I answered Amadé Ouérémi that Ihad balanced the danger I was exposing myself to. But I was not there to cause problems. He became a little cold. I told him: "For five months, I could not see you. I
am in charge of the Mont Peko and I'm here to announce that an
evaluation mission will come from Abidjan in a week to visit the park. It is in your interest and ours. This mission is being conducted by the Government of Côte d'Ivoire. If you object, it is as if you are opposed to the government of Côte d'Ivoire. " What was his reaction?He told me that he has invested a lot of money in the park. If the mission had to it snatch from him, he would not allow them to do so. He must be compensated. What does he mean by "investing money in the park''?He made plantations. I replied: "I am a clerk of the State. We have to show the mission your officials investment in the park. Only the State can decide your fate. If one day, the park is downgraded, I will be assigned elsewhere. " did he authorize the mission of experts?There was no question of an authorization. But just telling him that a mission is imposed to all of us. Did this mission happen? It actually took place from February to March.Smoothly?The second day of the mission, Amadé Ouérémi men wanted to make resistance to the group of agents in the mesh. They are taken on the bird expert , it should be known that the feature of this park is that it houses a rare species of birds. This is what allowed it to benefit from a project. It was necessary to ensure that the birds were still there. There were still two false notes. Why?When sociologists came, they saw the heads of the villages, they asked to meet the infiltrators. Ouérémi and its components declined. Towards the end of the mission, we were stressed. A
final stage was to check the state of the tracks that surround the
park which one of the missions is the development of tourism. Once the mission was over, there was the release of government asking infiltrators out of protected areas. Amadé Ouérémi and his men thought the object of the mission was to find out their position and report to Abidjan. Were you in the mission?No. I sent two of my officers. I was already known, we had to avoid tempers flare. I was patrolling around the park to alert the authorities if necessary. Did the mission see this rare bird? This is only my hierarchy can answer. I can not discuss the findings of a mission that I am not the sponsor of. Can the park still be saved? The purpose of a park, this is not necessarily the forest. It is also the terrain, landscape, wildlife. If we leave it alone, it can be replenished. There are elephants and chimpanzees in the park. They are hunted. The farm is also very intense. This puts the park at risk. What
do you say to people who complain that natives are prevented from
working in the park, yet Amadé Ouérémi(from Burkina Faso) is working in
peace? They are right. This park is preserved since the colonial period. It has a very important role in the region. Today, we realize that the river Sassandra is dying. One cause of this is the destruction of Peko is one of its tanks. All streams that leave the Péko are dry. In the fields, people distort the beds of streams. How to resolve the case of Amadé Ouérémi?We refer to our hierarchy and government. The issue is very sensitive to various reasons. Why?Those who are inside the park are mostly foreigners(from Burkina Faso). As manager of Mont Peko, it is not for me to carry out actions that may lead to unrest in the region. What is the real state of the park today?Can not answer without a study of the park. However, it is impossible to do. Because the park has become a powder keg. Each week, two or three buses to transport the illegal discharge, thus increasing their population. Making on the basis of two convoys per week, it is easily 600 people per month. Initially, the newcomers were farm laborers in the service of the former. When they have the means, after their contracts, they in turn buy shares of forest. They are well organized on site. Why not going in through Bangolo?Everywhere, they refer you to Amadé Ouérémi. In fact, there were two groups at the beginning . At Bangolo a certain Bakary, and Ouérémi in the area of Duékoué. Each worked separately. There was a conflict of jurisdiction between the two groups when the two fields trespassed each other around 2008-2009. Following the clashes, Amadé Ouérémi took over. Interviewed in Duékoué by Gouly
the above interview shows exactly what kind of life native Ivorians
are suffering since the so called international community started to destabilize Ivory Coast legal government in order to subdue the people and take the land and
its resources . To achieved this goal political , economical as well
as social plan were put into action. Thus a armed rebellion, supported
in secret by many EU countries and the US through their NGO's, medias
fabricated allegations (of repression toward a certain people etc)
against the legitimate government. This was done until the government of
