Bert Koenders (UNOCI) wants to defend the Ouattara regime "firmly"by the Drafting 23/09/12 at 6:20bert_koendersThe head of the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI), Bert Koenders, said Friday evening that "there is optimism" on the issue of reconciliation in the country, because "Ivorians want turn the page "of the post electoral crisis [late 2010-early 2011], on state television, on the occasion of the International Day of Peace. "I know that in this country, Ivorians want to turn the page ... with the organization of all meetings of reconciliation in the country", "but at the same time, it must not be destabilized by violence," said Mr. Koenders.According to him "the Ivorians must seek peace and reconciliation" and not let "no possibility of destabilization in the country," which was a conflict, after the presidential election of November 2010. "All members of the Security Council are still with Ivorians, they want to accompany all Ivorians without exception without discrimination to advance peace," he assured, recalling that the institution is "there to support the demobilization is now very current, job creation, but also reconciliation. "He called on all political actors in the country not to let the opportunity to meet and shake hands and make peace. "We are here with our troops, with the police to secure the citizens and also to give you not only peace," he said. These are the Ivorians must reconciliation, "we are here to give you the opportunity to do" after a year of armed crisis, "there is now the need to work with you in peace, identity, demobilization and reconciliation in all cities, "he said. "The priority of UNOCI, is security, I was also shocked by the attacks yesterday (Thursday evening in Port-Bouet, south of Abidjan, where two police station and gendarmies were attacked)" said Mr. Koenders."I also want to give a message on the strength of UNOCI, to defend democracy in your country and the democratically elected government and work to positive peace, reconciliation, demobilization and job creation," said Mr. Koenders. Seven peacekeepers were killed in June in an attack by unidentified gunmen on the Liberian border "to try to protect the citizens of this country," he noted.Face to the new waves of attacks in recent days, the national government decided Friday night for safety reasons, closed its land borders, sea and air with Ghana in particular after the attack at the border post of Noé ( southwest Côte d'Ivoire), who has killed five of the attackers.Alert InfoWe publish news information for agency . They do not necessarily reflect the views of the Nouveau Courier
Now the above statement from the UN occupying force in Ivory Coast is an insult to the intelligence and specially to the Ivorians. Just take for instance this "there is optimism" on the issue of reconciliation in the country, because "Ivorians want turn the page "of the post electoral crisis [late 2010-early 2011]," Well first which page is he talking about and whose opinion did he ask ? The Commission for Dialogue m Truth for reconciliation has a central issue which Truth. Without that truth they won't be justice and without justice we can forget about peace and reconciliation. Now when only one side of the parties involved in a crisis is arrested , hunted even in exile abroad, the refugees camps attacked with women kids, many young people killed overseen by UN "peacekeepers" and this not long ago during the campaign for a so called reconciliation . If the above statement from Mr. Koenders is not an insult to the victims and green light for the perpetrators do carry on their massacres then we don't what else he could mean.Why the UN is so eager to turn the page on isue which needs to be sorted through the truth committee so that reconciliation will come naturally ? Well one o the main part of that truth is who really won't the election since according the so called international community the refusal of Gbagbo to accept his defeat brought the war and he's presently incarcerated for that very reason . So Why one person been prosecuted and then the proof of his innocence incriminating the UN as well as the "international" community(actually multinationals) and so called president democratically elected has to be a page to turned ? No sir we will go all the way to the truth ; the Ivorian want the truth so the healing process would take place through justice or forgiveness, you are not the one suffering the wound from the past and the ongoing human right crime so please have respect to the African for once . It's a mockery to tell us that "We are here with our troops, with the police to secure the citizens and also not only give you peace," while we are daily killed kidnapped, arbitrary arrested, women are rapped etc. And all that according to your own report few month ago I am not even talking about the Duekoue genocide which happened few yards Away from you camp as matter of fact witness claim that your helicopters were preventing people running in the bush. for hidding from the killers. And the Nihably refugees camps killings on which no investigation has been done yet journalists from Inner