The modern day slavery trade repackaged in the New World Order has retained all the ingredients which motivated the old time slavery such as economical strategical,military dominion .The continent of exploitation hasn't changed either nor the countries of slave and goods supply . This shameful criminal reality which set one class of people as inferior to be dominated, subdued exploited dispossessed of their land and riches , been killed if they oppose to have their fate sealed the new slave maters is facilitated by multinationals clothed in international institutions such as the UN / NATO/ IMF, WB EU ICC . Each of these institutions are playing their macabre role in order to achieve the goal of the one world government. Thus the UN/NATO EU are the political and military arms which set constitutional matter but also use its occupational forces get subdued countries to comply to the "rules" orders. The IMF WB are the financial one the ICC stands as the judicial to implement punishment to the "rebellious" new slaves . It's not secret that the world is faced with three major issues: energy, defense policy and globalization. And the survival of the West is to be done through recolonization of Africa and the control of its vital natural resources, that will be done without qualms as we are seeing it in Libya and in Ivory Coast . International law and the principles of peace and Human Right, which is always spelled out for the weak who cling to these illusions. Given that the UN/ EU/ICC are nothing but instruments in the hand of the multinational corporates building the new world order or globalization and Globalization is just the modern form of perpetuating economic inequality. A concept which has a purpose: to keep poor countries(actually rich in resources) as sources of goods and resources that would allow rich countries to maintain their standard of living. In other words, hard work, hard, low value-added and impractical in the West(so far but soon applicable in the West with pressure of the big corporates) will be done in the third world.To put it in simple but harsh way the modern day slavery is on, debt, asset freezing, sanction, embargoes(through its instruments such as UN/NATO/EU/IMF/ICC etc ) have replaced the chains and the whips . But as during the old slavery days where there were people who were humanitarians and had a high moral standard in the West and in Africa today we also have a breed of movers and shakers who would stand in the gap to do what they ought to do. And one of them is theinvestigation journalist Silvestro Montanaro if the Italian national television Rai3 who made a very poignant documentary on this subject of slavery to shed light in the current situation in Ivory Coast.
All these are summarized by the legal and legitimate Minister for Infrastructure and Sanitation of Laurent Gbagbo (led by Dr AKE NGBO as Premier Minister ) as follows in part 1 and 2 of this articles.
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