Abducted in the west(Ivory Coast), they related on their ordeal - "How we were tortured by the Ouattara regime " which has the sponsor of Obama. It's known that no many politician keep their word but we should make the distinction between not keeping a promise due to circumstances and lying ; well in a diplomatic and politically correct term we'll call it the "L" factor. Below are the testimonies of the African victims of the Obama L factor which openly took position for a fraudulent,and pustchist candidate who is massacring and abusing the people who never voting for him. He's in power solely because Obama with his L factor decided to have him as winner of an election he never won. This happens ti very lethal for the suffering people of Ivoiry Coast

An element of the Republican Forces of Côte d'Ivoire (FRCI) who had contacted Le Nouveau Courrier (newspaper ) seveta;l months ago to confirm the information relayed on torture practices of his brothers in arms, said: "I am a soldier of FRCI and I am devastated by everything that happens before my eyes. It's disgusting because we keep talking about reconciliation. "After investigation, victims of the Ouattara torturer regime share all about their ordeals. Without hood! They were all victims of extrajudicial arrests between March and June 2012, accused of being militiamen often due to personal problems with some elements of the FRCI, and subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment. Their testimonies are thrilled.
Hino Hie Rochman (30 years), Kroumen farmer , abducted in Tabou 12 June 2012 at 11am
"They tortured me to the point of breaking my testicle, I suffer and I need help"
"My captors accuse me of having campaigned for President Laurent Gbagbo. For them, being pro-Gbagbo is automatically militia. Being home with an acquaintance called Bako (Bakayoko), who is a member of the FRCI, I got visits from several other elements of the FRCI just after he left. These were led by Lieutenant Coulibaly, the FRCI commander of Tabou. They order me intimately to follow them. They had already arrested a friend, a Police Sergeant of Tabou Hardly have I asked why they ordered me to follow them, they began to beat me up before we throwing us at the back of a pick up , the police officer and myself in direction of San Pedro. I have to emphasize that I had already abducted by the FRCI twice and had myself released after my mother (women FPI President of San Pedro and Béréby) paid a ransom of 250 000 FCFA for the first time and 150 000 CFA for the second time on 1 June and 9 June. I was invited several times by FRCI elements to leave the city to avoid the wrath of their superiors, but I stayed since I do not reproach myself involved in any wrongdoing,.
In San Pedro, a military camp near the clinic "Les Rochers", I was left in the hands of captain Bema apparently the commander of the camp. After he gave orders his elements to make me confess the Para attacks I was put naked with a rope attached to my hip, and they forced me to make tea. Around midnight, they make me light up fire and force me to smoke cannabis. In addition, I am shackled by the hands and feet they attach to a motorcycle (KTM) as to quartered me. They also hit me at the sole of my feet with fresh branches under the gaze of Captain Bema. Then, under his orders, they would attach me to an electric pole to electrocute me. When they realize that I'm losing blood, they stop. And put me in a cell when they realize that UNOCI arrives in the camp. On the night of June 13 to 14, Bema made me understand that I am the lover of Tabou FRCI commander girlfriend , Lieutenant Coulibaly, a certain Benedicte. That's why I must die. Initially, it was about to killing me, because according Bema, my parents did not know my whereabouts.
FRCI led me to an opening field between the harbor of San Pedro and a village not far from the area in a pick up in which there were seven of their elements. They tied bricks at me hoping that I would lose my breath. It is at this time, fortunately, my mother tried to reach me on the cellphone. They panicked and demanded that I ask her to give them the sum of 500 000 FCFA for my release. Monday, June 18, during our transfer, Commissioner Doumbia of the Prefecture of Police of San Pedro and the FRCI elements responsible for accompanying us, including a certain Aboubacar, tried to kill us at Irobo. (...)
When I arrived at the Directorate of Territorial Surveillance (Dst), after falling ill and being transferred to a clinic (Diane de Saint Riviera III), the doctor found that I had a gonad (testicle) broken. After surgery, I was forced to wear a prosthesis. Despite all this, I am without drugs transferred to the House of Detention and Correction d'Abidjan (Maca) on 17 July 2012. I only get three injections each week. I suffer a lot and I need help. "
Attoumou N'Guessan Carlos Henry (28), kidnapped in San Pedro March 3, 2012 at 11am at the factory Dafci
"They tied us up, wet and electrocuted us"
"I was with my concubine when heavily armed individuals approached us and let me know that I was wanted by the police. It is from this moment that my suffering began. My captors once in the vehicle began to violently beat up me and strangle until reaching the destination, a camp not far from the clinic "Les Rochers." Once there, they have called the chief of police who gave the order, in Malinke, to torture me without leaving apparent sequels on my body in order to avoid problems with human rights organizations and UNOCI. Immediately, they began to tie me up like an animal in his presence and beat me with batons on the soles of the feet demanding that I confess an alleged attack on the town of San Pedro. Bema is the captain who was the conductor of the torture sessions.