City Press still awaiting your answer on how your troops watched the refugees been massacred without intervening . Still there also survivors said your troops pushed people back to the killers when they ran to them for help and you dare talking about your police and troops being in Ivory to secure the citizens ? Please lets be serious Ivorian are not your kid or slaves to tell them what and when they have to do what they are ought to do. If people really elected who you said has been democratically elected they would submit to him but if they people reject his authority it;s simply that they have never elected him as you pretend you cannot fool the world. Otherwise why when he comes to the civilians population been killed there not investigation, and even your troops are not protecting them and when the FRCI which in your report exposed as criminals you are talking about firmly protect them always pretesting the famous democracy. So why would you help criminal as you called them yourself repressing the people, the civilians if you are really dealing with democracy. Your so called Security Council (mainly France and the UK which have now a common army as well as the US) are helping terrorists groups destabilizing democratically elected regime in other countries and you are telling us about civilian populations daily oppressed by criminal forces as way to protect democracy ? Then you talk about all Ivorians without exception without discrimination ? All mains leaders from the opposition are in prison and the rest are threatened to be arrested kidnapped , opposition medias under the same threat . No arrest no investigation, still not arrest on the side on Ouattara and his forces in the involvement in the crime against humanity contrary to the opposition. We have enough from your insults and abuses and those killing on your behalf. You cannot run either from the crimes you committed in Ivory Coast thee plotting has been unfolded.
The democracy the UN is protecting is a champion in Human rights abuses
Human rights violations perpetrated by soldiers are on the rise in the West African country of Côte d'Ivoire, according to the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI).
UNOCI spokesman, Kenneth Blackman, told reporters in Abidjan that members of the armed forces, known as FRCI, are accused of carrying out rapes, acts of torture, armed robberies and other abuses in several locations in recent weeks.
And all that without a single arrest or a single Security Council resolution , we are not even talking about the Duekoué genocide where aver 1000 civilians were killed (according to the British Red cross who counted bodies) by Ouatarra forces and the continuous daily human right abuses
Yet on a simple allegation about 7 women killed by the Ivorian Defense abs Security Forces (under Gbagbo ruling) without any investigations the Security Council manipulated by Sarkozy's France made a resolution , froze Gbagbo' and his family as well as all his collaborators accounts, embargo on goods and drugs followed.
Again the video experts think the scene is very dubious.....
All the above added to the report from :
American Embassy’s National Daily Press Review
This daily press review is compiled by the Information Section of the Public Affairs Office of the American Embassy in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire.
1. New details on armed attack and mass prison break in Dabou
2. Ivorian and Liberian authorities say the UN must help monitor security along their common border
3. Gender-based violence still calls for action, woman rights activist says
4. South Africa-based airline company to resume activities from Abidjan
3. Gender-based violence still calls for action, woman rights activist says
According to Mrs. Josiane Adoubi, the National Coordinator of the PAIMSC, a government-sponsored task force set up to fight against gender-based violence, efforts are still needed to address the issue. Speaking in the course of an interview with Notre Voie (p. 6), Mrs. Adoubi argued that though achievements have been made over the past decade, the recent political and social unrest have exacerbated the issue of gender-based violence nationwide; hence her plea for continued support from the government and international partners in the fight against the phenomenon.
For questions regarding this service, please contact: Mr. Folli Teko in the Public Affairs Press Office, TekoFX@state.gov.
And a collection of videos about the
dailly FRCI abuse of civilian population
please watch the full serie then the genocide ...
Duekoue Genocide
Civilians population are not protected but government and the criminal forces under their order will be firmly protected by the UN as they have always been .wow. Notice the attackers from whom the criminals have to be protected from never attack civilian they only target the FRCI described in the UN report above as criminal, rapists and human right abusers. Isn't strange that they are the population fears more the UN/French troops and the FRCI than the attackers ? Well it's all the answer is all in the unfolded plot.
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