A special article on How France maintains Ivory Coast Under slavery
The electricity sector was managed from 1952 to 1990 by a Crown corporation, EECI (Energy, Electric Côte d'Ivoire). Côte d'Ivoire has, under the leadership of EECI, an impressive park of six hydroelectric dams providing 90, an installed capacity of 600 megawatts with an interconnected network. In 1990, the sector was in crisis with a debt amounting to 120 billion FCFA and arrears of consumption of 37 billion FCFA three years of electricity consumption by the Government of Côte d'Ivoire, which incidentally, consumed almost free electricity.
In 1990, the Government of Côte d'Ivoire made 15-year concession for the management of electricity in a French private company: the CIE. The concession agreement requires the CIE to pay royalties to the State of Côte d'Ivoire and to take care of routine maintenance, while the debt returned to the state as well as the big investments. CIE ends the gratuity with the State of Côte d'Ivoire and balance finances. The French operator, principal shareholder and beneficiary of the CIE invests in gas production and power plants by BOT contracts. Today, CIE is a turnover of 300 billion FCFA with 2/3 allocated to the payment of gases which production is controlled more than 50% by the French private operator under a contract type "take or pay "indexing gas prices Ivorian earthling on world oil prices. Therefore, the gas price paid to the operator increases along with the increase in oil prices on the international market. Everything happens as if the free gas from the Ivorian soil was paid on the international market and sold back to Côte d'Ivoire. And the gas was 12% of the cost of electricity in 1996 now costs almost 70% or 2/3 of the income of the sector, which ensures a mountain of benefits to gas operators to the detriment of the entire industry . The payment of fees and taxes became impossible and the sector is still in deficit at the end of the 15-year concession contract. In 2005, the sector recorded a debt of 112 billion FCFA exactly 112,540,254,795 FCFA not far from the situation in 1990. The payment industry favors first gas operators, independent producers, then the CIE and ultimately the state. The crisis is therefore directly CIE and the State while protecting gas and independent producers. In 2005, while the country is under occupation of the French army and UNOCI and the cabinets are divided between loyalists and rebels at Linas-Marcoussis Kléber, and the contract is renewed the necessity for 15 years and the French operator reduces its presence in the CIE to shelter sector deficit by focusing on the gas sector and independent power production."The International Monetary Fund called on Friday, May 11, 2012, reforms in the energy sector in Côte d'Ivoire, at the time of payment of the $ 100 million loan to the country, about 50 billion FCFA. The IMF called for the future of the Compagnie Ivoirien d'Electricite (CIE) with" new measures, including rate increases. '" Notre Voie daily reported in its issue of May 14, 2012.
Without the bitter failure of the reform, the public is asked to sacrifice more in order to continue to enrich the gas producers.
The short term solution is not to increase the price of electricity, which is a real crime, but to reduce the share of gas in the electricity sector as was the last government of AKE NGBO (imprisoned for economic crimes ) by disconnecting the gas prices in the international price of oil and choosing a contract type "cost plus" which takes into account only the cost of gas production and a profit margin acceptable. In the long term, to address sector debt, aging network and electrical transformers, it is necessary to declare the electricity sector as a strategic sector and make the corresponding reforms. The increase in gas production and electricity will not help if the transmission and distribution collapses.
CONSEQUENCES IN THE AGRO CHEMICAL INDUSTRIECompanies expropriated in Côte d'Ivoire because of Mr. Ouattara, are legion. Several agro-industrial companies rose to the pan of privatization (the new name of economic crime) despite the performance of these companies partly or wholly managed by the state, some were in economic difficulties reversible. These are, among others:COSMIVOIRE, NOVALIM / NESTLE, CAPRAL / NESTLE, FILTISAC, PATH, SICOR, SODESUCRE, SOGB, ICEP (canned tuna), ODS SODERIZ, CHOCODI, COCOTERAIE (Fresco, Grand Lahou, Jacqueville, Assinie) TRITURAF, CIDT, RANCH (Marahoué, Sipilou, Badikaha) etc.. The calculation of net asset values of enterprises to be privatized took into account the debt, which allowed these companies undervalue. Upon the sale of these businesses, the debt returned to the State and Private assets (debt socialize and privatize profit) usually a multinational with various pretexts. Often the payment of the net is drawn directly from the treasury of the company and the transaction is complete. The average turnover of these companies since 1990 hovers around 20 billion CFA francs for the most part. For thirty companies in the agro industry it is not less than 10 000 billion turnover accumulated for over 20 years! Compared with the "gift of HIPC" is the sea that gets rid of a few drops of water by evaporation, forming clouds and back in the form of rain of. billion(as promised by Ouattara to the Ivorian). It is clear that Côte d'Ivoire earns less rain billion hoping in achieving economic independence.
