France is giving special trainings to the well known warlord on the the list of the UN and Human right NGO's who serve today as high officer in Ouattara army forces .And
Obama as well as Hilary gave their full support and as matter of fact US army is also giving training to militia the genocide perpetrating Burkinabean militia in the Western Ivory Coast .

Here's Amadé Ouérémi the head of Burkina Faso militia with his men receiving training from US army weapon expert .
British diplomat said that his country will continue its support to the Ivorian government, seizing the UN "to strengthen the security of the Côte d'Ivoire."
While Human rights violations perpetrated by soldiers are routine in the West African country of Côte d'Ivoire, according to the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI).
UNOCI spokesman, Kenneth Blackman, told reporters in Abidjan that members of the armed forces, known as FRCI, are accused of carrying out rapes, acts of torture, armed robberies and other abuses in several locations in recent weeks.
Yet British diplomat said that his country will continue its support to the Ivorian government, seizing the UN "to strengthen the security of the Côte d'Ivoire."
And Bert Koenders the special representative of the UN in Ivory Coast said :"We are here with our troops, with the police to secure the citizens and also to give peace,"
Yet again the Duekoue genocide as well as the Nihably refugees camps massacres happened in the presence of the UN and some NGO. Once again the UN and the so called international community expose their hidden but obvious involvement in the Ivorian's situation . Last week an armed fight between Ouattara's army and Ouattara militia and supporters in own Ouattara stronghold, no internatinal media mentioned that heavy weapons were involved. Worse the UN did not interven or speak about destabilization and no arm search followed. Those heavely armed supporters were the so called civilian whom the official army of Ivory were accused of attacking in 2010. So why the harsh intervention of Ouattara's army against these heavily armed "civilians" did not bother the France, US the UNSC as well as any international media ? No condemnation so ever.
Meanwhile after the attempt of Ouattara regime to oppose the search of mass grave related the the Nihably massacres an NGO instance to continue the excavations proved the witnesses account right when remains of human bodies were found.
According to many witnesses the UN were in fact active in the genocide. The Helicopters firing on the civilians to prevent them rrunning in the forest were from the UN/French matter of fact even some apparently with camouflage black face could be recognized as western by the witnesses . And these witnesses had to be executed but if we try ti understand the whole story the Ivorian have to be eliminated for the big plan success. So the continuing insecurity is part of the plan to justify the occupation of the so called peacekeepers . If we rely on the recent report of the French minister of defense all idea of sovereignty is a danger to the Western world this goes hand to hand with the open society philosophy which teaches that any nation that refuses the open market or penetration of the new world order would be destabilized and subdued. Now since the people of Ivory Coast would never accept to be subdued and replaced by Burkina Faso people as attempted now with a Burkina Faso national imposed by the so called international community as president (non elected by the people )of Ivory Coast, the only option is elimination. It's a shame that in the 21 st century a mafia and its media would plot to exterminate a people , a nation while the world is standing by in an accomplish silence yet some of the institution behind this genocide are peace noble prize winners what a mockery and insult of human life.
Obama as well as Hilary gave their full support and as matter of fact US army is also giving training to militia the genocide perpetrating Burkinabean militia in the Western Ivory Coast .

Here's Amadé Ouérémi the head of Burkina Faso militia with his men receiving training from US army weapon expert .
British diplomat said that his country will continue its support to the Ivorian government, seizing the UN "to strengthen the security of the Côte d'Ivoire."
While Human rights violations perpetrated by soldiers are routine in the West African country of Côte d'Ivoire, according to the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI).
UNOCI spokesman, Kenneth Blackman, told reporters in Abidjan that members of the armed forces, known as FRCI, are accused of carrying out rapes, acts of torture, armed robberies and other abuses in several locations in recent weeks.
Yet British diplomat said that his country will continue its support to the Ivorian government, seizing the UN "to strengthen the security of the Côte d'Ivoire."
And Bert Koenders the special representative of the UN in Ivory Coast said :"We are here with our troops, with the police to secure the citizens and also to give peace,"
Yet again the Duekoue genocide as well as the Nihably refugees camps massacres happened in the presence of the UN and some NGO. Once again the UN and the so called international community expose their hidden but obvious involvement in the Ivorian's situation . Last week an armed fight between Ouattara's army and Ouattara militia and supporters in own Ouattara stronghold, no internatinal media mentioned that heavy weapons were involved. Worse the UN did not interven or speak about destabilization and no arm search followed. Those heavely armed supporters were the so called civilian whom the official army of Ivory were accused of attacking in 2010. So why the harsh intervention of Ouattara's army against these heavily armed "civilians" did not bother the France, US the UNSC as well as any international media ? No condemnation so ever.
Meanwhile after the attempt of Ouattara regime to oppose the search of mass grave related the the Nihably massacres an NGO instance to continue the excavations proved the witnesses account right when remains of human bodies were found.
Now lets remember that most of the dead were witnesses of the Duekoue genocide reason for which they have been killed and this in the presence on the UN peacekeepers. The question is why the UN peacekeepers would let refugees been killed in their presence ? The answers is in this documentary by an investigation Journalist from Italy .
According to many witnesses the UN were in fact active in the genocide. The Helicopters firing on the civilians to prevent them rrunning in the forest were from the UN/French matter of fact even some apparently with camouflage black face could be recognized as western by the witnesses . And these witnesses had to be executed but if we try ti understand the whole story the Ivorian have to be eliminated for the big plan success. So the continuing insecurity is part of the plan to justify the occupation of the so called peacekeepers . If we rely on the recent report of the French minister of defense all idea of sovereignty is a danger to the Western world this goes hand to hand with the open society philosophy which teaches that any nation that refuses the open market or penetration of the new world order would be destabilized and subdued. Now since the people of Ivory Coast would never accept to be subdued and replaced by Burkina Faso people as attempted now with a Burkina Faso national imposed by the so called international community as president (non elected by the people )of Ivory Coast, the only option is elimination. It's a shame that in the 21 st century a mafia and its media would plot to exterminate a people , a nation while the world is standing by in an accomplish silence yet some of the institution behind this genocide are peace noble prize winners what a mockery and insult of human life.
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