According to the Burkina Faso weekly Bendre, 100 Soldiers (RSP Presidential Regiment),those who have distinguished themselves with ardor and passion by taking Ouagadougou hostage last April 14 and 15 were assigned to the security of Bukina Faso national imposed as president to the Ivorian by the so called international community. This "gift" from Burkina Faso president to Alassane Dramane Ouattara cost Ivory Coast 50 000F/dailly is 1500.000F/monthly per soldier.
To believe the Burkina Faso paper, Blaise Compaoré has chosen to "clean up" his Special close up bodyguard team of the most "stubborn" by sending them to his fellow countryman Alassane Ouattara's ... which will be paid well enough to forget some of their complaints.
For years we have been labelled xenophobes because we exposed that our constitution forbids that a non Ivorian presents himself/herself as candidate for presidency. all the so called international institutions and NGO's through lies and manipulations pressured the Ivorian to change their constitution to allow this Burkina Faso national to be candidate. Yet even the holy scripture commands that we do not have a non native as the ruler of the nation. we have many examples as this can result to. President Gbagbo as real peaceful man accepted to make a special concession to this diabolical demand by permitting Mr the Burkina Faso national to present himself presidential election not suspecting the plot of the "international" community which is in fact the multinationals which the head of Western state countries(US, UK, France, Germany) as theit trade representatives and the institutions. UN/Licorne, IMF, EU. ICC etc as instruments (whether political, military, financial and judicial) of pressure . Why a Burkina Faso national imposed to the Ivorian despite their choice President Gbagbo ? The biggest immigrant population in Ivory Coast is from the Burkina Faso , a very important work force which the French knew they could exploit in their favor in order to maintain their grips on the country ,. For this " socio-ethno" political manipulations were put in action to achieve the goal. The media, NGO. the UN (all resolutions against Ivory Coast were initiated and draft by France all this against UN charter of neutrality and impartiality). France even imposed themselves as part of the "peacekeeping" forces another fraud against the neutrality and impartiality knowing the historical background of both countries it could not be ignored that France has everything to do with Ivory not being sovereign and autonomous and that's exactly what the country is right now. . So by imposing a Burkina Faso national who he would be willing to give up the country riches to the multinationals , note that he's from the IMF and was already imposed to Ivory Coast more than 20 years ago through another diabolical program of structural adjustment . A program which in fact an official financial fraud to rip off countries which are extremely rich in resources by "impoverishing " them through that program then set them as HIPC (Hight Indebted Poor Countries) a fancy financial mafia definition to hide the fact that it simply means bankrupt countries to be taken over by multinationals which support the IMF. . This was very well plotted for years.
The IMF Director for Africa Mr Alassane D. Ouattara from Burkina Faso has been made up President of Ivory Coast by the so called international community
Alassane D Ouattara from Burkina Faso the former IMF Director for
Africa was made President of the Ivory Coast by the so called
international community against the choice of the Ivorians who was
Gbagbo the democratically elected legal President. And the BBC wonder
why the truth commission set up after rigged election is unable to work
properly when truth and justice are absent from the whole issue. All
the Ivorians are asking for is the recount of the vote the establish the
truth the the release of all those who are illegally incarcerated .
man is a fraudster, He has never been Ivorian reason why the West
wanted him as head of the state of Ivory Coast so he can sale out the
country's riches . This African magazine dated of December 1984 shows
clearly that he is a Burkina Faso national named director of the IMF for
Africa...Not an Ivorian so no wonder why they(Ivorians) never voted him
as president but rather the President Gbagbo whom the so called
international community overthrown and illegally holding at the Hague.

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