was forced to go into a planned rigged election by the UN who failed in
his mission of disarming the rebels as required its mandate before any
election happens. The worse was to opt for war, bombarding the civilian
and presidential palace rather than recounting the disputed election
results as any real democratic people would do. From all this we
understand that multinationals and their commercial representatives
called heads of state in US, and the EU as well as their army UN /
French troops would do their best to make this big plan happen. In the
context of this classified natural park very well known it would be
like in Brazil amazonian rainforest with the difference that in Ivory
Coast multinational owns the country now since it's classified as a High
Indebted Poor Country which is plain language means bankrupt country
bailled ou by multinational clothed as IMF, It goes like this
organizing an armed rebellion all sponsored by the so called
international community, During the rebellion the country was divided in
two with the rebels occupying 60% of the territory including the Mont
Peko classified natural park region as well many other region very rich in resources. Then impose a Burkina Faso national who has never be voted
by the Ivorian as president (no wonder he's only internationally
recognized as such but nationally rejected by the people) . It was
obvious that this man could not even reach the second round of the
elections if the UN and the EU did not rig the results ,reason for
refusing the recounting of the votes. Then after the occupied forest is
downgraded by the illegal infiltrators the lands could be purchased by
anyone ready to paid them the amount they are asking for to leave. How
do we know that Amadé Ouérémi a semi non alphabetized is aware about all this ? We just have to go by what he said " he has invested a lot of money in the park. If the mission had the snatch it from him, he would not allow them to do so. He must be compensated."
This can easily been done either by his fellow countryman (Burkina
Faso) made president my the international community against the will of
the people who can change the constitution make the land free from
exploitation restriction or after decided that park is not longer
classified the multinational can have it for free. And even buy out the
area occupy by the Burkina faso nationals who wouldn't mind selling
them since it's not their lands only the money counts for them. That's
why the international community wanted one of them non Ivorian as
president . Notice one of the UN mandate is to check the borders
especially in this area so how this people from Burkina Faso get in
place where native from the region are forbidden to enter because it's
classified natural park? But regarding Amadé Ouérémi there's an evidence that he's supported, trained and armed by international community, and the UN.
Here's Amadé Ouérémi with men receiving training from what seem to be a Western weapon expert probably US or French.
and that explains whyCaptain
Kpolo Ouattara (Ivorian Office of Natural Parks and Reserves
said "This is where I realized that they are organized." Yes indeed
well organized it's about an international plan which has been on for
about 30 years if not longer. Why killings, abuses even another genocide can take place in all impunity, no investigation, no arrest, no sanction since there are internationally condoned . The point is at this stage and level who would or
can help dismantle the master plan which is very well advanced ?
UN SEEN NOTHING YET worthy of arrest , sanctions, SC resolution despite the facts that
UNOCI spokesman, Kenneth Blackman, told reporters in Abidjan that
members of the armed forces, known as FRCI, are accused of carrying out
rapes, acts of torture, armed robberies and other abuses(kidnapping, massacres) in several
Human rights abuses in Côte d'Ivoire on rise: UN
UNOCI peacekeepers
Human rights violations perpetrated by soldiers are on the rise in the West African country of Côte d'Ivoire, according to the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI). UNOCI spokesman, Kenneth Blackman, told reporters in Abidjan that
members of the armed forces, known as FRCI, are accused of carrying out
rapes, acts of torture, armed robberies and other abuses in several
locations in recent weeks.
And all that without a single arrest or a single Security Council resolution , we are not even talking about the Duekoué
genocide where aver 1000 civilians were killed (according to the
British Red cross who counted bodies) by Ouatarra forces and the
continuous daily human right abuses
Yet on a simple allegation about 7 women killed
by the Ivorian Defense abs Security Forces (under Gbagbo ruling)
without any investigationa the Security Council manipulated by
Sarkozy's France made a resolution , froze Gbagbo' and his family as
well as all his collaborators accounts, embargo on goods and drugs
followed. Again the video experts think the scene is very dubious.....
