How many heard about the Sudanese air force dropping 4 bombs inside a secondary school building and two on a church last Saturday, 9 February ? Imagine that in Gaza or Syria all the so called Human rights NGO and international community and their medias would be out-crying and the UN would be already condemning and talking about resolutions.
Yet again in Ivory Coast the same "international community " not only creates and supports criminal regime to exterminate pro sovereignty population opposition New World Order invasion and occupation as shown below:
* "Fifty young" France 24, which has no corresponding on the site launched this lie repeated by the media such as BBC, but here are some echoes of people who were present this morning (and I resumed without naming )
Chase in Yopougon, at the CP1 place invisible to the naked eye since tear gas invaded the air.Organizers including members of the BEN JFPI have been pursued, but Resistance continues.FRCI(Ouattara's militia backed by the UN) burst into homes ... but the brave people although bruised always chant "Free Gbagbo," the "Free GABGBO!" "We want Gbagbo!"
SITUATION IN YOPOUGON ... Do you have an idea .... Man Hunt presently around the place CP1.FPI still meeting. Mobilization increasingly stronger youth wanting to keep up the struggle.
click here https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.428597010554876.95579.100002137422453&type=1¬if_t=close_friend_activity for photos of the repressive apparatus, UNOCI and the FRCI at work!This is the cordoned device FRCI-Police-UNOCI at the CP1 space of Yopougon, this Saturday, February 16, 2013 at 10am.The closure if the area starts 2 km from the site of the Space CP1: at the 1st Yopougon bridge with a van full of cops, the three vans at the carrefour sable ; Siporex Bridge with two vans. The palace with two vans; Fire Firefighter Crossroads with 2 vans; Mossikro with 1 cargo, with Sports Complex 4 vans .The closer you get to the space CP1, the device tightens more and more are vehicles and Ouattara men. The population around the area were ordered to be barricaded at home.In this picture, you have 2 elements UNOCI at ""Carrefour Lavage""Young supporters of Gbagbo responded to the call Justin Koua, but Ouatttara's order is strict: "Do not allow them to hold this meeting."At 10h30mn, young people continued to come. Which earned additional reinforcements of the gendarmerie, police and UNOCI.Carrefour "Keneya" vans of the gendarmerie and the police are parked face-to-face and at both sides of the road.At tha station William Ponty, we saw police disperse youths who bypassed the device of the "Carrefour Lavage" to go to space CP1. All lanes linking to the area of the JFPI meeting are held by police, gendarmes, and elements of UNOCI,
The UN and its protegee Ouattara just showed once again in the eyes of the national and the real international community aversion for democracy. This is the umpteenth time they prevent the FPI or any of its structures to manifest or hold a public meeting. In a normal democracy holding a meeting from opposition parties would not cause any problem. But in Ivory Coast the regime shows itself as the cimetry of freedom.It's one of the most authoritative, autocratic cruel dictatorial regime of the world and this has never happened before in the history of Ivory Coast until Ouattara was imposed through a putsch by the UN French coalition. Check the List of freedom indices : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_freedom_indices
.This added to the fact that this nation since the UN/French putsch has became the first country in Africa and and the 3rd in the world were there's more killings(mainly perpetrated by Ouattara militia on anyone seen as potential opponent or pro-Gbagbo) we wonder why the so called international community and their medias are beating more drum about Syria armed"opposition" or the terrorist repression in Gaza ? Check the highest homicide rate in the world : http://www.care2.com/causes/homicide-rate-highest-in-honduras-el-salvador-ivory-coast.html . Confronted to such cruel and assassin tyranny , with an antipodal attitude to democracy whom under our eyes assassinate freedom and democracy (with the blessings and full support of the UN, EU, USA , France, UK) which we earned from high struggles after so many sacrifices , suffering and humiliations. Although this
genocide perpetrating regime is backed and protected by the "international community" (France , US, UK., EU, UN)
We will continue nevertheless the fight for the restoration of the Ivorian democracy and the safety of the national sovereignty at the peril of our lives we'll go forward and overcome. A big thanks to the merit of the JPI and its national interim secretary Koua Justin and all the team
.Congratulation to all the youths who answered to the JPI. Thanks you for your courage keep the hope .Thank to you all for your engagement. Soon the UN, EU and Co would label us terrorists since they are the one fighting us but we shall overcome in adversity as long as we stand in the truth with G-d before us.
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