On the nights of 3, 4 and 5 March 2012, I am tied in with another prisoner and then suspended in the air. Wetted with water, we are electrocuted during these three nights before joining the other prisoners. Four in number, we were moved on Abidjan, the Dst to be heard. But it is the police department that we landed on March 29 before being transferred to the House of Detention and Correction d'Abidjan (Maca) on April 11. "
Tébahi Zonzahon Guy Joel (38 years), traditional healer, abducted on February 8 Namézaria (Lakota)
"They introduced me to television as a mystic Liberian yet I am an Ivorian of Wobe ethnic"
Returning from Cocolihet a village in Lakota , where I went to treat a patient, I was stopped at a corridor at the entrance Namézaria in the company of a young person. This is where the FRCI elements have accused us of being pro-Gbagbo militiamen and preparing to attack them mystically. We let them know that we are certainly pro-Gbagbo, but are hardly militiamen. According to them, pro-Gbagbo equals militia . They then lead us in their hangar where we got the butts of Kalashnikovs on the head. They burnt plastic bags and pour the liquid over our bodies before we got to Lakota city where the same scenario was repeated until 10 February. It is that date that we have been conveyed to the Republican Guard in Abidjan (Treichville). I thought I was at the end of my troubles, but I quickly became disillusioned. I was removed from the other prisoners to be led to the edge of the Ebrié lagoon where I suffered many abuses. On February 11, in the presence of a Wattao(well known commander)and a certain Delta, I was presented on television as a mystic Liberian militiamen who came to prepare attacks on the FRCI. However, I am of Wobe ethnicity, from Totodrou in the sub-prefecture Kouibly. I'm just a traditional healer, at the Maca since February 17, 2012.
Bassoa Donald, agent of a shipping company (Sotus)
"They electrocuted until the breaker trips itself"
"I was kidnapped from my home in San Pedro at midnight, March 5, 2012, because I'm the president of the Guéré yputh of the city. That day, my family was abused pretexting being that Guéré I necessarily have knowledge of weapons caches and a project to destabilize the country. I was thrwn onboard of e vehicule while my home was being looted by FRCI elements inmesh and civilian headed by a young mechanic who served as their informant. Conducted in a camp not far from the clinic "Les Rochers" I was tortured under the watchful eye of Captain Bema as follows:
A Sodeci( Ivorian water company) pipe- introduced in my opened mouth until my stomach filled with water, I did pee on myself.
-They proceeded to my electrocution after moistened me with water, until the breaker trips itself.
On March 29, I was transferred to the DST and Abidjan on 11 April Maca.
Djédjé N'Dré Samuel (53 years), agent to the sawmill (African Industry) of San Pedro
"The torture camp is called" Mecano ""
"I was abducted on 14 June 18h on my return from service. I was led to FRCI camp not far from the clinic ""Les Rochers" under the spurious grounds that I recruit people to destabilize the regime. Arrived in this camp, I was put naked and questioned vigorously by my captors who did not hesitate to break my prescribed glasses . I was led into the captain'Bema's office giving the order to lock me up and torture until I confess. Thus, at midnight, I was tied to an aluminum electric pole . They stroke me at the sole of my feet from midnight until 2am. The second step, according to them, is the phase of the electrocution, which is equivalent to passing an electric shock of 220 volts through my body. I emphasize that the torturer camp called "Mecano". My torture session continued with the FRCI team which "mounted" on June 15 June 16, accompanied by a certain Doumbia, a deputy commissioner and some elements FRCI, went home searching. On June 18, I was transferred to Dst, where I was transferred to the Maca July 6. "
Gerard Guede wheat (39 years), agent SAPH Divo, kidnapped February 8, 2012 at Niamézaria
"Arrested because I went to see an incarcerated friend "
"Gine to inquire of the arrest of a friend, Tébahi Guy, I was molested, tied with an electric cable. I suffered pratically the same beatings as my friend. We received butts and were tortured with burning plastic on our bodies and batons as well as rifle butts. We were then transferred to Abidjan with other youth in the region under the pretext that we are pro-Gbagbo militia thus preparing to attack the regime. "
Testimonies collected by Benjamin Silué
The picture is a photo illustration. It is Koudou Djaki Seraphin, tortured by the FRCI after the overthrow of President Laurent Gbagbo, who has already testified in the columns of the Nouveau Courrier
Now as you can witness all this is well known by UN, the US , French and UK Embassies
UNOCI spokesman, Kenneth Blackman, told reporters in Abidjan that members of the armed forces, known as FRCI, are accused of carrying out rapes, acts of torture, armed robberies and other abuses(kidnapping, massacres) in several locations
UNOCI spokesman, Kenneth Blackman, told reporters in Abidjan that members of the armed forces, known as FRCI, are accused of carrying out rapes, acts of torture, armed robberies and other abuses in several locations in recent weeks.