All the above added to the report from :
American Embassy’s National Daily Press Review This daily press review is compiled by the Information Section of the
Public Affairs Office of the American Embassy in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. 1. New details on armed attack and mass prison break in Dabou 2. Ivorian and Liberian authorities say the UN must help monitor security along their common border 3. Gender-based violence still calls for action, woman rights activist says 4. South Africa-based airline company to resume activities from Abidjan 3. Gender-based violence still calls for action, woman rights activist says According
to Mrs. Josiane Adoubi, the National Coordinator of the PAIMSC, a
government-sponsored task force set up to fight against gender-based
violence, efforts are still needed to address the issue. Speaking in the
course of an interview with Notre Voie (p. 6), Mrs.
Adoubi argued that though achievements have been made over the past
decade, the recent political and social unrest have exacerbated the
issue of gender-based violence nationwide; hence her plea for continued
support from the government and international partners in the fight
against the phenomenon. For questions regarding this service, please contact: Mr. Folli Teko in the Public Affairs Press Office, And a collection of videos about the dailly FRCIabuse of civilian population
please watch the full serie then the genocide ...
but UN SEEN NOTHING YET.......still the perpetrators can commit the worse crimes in all impunity since it's done by the internationally recognized president who has never ben election the people of Ivory Coast / Cote D'Ivoire. An" international community" which is now now begging trying to force the population to obey, respect a government they have never elected and showing why repression is the only alternative for the nationally rejected regime which was imposed by a putsch. Talking about reconciliation in this atmosphere is more than ridiculous since we know that there won't be peace without justice and justice is not possible in the absence of truth. The truth in the context of the Ivorian situation is that the so called international community for so long has planned to subdue the world best Cocoa producer which even more richer in other mineral and energy resources . For that reason they imposed through the IMF structural adjustment program the Burkina Faso national Mr Ouattara in charge of the African department as agent to the Ivorian as minister of finance. Ivory Coast been very open to take on anyone willing to work for the country as theirs owns accepted the deal not knowing the political plan behind this initiative. It took the strange death of the first president Houphouet Boigny realise what the IMF and his main founders the multinational were up to. The first thing was to kill all idea of sovereignty through a total privatization as required by the IMF then bring the country economy on its knee in order to make it depend on the bailing out of te multinational which would mean that the country would belong to them and no longer the Ivorian. The UN then would be the real army watching on the situation intervening if any sign of recovery of sovereignty appears. like in the case of President Gbagbo defending the interest of the Ivorian against the multinationals. This set clarifies the whole situation in Ivory Coast. That's why like in the DRC "UN SEEN NOTHING YET" despite the fact that the issue in Ivory Coast is far worse than in Syria . Civilians who are not taking part in hostilities are massacred anywhere not in legitimate combat area like in Syria where rebels in army uniform or not are armed and target the official army from civilian area putting the live of civilians in danger when there a retaliation.
At Sahuyé pro Ouattara forces have killed more peopleYesterday we launched the alarm announcing that in the village of
Sahuyé Pro-Ouattara soldiers as they had done the day before at Agbaille
were spirited to massacre civilians. The details of what happened in Sahuyé we are concerned that the reality is beyond imagination. The massacres perpetrated by Pro Ouattara forces are scheduled and organized massacres. And toll that the press provides us with are probably well below what
that is about to happen in areas considered electorally acquired by
President Laurent Gbagbo. So
yesterday according the pro Ouattara newspaper INTER Sahuyé , gunmen belonging
to the pro Ouattara are positioned on the road to Sahuyé and began to
intercept all the cars that went in this village. After snatched and threw in the scrub all passengers cell phone batteries , armed men gave back the passengers smart phones and Then they ordered the driver to turn back. A few hours after these events, shots started ringing in the village of Sahuyé. As
we published yesterday, according to a witness on the spot who managed
to hide in the forest, the Pro Ouattara soldiers after gathering all the
villagers who they accused of harboring militia and hide weapons, began
to shoot at close range some of them. Contrary to what happened in Agbaille yesterday, this time, the soldiers of Ouattara killed men, women and children. The toll sheet Newpaper INTER provides us with still talking of 6 dead, but
according to our sources, there would have been many more deaths. This was a real massacre.