CONSEQUENCES ON THE COCOAThe cocoa sector was a major beneficiary of the debt remained the last refuge of the Ivorian people in its primary segment. Lung of the Ivorian economy, it has diversified the Ivorian economy, to modernize the country and redistribute more or less just national wealth through Caistab state company in charge of the sector until in 1999.Imagine for a moment that at the time the income received by the Caistab instead of serving the financing of the modern Côte d'Ivoire , went to a private operator outside! Côte d'Ivoire would not be modernized and the image of a great property field of this operator immensely rich in his country.
The War of cocoa and ideological-political blindness that led to the liquidation of the Caistab lead us straight to what Côte d'Ivoire has avoided for 30 years. The War of cocoa objective was to lay hands on the manna which watered Côte d'Ivoire. This cocoa war started in 1932 by President Felix Houphouet-Boigny and won by him in 1960 allowed the people of Côte d'Ivoire to acquire the means of its development. This also allowed, through grants, to students and students from poor families to continue their education through merit and finally to the Ivory Coast to train managers regardless of ethnic or social background. The crisis in Côte d'Ivoire in 1990 was the opportunity for multinationals to take the offensive. In favor of the liberalization of the sector in 1990, major global cocoa traders are allowed to get involved in the internal trading of cocoa. In 1999, Caistab is dissolved, traders replace Caistab and captured the internal and external trading of cocoa. On an annual production of 1.2 million tons and a world market between 1000 and 2000 FCFA, trading of cocoa produced 1000-2000000000000 FCFA per year of which more than half is pocketed by the traders (which amounted to Caistab and allowed the modernization of the country) and the rest distributed among farmers, small traders and trackers and the State of Côte d'Ivoire. Côte d'Ivoire is stripped to the benefit of traders. Their last fight is the grip on the other half of the financial windfall by selling the state (what is done) and driving farmers off their land by a programmed genocide (presently ongoing) and passing a new code for rural land to lay hands on cocoa plantations as has already happened in the palm , rubber, banana and pineapple sectors. The total vertical control of the industry by traders(multinationals) is the main objective of the cocoa war. In 20 years of liberalization, it is not less than 20 000 billion FCFA who flew plantations for the benefit of traders.
The AKE NGBO Government's ambition was precisely to ensure internal and external trading of the Ivorian cocoa . He is in prison for economic crimes(The multinational mafia the new slave masters saw him as a rebellious slave).
CONSEQUENCES IN THE FINANCIAL SECTORLargest recipient of debts, the financial sector has received a significant amount of funding for loans to all productive sectors including agriculture and infrastructure. Ouattara announced the privatization and / or liquidation of state banks immediately after the putsch by the UN/ French. This measure was required in Côte d'Ivoire since the adjustment program in the financial sector (FISAP), launched in the early 1990s by the same Ouattara. This program will result in a reduction in the presence of national operators in the sector, leaving the place largely to French banks. The measure has been taken over by the reform programs of donors who have succeeded. President Gbagbo has refused to comply. It is this obsession with the liquidation of banks that still inhabits Ouattara, especially after the admirable strength they have shown in becoming the spearhead of an alternative Françafrican system in face of the closure of banks during the post-election crisis.Privatization or liquidation of state banks in Ivory Coast is more than a mistake, it is a serious mistake(not the multinationals since it;s their goal). Selling off the fruits of efforts for over 10 years to save public banks (BNI and BHCI) and private which were in trouble (Versus Bank and BFA). "Françafricaines" banks that dominate the financial market have a dual purpose: to collect and repatriate funds in France and encourage the consumption of imported goods. The consumer credit portfolio dominates the banks. For these "françafricaines" banks , agriculture is considered a risk area as SMEs / SMIs. Only the state can take that risk through innovation. This is the fundamental reason for the choice of bank restructuring by the Gbagbo's regime's and rescuing the banks closed during the crisis by the Government AKE NGBO (imprisoned for economic crimes) to establish a genuine financial independence to restart the economic machine of development through the financing of agriculture and SMEs / SMIs.
