we have to learn from what's called mainstream medias is "whoever
publishes.... first wins over the public opinion," says a senior IDF source. That's why RFI can publish a fake UN experts report with blatant lies on Gbagbo's
supporters yet still can be relayed by the most respective press
agencies in the world...Once the lies are published worldwide it takes
time to impose the truth which of course would no have the backing of
the mainstream medias, therefore very difficult make it look like the truth. That's the strategy we are suffering from:

But as in all rules there is an execption we can rely on the on the chosen few even within the mainstream to expose the lies and let the truth stand tall. So then recently we have a report from AP exposing the daily human right abuses by Ouattara regime which is supported by the UN. EU and the so called international community. This report forced the Amnesty International to make a declaration as if the report was from them, just in an attempt to cover themselves. Indeed many independent investigative journalists are pointing out the accomplice silence of a number of institution(UN, EU, IMF, WB) and NGO(Amnesty International , Human Right Watch etc) as well as some medias who seem to be be working for the multinational. It no longer a secret that the present regime in Ivory Coast is illegal and illegitimate , no recognized by the Ivorian people who have never voted for him in the first place (as they would never do for any other non Ivorian imposed on them by the UN through force). And this has been declared probably unwillingly by international personalities such as Suzane Rice the US ambassador to the UN who said once in a TV interview regarding the opposing position of China and Russia on Syria that" China and Russia use the case of Libya and Ivory Coast to oppose the intervention in Syria, but in Ivory Coast it was a completely different situation since they people voted for a president but the UN got involved and decided that the vote was wrong and imposed by force the one they believe was the right person." Then we had one UN official in Ivory Coast asking the Ivorian to submit to Ouattara regime as if people as not mature enough to know who they voted for what's their duty as citizen regarding the constitution of their own country through the respect of law and order . If they voted for Ouattara they wouldn't need to be asked to submit to his authority, but infortunately they never voted for him therefore he has no authority over them since he's illegal, illegitimate only the multinational want him at this position for their own agenda. Few days ago the ICC rejected the appeal of Gbagbo's release from the Hague and one of their arguments was "if we release Ggagbo even on bail he would be in power... he has many supporters...." of course he has the whole country, the whole Ivorian people supporting him, it's more than logical that someone who has been voted by the majority of his people and has been kidnapped by foreign forces could only be back in power as soon as released by his kidnappers.The power belongs to the people and they gave it to Gbagbo through the vote, so he has not lost the power he still has it as soon as he's released he would take it back. Why on earth Ivorian people would vote for a Burkina Faso national whom they know he's an agent of the multinationals that are set to occupy and subdue their country ? Most medias are aware of this hidden truth but just waiting for the courageous and honest to come out and tell the whole world what really happening in Ivory Coast. Those who do not want to have their hands stained by the blood of the victims of the ongoing extermination of the Ivorian people would do their part as Silvestro Montanaro the Italian investigation journalist did.

But as in all rules there is an execption we can rely on the on the chosen few even within the mainstream to expose the lies and let the truth stand tall. So then recently we have a report from AP exposing the daily human right abuses by Ouattara regime which is supported by the UN. EU and the so called international community. This report forced the Amnesty International to make a declaration as if the report was from them, just in an attempt to cover themselves. Indeed many independent investigative journalists are pointing out the accomplice silence of a number of institution(UN, EU, IMF, WB) and NGO(Amnesty International , Human Right Watch etc) as well as some medias who seem to be be working for the multinational. It no longer a secret that the present regime in Ivory Coast is illegal and illegitimate , no recognized by the Ivorian people who have never voted for him in the first place (as they would never do for any other non Ivorian imposed on them by the UN through force). And this has been declared probably unwillingly by international personalities such as Suzane Rice the US ambassador to the UN who said once in a TV interview regarding the opposing position of China and Russia on Syria that" China and Russia use the case of Libya and Ivory Coast to oppose the intervention in Syria, but in Ivory Coast it was a completely different situation since they people voted for a president but the UN got involved and decided that the vote was wrong and imposed by force the one they believe was the right person." Then we had one UN official in Ivory Coast asking the Ivorian to submit to Ouattara regime as if people as not mature enough to know who they voted for what's their duty as citizen regarding the constitution of their own country through the respect of law and order . If they voted for Ouattara they wouldn't need to be asked to submit to his authority, but infortunately they never voted for him therefore he has no authority over them since he's illegal, illegitimate only the multinational want him at this position for their own agenda. Few days ago the ICC rejected the appeal of Gbagbo's release from the Hague and one of their arguments was "if we release Ggagbo even on bail he would be in power... he has many supporters...." of course he has the whole country, the whole Ivorian people supporting him, it's more than logical that someone who has been voted by the majority of his people and has been kidnapped by foreign forces could only be back in power as soon as released by his kidnappers.The power belongs to the people and they gave it to Gbagbo through the vote, so he has not lost the power he still has it as soon as he's released he would take it back. Why on earth Ivorian people would vote for a Burkina Faso national whom they know he's an agent of the multinationals that are set to occupy and subdue their country ? Most medias are aware of this hidden truth but just waiting for the courageous and honest to come out and tell the whole world what really happening in Ivory Coast. Those who do not want to have their hands stained by the blood of the victims of the ongoing extermination of the Ivorian people would do their part as Silvestro Montanaro the Italian investigation journalist did.
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