And all that without a single arrest or a single Security Council resolution , we are not even talking about the Duekoué genocide where aver 1000 civilians were killed (according to the British Red cross who counted bodies) by Ouatarra forces and the continuous daily human right abuses.
And American Embassy’s National Daily Press Review
This daily press review is compiled by the Information Section of the Public Affairs Office of the American Embassy in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire.
1. New details on armed attack and mass prison break in Dabou
2. Ivorian and Liberian authorities say the UN must help monitor security along their common border
3. Gender-based violence still calls for action, woman rights activist says
4. South Africa-based airline company to resume activities from Abidjan
3. Gender-based violence still calls for action, woman rights activist says
According to Mrs. Josiane Adoubi, the National Coordinator of the PAIMSC, a government-sponsored task force set up to fight against gender-based violence, efforts are still needed to address the issue. Speaking in the course of an interview with Notre Voie (p. 6), Mrs. Adoubi argued that though achievements have been made over the past decade, the recent political and social unrest have exacerbated the issue of gender-based violence nationwide; hence her plea for continued support from the government and international partners in the fight against the phenomenon.
For questions regarding this service, please contact: Mr. Folli Teko in the Public Affairs Press Office, TekoFX@state.gov.
So Mr Obama could you please tell us what's democracy were talking when you imposed by forced against the will of and the choice of the people of Ivory Coast your friend Ouattara ? Your own Embassy’s National Daily Press Review compiled by the Information Section of the Public Affairs Office of the American Embassy in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire says Ouattara regime rapes women....
Now Mr Obama your L factor has became very lethal for the people of Ivory Coast. Once Another African is used to shed his brothers blood...And still have Black people willing to vote for this criminal. We wouldn't mind if this L factor was just a personal or a domestic one( I mean an American affaire )but since we are victims of it we find it legitimate to expose it here. By the way if you use a little bit of commonsense and check the "like " of this video you'll see for yourself what we mean by L factor since the dislikes are overwhelming...There are many kind of justice, Divine , human and within the human justice one called the popular justice very often applied by the people during a non rigged election to sentence criminals in power. By disliking the above video we had a sample of the real position and choice of the people of Ivory Coast robed and assassinated by Obama's lethal L factor.

An element of the Republican Forces of Côte d'Ivoire (FRCI) who had contacted Le Nouveau Courrier (newspaper ) seveta;l months ago to confirm the information relayed on torture practices of his brothers in arms, said: "I am a soldier of FRCI and I am devastated by everything that happens before my eyes. It's disgusting because we keep talking about reconciliation. "After investigation, victims of the Ouattara torturer regime share all about their ordeals. Without hood! They were all victims of extrajudicial arrests between March and June 2012, accused of being militiamen often due to personal problems with some elements of the FRCI, and subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment. Their testimonies are thrilled.
Hino Hie Rochman (30 years), Kroumen farmer , abducted in Tabou 12 June 2012 at 11am
"They tortured me to the point of breaking my testicle, I suffer and I need help"
"My captors accuse me of having campaigned for President Laurent Gbagbo. For them, being pro-Gbagbo is automatically militia. Being home with an acquaintance called Bako (Bakayoko), who is a member of the FRCI, I got visits from several other elements of the FRCI just after he left. These were led by Lieutenant Coulibaly, the FRCI commander of Tabou. They order me intimately to follow them. They had already arrested a friend, a Police Sergeant of Tabou Hardly have I asked why they ordered me to follow them, they began to beat me up before we throwing us at the back of a pick up , the police officer and myself in direction of San Pedro. I have to emphasize that I had already abducted by the FRCI twice and had myself released after my mother (women FPI President of San Pedro and Béréby) paid a ransom of 250 000 FCFA for the first time and 150 000 CFA for the second time on 1 June and 9 June. I was invited several times by FRCI elements to leave the city to avoid the wrath of their superiors, but I stayed since I do not reproach myself involved in any wrongdoing,.