It is amazing that we can resort to such ideological blindness today after the states intervened massively and directly into banks in the U.S. and Europe in 2008 as part of bailout developed to cope with the unprecedented financial crisis that erupted because of risky behavior and excesses of private banks. Today, it is proposed to create in France a public bank investment to support SMEs / SMIs necessary for dynamic growth. We can not understand the Ouattara solution , placing it in the context of the award to his sponsors which is its primary mission.CONCLUSIONDebt is therefore, in the final analysis, as the result of the magic of cooperation agreements between Côte d'Ivoire and France under the Franco-African Community. France has taken an ill-gotten caught up in the pockets of his obligation. The fruits of this debt investments in key sectors of the economy: energy, mining, telecommunications, cocoa, agro industry, banks, etc.. returned by a game of privatization to the senior lender and its allies. The cost of this gift(HIPC) can be summed up in a tornado that swept away everything in its path by expropriating the state of Côte d'Ivoire from its economic and financial sources with the return policy of the outstretched hand(The dependance so that our future would be handled and sealed by on whom we depend in on word be slaves) . The desire for political , economic, monetary and financial sovereignty embodied by Laurent Gbagbo and to be implemented by the AKE NGBO government was therefore considered criminal for "France-African" (one of the side of the New World Order as was in the old day slavery). The war against Ivory Coast was to put an end to the desire of political sovereignty of Côte d'Ivoire and to strip the means of resistance : The expropriation of the regular army in favor of "French-African skirmishers" by France and UNOCI, the destruction of the State Archives and the University to forget the years of independence and rewrite another history and edit other documents, contempt of constitutional requirements, aim of the restoration of Françafrique and the end of sovereignty. So do not look further, the real economic "crime" of which President Gbagbo and his government are accused of are the desire to put an end to 50 years of ill-gotten gains. It only remains that the people's life, land as a means of resistance, but also the current targets of the barbarity of Democrats and Republicans from the carved stone amulets interact with, clubs and weapons to silence the press and public freedoms, taking life and expropriate land. As long as the Françafrican system remains in the country, the debt will be soon recover , because under current conditions, saving is impossible to establish financial and begging is the only solution(financial dependance /slavery). Since growth factors which are essentially foreign generates income for the outside. In this case, the fight against poverty will become a war against the poor to extract life, speech, and the land, the only remaining assets. In the light of the Ivorian experience, it is clear that aid is always more expensive than its monetary value. The quest for economic ,financial and monetary independence criminalized. However, Africa does not need aid but economic justice and, above all, economic , financial and monetary independence. The question we may ask ourselves today is whether or not other forms of partnership with France that would allow mutual helps in crisis since poverty in Africa is also an opportunity for growth and less employment and less so in the West . Poverty in Africa therefore restricts consumption and has a significant impact on the growth of the West.
If the deficit context in the 60 justified economic, financial and monetary dependency formalized agreements that underpin "Françafrique"(the Neo Colonial system), these agreements have become a chain with excess frames. The current stage and future history of Africa requires their outright cancellation to release the creative energy of the continent to boost global growth and without difficulty if, as speculated HOUPHOUET BOIGNY "France has no interest in letting us into the arms of misery and poverty. " The Franco-African(CFA), partly grouped in the CAC 40, the beneficiary has chosen Françafrique war to win a majority and without actual outcome for the majority who still suffers from unemployment and debt despite multiple predatory wars in Africa and elsewhere. This is the ugly face of the economic war against Côte d'Ivoire and hence the war of the minority against the multinational .Let us work together to build unity through reconciliation inclusive and build a space of freedom, security and justice in which the force of consensual ideas guides the people's choice and not by force of arms to achieve the ideal promised to humanity "all men are born and remain free and equal in dignity and rights" (Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights).
(Slavery modern and old are against Human Rights)
DON MELLO AhouaDr. Engineer, Roads and BridgesDG'S Bureau National d'Etudes Techniques et de Développement (BNETD) 2000-2010
Director of the National Investment Bank (NIB) 2000-2010Administrator CAPEC (cell Economic Policy Analysis) 2000-2010
Member of the Privatization Committee 2000-2010Minister for Infrastructure and Sanitation,of AKE NGBO Government
Member of the Coordination of the FPI exile.Written by Alain Bi Doh
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