The modus operandi of these actions as we said above proves that these massacres are planned and organized. Pro
Ouattara forces indeed choose villages deemed to be committed to the
cause of President Gbagbo, render inoperative cellphone of potential witnesses,
gathering all the villagers to leave no witnesses and massacring as many as
possible. All this while the international forces of UNOCI and UNICORN are around. UNOCI
which these days seems busier to offer its services to the extradition
of President Gbagbo's spokesman more than the protection of civilians. The world is warned, in Côte d'Ivoire/Ivory Coast at the moment, a real genocide is underway.
If nothing is done it might be because it's an international condoned
genocide by the imposed international recognized et not nationally
elected (nationally rejected since he's non Ivorian but from Burkina
Faso) president. And lets ask why after the genocide in Duekoue and the continuing human right abuses not a single arrest has been made , not a single UN SC action, sanction, resolution taken yet Gbagbo's side went and is still under all the UN SC, EU sanctions, civilian bombing,account freezing ,warrant arrest , just based on allegations. Comparing the Syrian case where armed rebels repressed by the government is seen as the worse crimes and the so called international community is calling for sanction, and even government destabilization, we can establish without a doubt that there's a double standard (on behalf of NGO's , media, UN etc ) . Since in Syria we can talk about legitimate combat in civilian area where armed rebels in action are putting in danger the life of civilian. And as states the Geneva convention on war :Protected persons and objects- Civilians: persons who are not members of the armed forces and who do not take part in hostilities.
In Book III, Volume 1 (Instruction of first-year trainee officers), the Teaching Manual provides:Chapter 1. Introduction to the law of war…
II.1. DistinctionAt
all times, a distinction must be clearly made between combatants and
civilians or the civilian population as such … Civilians are protected
against attacks, but they lose that protection during the time of their
effective participation in hostilities.…Chapter 3. Identification …II.1. Civilians
must not be attacked … Civilians are not entitled to take part directly
in hostilities. If they do, they lose their status as civilians during
the time of their direct participation ……II. 4. Civilians accompanying the armed forces Civilians
accompanying the armed forces are, for example, war correspondents,
personnel responsible for the wellbeing of the armed forces, supply
contractors, members of labour units or civilian members of crews of
military aircraft … They are in the same situation as other civilians;
in order to be entitled to protection against attacks, they must abstain
from directly taking part in the hostilities. In Book IV (Instruction of heads of division and company commanders), the Teaching Manual provides:
I.4. Unlawful combatants“Unlawful”
combatants are those who take a direct part in hostilities without
having the legal right to do so according to the LOAC.I.4.1. Civilians participating in hostilities Civilians who take a direct part in hostilities (other than in a levée en masse)
are unlawful combatants. They lose their protection as civilian persons
and become lawful objectives during the time they take a direct part in
hostilities. ……II.1. Legitimate objectives…II.1.1. Definitions“Legitimate objectives” comprise combatants, unlawful combatants and military objectives. …
II.1.5. Unlawful combatants Unlawful
combatants are legitimate objectives during the time they take a direct
part in hostilities. Unlawful combatants comprise:- civilians (except
for those who are lawful combatants because they participate in a levée en masse). It's therefore clear that te situation in Ivory Coast as described above is far more about a genocide than the one in Syria so why the UN and the "international community" are more keen to sanction the Syrian government and is completely silent on the a worse situation in Ivory Coast ? Chose for yourself what's worse in both situation.