I just would like without grudge Gentlemen experts depending on the multinational's mafia under the guise of UN to remind you that you have forgotten something very important in your smear campaign written with the blood of Ivorians since 2002 ..... Remember few months ago asked Ivorians to submit to an authority that is not because it is not but Ivorian but mafia made .. Well the only real thing in your observation or pseudo investigation is that no Ivorian will recognise a lie as being the truth in one word all Ivorians are opposed to your plot to subdue their nation thus all Ivorians should be on your blacklist for the news Nazi concentration camps .... about 17 million Ivorians who do not want the criminal non-Ivorians that you install as domestic slaves to oppress them ..... We do not bother them because we do not deal with fake, plastic entity without power that serves as a scarecrow on your behalf so stop please bashing us about destabilisation which can not exist in this context .... Your are main the problem so you begin to register 17 million Ivorians not to mention the other Africans who are align themselves to our cause on your list. And instead of talking about destabilizing as Amateur mafia have the courage to mention Revolutionary because this time we will not fire elsewhere than on the slave mafia, racist, Nazi criminal UN. Why speak of destabilization that does not exist since there no existing in what you pretend calling a democratic regime. And the proof is that you ask us to recognise and submit it . Why would you need to ask us to recognise a regime (which according to your falsification pardon me certification I meant was elected by us) power if it existed, would not be natural for a people who elected a president in power to recognise his authority without being requested by the UN to do so? So please stop talking about a pseudo destabilization to deflect the reality of occupation on behalf of multinational ... Now in case you doubt a true revolution give us your word if you're not the mafia that you will ensure the safety protection of Ivorians for a national march and you will see that there is no power than your occupation of the territory Ivorians which is the only guarantee to sustain that parody of democracy you imposed by force arms illegally against the will of the Ivorians. We are damn sick and tire of the lies .... You can not even answer simple questions from Inner City Press reporters but you are ready to rummage through the garbage and poison us with toxic wastes from French spies disguised as journalists. If they are experts why they know nothing about the genocide and massacre Douékoué and Nihably while you were present and the survivors are still there waiting to testify .... Stop your racist, Nazi criminals and slave master acts .. Yes .. do not forget to put on your Nazi concentration camps 17 million Ivorians because we are all opposed to the subjugation of our nation and the world can close its eyes on this ongoing genocide and modern day slavery and extermination of the real Ivorian, we are ready to be all to be made prisoners at the UN . Meanwhile in Syria they are arming terrorists to destabilize a legal, legitimate regime pretesting the right to protect or right to insurge under a dictatorial regime. Yet We are even prevented from protesting and refusing to recognise a non elected fake president imposed by force, anyone trying to do so can be killed by the dozo FRCI with the license of the UN in the worse case or be under an arrest warrant, with asset freezing, and be on their "terrorist" list . Under the Bretton Woods international immunity acts signed in 1944 the Burkina Faso IMF official Mr Ouattara can kill all the Ivorian (who oppose the new slave trade called New World Order) and replace them by his fellow citizen(Burkina Faso) in all impunity on behalf of the multinationals protected by the UN and French troops. Now if you did not succeed in the extermination of the people of G-d in the past you would not succeed this time. This is just a reminder of the facts, a reality for the blood that you have shed and continue to shed from a recent history until these days and want to hide under a pseudo destabilization of a non-existent power .. It is with no resentment that we will continue to pull the truth towards you and expose your lies .... We will not be fooled by your attempt to divert a made up plastic power, not to say non-existent ... the only real power in Cote D'Ivoire is the people and to succeed on subjecting them, their extermination and replacement by fake non Ivorian ready to sale out the sovereignty and riches of the country has to be accomplished and that's what your ongoing diabolical mission is about . May G-d bless you.
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