In San Pedro, a military camp near the clinic "Les Rochers", I was left in the hands of captain Bema apparently the commander of the camp. After he gave orders his elements to make me confess the Para attacks I was put naked with a rope attached to my hip, and they forced me to make tea. Around midnight, they make me light up fire and force me to smoke cannabis. In addition, I am shackled by the hands and feet they attach to a motorcycle (KTM) as to quartered me. They also hit me at the sole of my feet with fresh branches under the gaze of Captain Bema. Then, under his orders, they would attach me to an electric pole to electrocute me. When they realize that I'm losing blood, they stop. And put me in a cell when they realize that UNOCI arrives in the camp. On the night of June 13 to 14, Bema made me understand that I am the lover of Tabou FRCI commander girlfriend , Lieutenant Coulibaly, a certain Benedicte. That's why I must die. Initially, it was about to killing me, because according Bema, my parents did not know my whereabouts.
FRCI led me to an opening field between the harbor of San Pedro and a village not far from the area in a pick up in which there were seven of their elements. They tied bricks at me hoping that I would lose my breath. It is at this time, fortunately, my mother tried to reach me on the cellphone. They panicked and demanded that I ask her to give them the sum of 500 000 FCFA for my release. Monday, June 18, during our transfer, Commissioner Doumbia of the Prefecture of Police of San Pedro and the FRCI elements responsible for accompanying us, including a certain Aboubacar, tried to kill us at Irobo. (...)
When I arrived at the Directorate of Territorial Surveillance (Dst), after falling ill and being transferred to a clinic (Diane de Saint Riviera III), the doctor found that I had a gonad (testicle) broken. After surgery, I was forced to wear a prosthesis. Despite all this, I am without drugs transferred to the House of Detention and Correction d'Abidjan (Maca) on 17 July 2012. I only get three injections each week. I suffer a lot and I need help. "
Attoumou N'Guessan Carlos Henry (28), kidnapped in San Pedro March 3, 2012 at 11am at the factory Dafci
"They tied us up, wet and electrocuted us"
"I was with my concubine when heavily armed individuals approached us and let me know that I was wanted by the police. It is from this moment that my suffering began. My captors once in the vehicle began to violently beat up me and strangle until reaching the destination, a camp not far from the clinic "Les Rochers." Once there, they have called the chief of police who gave the order, in Malinke, to torture me without leaving apparent sequels on my body in order to avoid problems with human rights organizations and UNOCI. Immediately, they began to tie me up like an animal in his presence and beat me with batons on the soles of the feet demanding that I confess an alleged attack on the town of San Pedro. Bema is the captain who was the conductor of the torture sessions.
On the nights of 3, 4 and 5 March 2012, I am tied in with another prisoner and then suspended in the air. Wetted with water, we are electrocuted during these three nights before joining the other prisoners. Four in number, we were moved on Abidjan, the Dst to be heard. But it is the police department that we landed on March 29 before being transferred to the House of Detention and Correction d'Abidjan (Maca) on April 11. "
Tébahi Zonzahon Guy Joel (38 years), traditional healer, abducted on February 8 Namézaria (Lakota)
"They introduced me to television as a mystic Liberian yet I am an Ivorian of Wobe ethnic"
Returning from Cocolihet a village in Lakota , where I went to treat a patient, I was stopped at a corridor at the entrance Namézaria in the company of a young person. This is where the FRCI elements have accused us of being pro-Gbagbo militiamen and preparing to attack them mystically. We let them know that we are certainly pro-Gbagbo, but are hardly militiamen. According to them, pro-Gbagbo equals militia . They then lead us in their hangar where we got the butts of Kalashnikovs on the head. They burnt plastic bags and pour the liquid over our bodies before we got to Lakota city where the same scenario was repeated until 10 February. It is that date that we have been conveyed to the Republican Guard in Abidjan (Treichville). I thought I was at the end of my troubles, but I quickly became disillusioned. I was removed from the other prisoners to be led to the edge of the Ebrié lagoon where I suffered many abuses. On February 11, in the presence of a Wattao(well known commander)and a certain Delta, I was presented on television as a mystic Liberian militiamen who came to prepare attacks on the FRCI. However, I am of Wobe ethnicity, from Totodrou in the sub-prefecture Kouibly. I'm just a traditional healer, at the Maca since February 17, 2012.
