But can trust this man and the ICC?
ABIDJAN (AFP) - The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Abidjan Saturday promised an "impartial" investigation on crimes committed during the post-election crisis in Ivory Coast, which should cover three to six responsible s.
"We will be totally impartial," insisted Luis Moreno-Ocampo, who arrived Friday night for a 24-hour visit, six months after a crisis that has left some 3,000 dead.
"Three to six people will be investigated," he told a news conference. An "estimate", he said, adding, "we do not know who they are."
Investigators are already deployed on the territory, "will focus on the most heinous crimes and those who have the greatest responsibility," he said, other crimes to be addressed by the Ivorian justice, an unprecedented collaboration in his .
After "Minister" of Justice Jeannot Ahoussou Kouadio and President of the Commission dialogue, truth and reconciliation (CDVR), former Prime Minister Charles Konan Banny, Mr. Moreno-Ocampo met with Alassane Ouattara, who in May had called the ICC to investigate.
The prosecutor also met with a delegation of the Ivorian Popular Front (FPI) party of Laurent Gbagb the President of the Republic held in the North since April.
"We are led to more confidence in this justice than in our justice," the president of the FPI, Sylvain Miaka Oureto told reporters , hoping that the ICC goes back to the failed coup against Gbagbo in 2002, even the coup of 1999.
Born of the refusal of a recount after the election fraud in areas under control of Ouattra rebels for presidential elections of November 28, 2010, the crisis, concluded in April after two weeks of war and the kidnapping of the legal and legitimate president invested by the Constitutional Council, made about 3,000 people dead whose in majority were killed by the French army and the pro Ouattara forces , epilogue of more than a decade of turmoil in this former French colony once stable and prosperous now recolonized.
The ICC judges have authorized on October 3rd Luis Moreno-Ocampo to investigate crimes against humanity and war crimes committed during the most recent troubles, while leaving open the door to an investigation dating back to 2002.
Ivorian "Justice" illegally holds in custody and charged - for endangering the security of the state, economic crimes or crimes of violence - The president, his wife Simone and a hundred personalities of his board, civil or military.
Coincidence, acquaintance of Simone Gbagbo, Captain Anselme Seka Yapo, on the run and accused of serious abuses, was arrested Saturday at Abidjan airport, according to several sources.
No figure of Ouattara's camp has been sue yet , fueling the suspicion of "victor's justice".
However, the judges of the ICC, claims there is "a reasonable basis" to believe that the pro-Gbagbo forces and pro-Ouattara have committed "attacks against the civilian population", especially in the economic capital Abidjan and in the west, where the UN says a thousand people perished.
Ouattara regime promised to play the game, even if the rebels who fought for Mr. Ouattara in the ranks of Republican Forces (FRCI) could be arrested.
Guillaume Soro, "Prime Minister" and leader of the rebellion, said Oct. 7 that the Ivory Coast was willing to hand over to the ICC the military in case they are involved in "blood crimes".
In Abidjan, a certain tension persists in any case before the semblance of the legislative elections of December11th .In a violent crackdown by Ouattara armed men who feared that the real international community realizes that he has never won anything and can not earn anything in Ivory Coast, the FPI was prevented on Saturday 15 to hold yet its peaceful meeting . A rally was marred by clashes last week in the town of Kumasi and this time in Yopougon the UN soldiers were present and assisted if not indirectly involved in a violent repression and also refrained from the right to protect the population(Gbogbo's supporters) for which they are mandated in Ivory Coast. so there is no doubt that this institution is the military arm of the Mafia's new order and multinationals. How can we expect in this atmosphere an ICC investigation an institution founded by the same mafia (George Soros) who runs the UN / IMF and Ouattara's friend?
But can trust this man and the ICC?
ABIDJAN (AFP) - The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Abidjan Saturday promised an "impartial" investigation on crimes committed during the post-election crisis in Ivory Coast, which should cover three to six responsible s.
"We will be totally impartial," insisted Luis Moreno-Ocampo, who arrived Friday night for a 24-hour visit, six months after a crisis that has left some 3,000 dead.
"Three to six people will be investigated," he told a news conference. An "estimate", he said, adding, "we do not know who they are."
Investigators are already deployed on the territory, "will focus on the most heinous crimes and those who have the greatest responsibility," he said, other crimes to be addressed by the Ivorian justice, an unprecedented collaboration in his .
After "Minister" of Justice Jeannot Ahoussou Kouadio and President of the Commission dialogue, truth and reconciliation (CDVR), former Prime Minister Charles Konan Banny, Mr. Moreno-Ocampo met with Alassane Ouattara, who in May had called the ICC to investigate.
The prosecutor also met with a delegation of the Ivorian Popular Front (FPI) party of Laurent Gbagb the President of the Republic held in the North since April.
"We are led to more confidence in this justice than in our justice," the president of the FPI, Sylvain Miaka Oureto told reporters , hoping that the ICC goes back to the failed coup against Gbagbo in 2002, even the coup of 1999.
Born of the refusal of a recount after the election fraud in areas under control of Ouattra rebels for presidential elections of November 28, 2010, the crisis, concluded in April after two weeks of war and the kidnapping of the legal and legitimate president invested by the Constitutional Council, made about 3,000 people dead whose in majority were killed by the French army and the pro Ouattara forces , epilogue of more than a decade of turmoil in this former French colony once stable and prosperous now recolonized.
The ICC judges have authorized on October 3rd Luis Moreno-Ocampo to investigate crimes against humanity and war crimes committed during the most recent troubles, while leaving open the door to an investigation dating back to 2002.
Ivorian "Justice" illegally holds in custody and charged - for endangering the security of the state, economic crimes or crimes of violence - The president, his wife Simone and a hundred personalities of his board, civil or military.
Coincidence, acquaintance of Simone Gbagbo, Captain Anselme Seka Yapo, on the run and accused of serious abuses, was arrested Saturday at Abidjan airport, according to several sources.
No figure of Ouattara's camp has been sue yet , fueling the suspicion of "victor's justice".
However, the judges of the ICC, claims there is "a reasonable basis" to believe that the pro-Gbagbo forces and pro-Ouattara have committed "attacks against the civilian population", especially in the economic capital Abidjan and in the west, where the UN says a thousand people perished.
Ouattara regime promised to play the game, even if the rebels who fought for Mr. Ouattara in the ranks of Republican Forces (FRCI) could be arrested.
Guillaume Soro, "Prime Minister" and leader of the rebellion, said Oct. 7 that the Ivory Coast was willing to hand over to the ICC the military in case they are involved in "blood crimes".
In Abidjan, a certain tension persists in any case before the semblance of the legislative elections of December11th .In a violent crackdown by Ouattara armed men who feared that the real international community realizes that he has never won anything and can not earn anything in Ivory Coast, the FPI was prevented on Saturday 15 to hold yet its peaceful meeting . A rally was marred by clashes last week in the town of Kumasi and this time in Yopougon the UN soldiers were present and assisted if not indirectly involved in a violent repression and also refrained from the right to protect the population(Gbogbo's supporters) for which they are mandated in Ivory Coast. so there is no doubt that this institution is the military arm of the Mafia's new order and multinationals. How can we expect in this atmosphere an ICC investigation an institution founded by the same mafia (George Soros) who runs the UN / IMF and Ouattara's friend?
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