Ivory Coast is known as the one of the countries world hosting the largest number of foreigners on its territory. The official percentage of 26% is far below the reality for many of these people seeking asylum or make a fortune who have managed establish and make themselves be accepted as Ivorian.One of them is now being imposed at the head of this country. How to understand for someone who was supposedly born on 01.01.1942 in a city of the V Baoulé( Dimbokro centre of Ivory Coast) that only in 1989, that is to say, almost to 50 years, that could establish an Ivorian identity card?Remember it has always been allowed and encouraged to young Ivorian to establish a national identity card at the age of 18.It is therefore legitimated to find in that foundation decisions of the Supreme Court that mentioned whenever in their conclusions the questionable nationality of this strange man. In addition, the acquisition of an apartment in Abidjan and award received which this man has benefited from the Ivorian authorities have been under another nationality(Burkina Faso).Today, the acts that this man poses speak eloquently of his foreign nationality; starting with his bodyguard who is assigned to foreign armies as well as his advisers of all kinds.His fellow countrymen from Burkina Faso pushed the audacity to issue a document certifying that the man has never been a national of that country. What a blatant lie!This is why all actions taken during his quest for power in this country of Eburnie are marked with the seal of identity confusion. Thus he refused as part of the public hearings, that people register in their region of origin. In the same vein, his party, the RDR, has on this occasion demonstrated unprecedented violence against the population.This is why it imposed the resumption of the identification of Ivorians and this without the supervision of Ivorian official authorities. And it was an opportunity for a parody of attribution unjustified of the CNI to all comers. That is why all his cronies took care to burn all the official records of the areas under their rule. What a notorious incivility !And thus has been truncated for the candidate from abroad the Ivorian electoral file. Many were foreign neighbors who went to the polls to vote for Ivorian Presidential and the Presidentials of Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea. What country is this where people have the opportunity to vote for Presidents of the Republic of countries they do not have the nationality?This is also why the shameful exploitation of ethnic catching up, you can find officials appointed by the "President of the Republic", whom have no Ivorian parents and who have never asked Ivorian nationality by naturalization. There's an observation since April 11, 2011 that the Ivorian nationality is no use to occupy a strategic position in the army or the administration. These are no longer in the hands of Ivory Coast. All strategic sectors and sovereignty are in the hands of France, Burkina Faso and the countries of the sub-region. France is experimenting in the knowledge of all, the disappearance of a state, one of its former colonies like the West did for the former Yugoslavia. It is transforming the Ivory Coast in a "no man's land."This explains why Ivorians are dispossessed of their land to new settlers from the north(Burkina Faso).
Please check "Who is behind this master plan ?"
So they kill with impunity Ivorians who dare claim any ownership. It is in this regard that citizens are murdered in western Ivory Coast. They occupy villas vacated by senior pro-Gbagbo(who flee the country to save their lives) tranfomed into hospices, clandestine concentration or tortures camps. They appropriate the beautiful villas abandoned temporarily by owners fleeing the barbarity of these rebel-criminal actions as macabre or worse than those who are described as terrorists to justify intervention and later a partition of Mali.All these expropriations, these distributions of awards for activism in the rebellion that has killed many Ivorians are accompanied by a harsh dictatorship against the opposition to bring forcibly to join these actions of dispossession and destruction. So they put in prison brave FDS(Official legitimate Ivorian Security and Defense Forces) men and recruits instead of foreign mercenaries in the Ivorian army.In the administration, are many (former) rebels, mostly foreigners, who are recruited without going through the formal examination or meeting the usual conditions imposed by the Ivorian government. This country is therefore increasingly plundered by French and West African foreigners . That is why, without adjudication
, huge contracts are offered to French companies and Burkina Faso ,countries which are sponsors and executors of the killings perpetrated to remove Gbagbo from power. Thus, billions of FCFA are announced, benefiting instead these countries, to the detriment of Ivorians who see their poverty increasing.In the sector of land, the case takes a more dramatic turn. The current "government" is involve in Ivorian's land grabbing for the benefit of the foreign African, French, American, European, etc..
This is why, while the land had been torn off or banned from Aboriginal as a classified forests, the government of (former) rebels supported by France, now offers the same land gracefully to his soldiers mercenaries of the ten year period of the coup and the war of France against Gbagbo. poor Ivorian !Worse, now the "government" of French bombs and missiles is giving away hundreds of thousands of hectares of the classified forest to agricultural multinationals to degrade further Ivorian farmers and make him a stranger in his own land. Faced with this bleak expropriation of Ivory Coast from the hands of his worthy sons, it is important to draw the attention of the foreign to these vile acts and the serious injustices suffered by the Ivorians. To the policymakers in these countries, we must remind them the events of 1958 when the Ivorian rose as one man to impose their rights to foreigners. It should therefore not be surprised to see the same reactions recur tomorrow . To the so called human rights organizations , who have now became silent before such atrocities and injustices, do not be surprised to see tomorrow patriotic leaders return to these committed robberies and engage necessary agrarian reforms enabling the Ivorian to get possession of their (stolen)properties . It will be too late to hold forth as was the case in Zimbabwe, Mugabe the veteran-resistant. To the religious leaders and Ivorian traditional chiefs who seem to accept this suffering of Ivorians, they should know that the memory of a people continues from generation to generation and the Ivorian land is an heritage left by G-d to this people abandoned today to this bloodthirsty regime serving the imperialists. To the sadistic Club and greedy Western imperialists (CSVIO) and particularly France, the main actors and beneficiaries of spoliation, in due time, pride Africans will get rid of this chain of slavery and colonialism/imperialism they have suffered and continue to do so.Finally, to the Ivorian leaders of political "parties" conglomerate PDCI, RDR and (former) rebels who are on their conscience forever and their role as collaborators , the Ivorians will point you out forever and forever as those who delivered the only land that G-d gave them, to their tormentors.
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