Bassoa Donald, agent of a shipping company (Sotus)
"They electrocuted until the breaker trips itself"
"I was kidnapped from my home in San Pedro at midnight, March 5, 2012, because I'm the president of the Guéré yputh of the city. That day, my family was abused pretexting being that Guéré I necessarily have knowledge of weapons caches and a project to destabilize the country. I was thrwn onboard of e vehicule while my home was being looted by FRCI elements inmesh and civilian headed by a young mechanic who served as their informant. Conducted in a camp not far from the clinic "Les Rochers" I was tortured under the watchful eye of Captain Bema as follows:
A Sodeci( Ivorian water company) pipe- introduced in my opened mouth until my stomach filled with water, I did pee on myself.
-They proceeded to my electrocution after moistened me with water, until the breaker trips itself.
On March 29, I was transferred to the DST and Abidjan on 11 April Maca.
Djédjé N'Dré Samuel (53 years), agent to the sawmill (African Industry) of San Pedro
"The torture camp is called" Mecano ""
"I was abducted on 14 June 18h on my return from service. I was led to FRCI camp not far from the clinic ""Les Rochers" under the spurious grounds that I recruit people to destabilize the regime. Arrived in this camp, I was put naked and questioned vigorously by my captors who did not hesitate to break my prescribed glasses . I was led into the captain'Bema's office giving the order to lock me up and torture until I confess. Thus, at midnight, I was tied to an aluminum electric pole . They stroke me at the sole of my feet from midnight until 2am. The second step, according to them, is the phase of the electrocution, which is equivalent to passing an electric shock of 220 volts through my body. I emphasize that the torturer camp called "Mecano". My torture session continued with the FRCI team which "mounted" on June 15 June 16, accompanied by a certain Doumbia, a deputy commissioner and some elements FRCI, went home searching. On June 18, I was transferred to Dst, where I was transferred to the Maca July 6. "
Gerard Guede wheat (39 years), agent SAPH Divo, kidnapped February 8, 2012 at Niamézaria
"Arrested because I went to see an incarcerated friend "
"Gine to inquire of the arrest of a friend, Tébahi Guy, I was molested, tied with an electric cable. I suffered pratically the same beatings as my friend. We received butts and were tortured with burning plastic on our bodies and batons as well as rifle butts. We were then transferred to Abidjan with other youth in the region under the pretext that we are pro-Gbagbo militia thus preparing to attack the regime. "
Testimonies collected by Benjamin Silué
The picture is a photo illustration. It is Koudou Djaki Seraphin, tortured by the FRCI after the overthrow of President Laurent Gbagbo, who has already testified in the columns of the Nouveau Courrier
Now as you can witness all this is well known by UN, the US , French and UK Embassies
UNOCI spokesman, Kenneth Blackman, told reporters in Abidjan that members of the armed forces, known as FRCI, are accused of carrying out rapes, acts of torture, armed robberies and other abuses(kidnapping, massacres) in several locations
Human rights abuses in Côte d'Ivoire on rise: UN
Human rights violations perpetrated by soldiers are on the rise in the West African country of Côte d'Ivoire, according to the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI).UNOCI spokesman, Kenneth Blackman, told reporters in Abidjan that members of the armed forces, known as FRCI, are accused of carrying out rapes, acts of torture, armed robberies and other abuses in several locations in recent weeks.
And all that without a single arrest or a single Security Council resolution , we are not even talking about the Duekoué genocide where aver 1000 civilians were killed (according to the British Red cross who counted bodies) by Ouatarra forces and the continuous daily human right abuses.
And American Embassy’s National Daily Press Review
This daily press review is compiled by the Information Section of the Public Affairs Office of the American Embassy in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire.
1. New details on armed attack and mass prison break in Dabou
2. Ivorian and Liberian authorities say the UN must help monitor security along their common border
3. Gender-based violence still calls for action, woman rights activist says
4. South Africa-based airline company to resume activities from Abidjan
3. Gender-based violence still calls for action, woman rights activist says
According to Mrs. Josiane Adoubi, the National Coordinator of the PAIMSC, a government-sponsored task force set up to fight against gender-based violence, efforts are still needed to address the issue. Speaking in the course of an interview with Notre Voie (p. 6), Mrs. Adoubi argued that though achievements have been made over the past decade, the recent political and social unrest have exacerbated the issue of gender-based violence nationwide; hence her plea for continued support from the government and international partners in the fight against the phenomenon.
For questions regarding this service, please contact: Mr. Folli Teko in the Public Affairs Press Office, TekoFX@state.gov.
So Mr Obama could you please tell us what's democracy were talking when you imposed by forced against the will of and the choice of the people of Ivory Coast your friend Ouattara ? Your own Embassy’s National Daily Press Review compiled by the Information Section of the Public Affairs Office of the American Embassy in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire says Ouattara regime rapes women....
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