Monday, 27 August 2012

Who is behind this master plan ?

Captain Kpolo Ouattara (Ivorian Office of
Natural Parks and  Reserves  interview):'' Those who are inside the park are mostly foreigners .Every week, two or three buses  transport the illegal discharge, thus increasing their population. If you share on the basis of two convoys per week, is easily make up  600 people
a month.''How are the activities  of Mont Peko
park today?
I took office in Duékoué in December 2011. In fact, I was here in 2008-2009 and I went on training. With regard to the conservation of the park, our absence on the ground since 2002 has had an impact. It was the same everywhere. Even our premises were occupied by the military. We do not exist even in the city. After the post-election crisis, we occupy our local revenues had become, in the meantime, housing some elements of FRCI. We partially rehabilitated the building in March 2012. Unfortunately for us, we are told that the FRCI back. We were told that this is temporary. But it worries us.
And the park itself?In technical terms, this is another problem. It was tough. The staff I found there was not on the ground. Attack risks were great. Especially at the level of the park, there was a lot of information circulating.
What these rumors were about?It is mainly the presence of armed men in the park. Myself, after six months of service, I went there once.
Why are you afraid, too?I was aware of the situation when I arrived. My method was to approach local residents before meeting those in the park. We are emerging from an
armed crisis . I can not commit  just ar my arrival, repression. I had strict instructions from my superiors in this direction. So I came as an agent of development. Locally, I relied on the population. Because people thought the Forestry would no longer be back and the area had been decommissioned. I succeeded in my mission partly because  the prefects and sub-prefects helped me. Two-thirds of the park are in the department of Bangolo and the other third  in Duékoué. It was about meeting the infiltrators. I've sent them invitations with the help of sub-prefects  of Guinglo Taouaké, Bléni-Méhouin. But they refused to meet me.
What is the nature of the
infiltrated population ?
For us, they are peasants. Those of them who told me, asked me to get in touch with Amadé Ouérémi before meeting. But for me, it is about people who are individually illegals. This is where I realized that they are organized. From February 2012, I changed my strategy in seeking to meet Amadé Ouérémi in vain. I went through the same sub-prefects, without success. And when I wanted to get into the park to see it directly, I was dissuaded by evoking the danger I was exposing myself.
Have you tried to reach Amadé Ouérémi by phone? The Number, I had worked well. But he never answers. I learned later that he does not answer calls from numbers he doesn't know. So I changed the method again.
Doing what?I went by people who are close to him. Including fellow Burkina Faso. Only promises were made. I tried to meet him through the sub-prefect of Bagohouo who sent me to meetings to introduce myself to the population, in vain.
What have you done?Finally, I took my courage in both hands to enter the park.
Why such a fateful decision?I had a time constraint because of the assessment mission parks. Experts had  to come to see the degradation of Peko (fauna and flora). I referred to the sub-prefect of Bagohouo who encouraged me. As to the head of the village, he said: "Go ahead, but I can not accompany you." There was one week left for beginning of the mission. I took the path that leads to the camp Amadé Ouérémi. I came to a corridor where people asked me what I was doing in this place.
were these people  armed?
They were in civilian clothes and were unarmed. They were a dozen. I was asked if I had an appointment with Amadé Ouérémi. When I answered in the negative, I was asked to wait. Fifteen minutes later, Amadé Ouérémi appeared. It was April 25. He was not happy that I got into the forest.
What has he given as an argument to justify his displeasure?He asked who  allowed me to enter the park. He threatened me saying he does not like the Forestry officers because it is his forest. He even told me that if I came to look for trouble, he was ready. He uttered death threats against me.
What did he say exactly?He said he was going to kill us.How many people have done this mission?
We were four. I answered Amadé Ouérémi
that I  had balanced the danger I was exposing myself to. But I was not there to cause problems. He became a little cold. I told him: "For five months, I could not see you. I am in charge of the Mont Peko  and I'm here to announce that an evaluation mission will come from Abidjan in a week to visit the park. It is in your interest and ours. This mission is being conducted by the Government of Côte d'Ivoire. If you object, it is as if you are opposed to the government of Côte d'Ivoire. "
What was his reaction?He told me that he has invested a lot of money in the park. If the mission had to it snatch from him, he would not allow them to do so. He must be compensated.
What does he mean by "investing money in the park''?He made plantations. I replied: "I am a clerk of the State. We have to show the mission
your officials investment in the park. Only the State can decide your fate. If one day, the park is downgraded, I will be assigned elsewhere. "
did he authorize the mission of experts?There was no question of an authorization. But just telling him
that a mission is imposed to all of  us.
Did this mission happen?
It actually took place from February to March.Smoothly?The second day of the mission, Amadé Ouérémi
men wanted to make resistance to the group of agents in the mesh.  They are taken on the bird expert , it should be known that the feature of this park is that it houses a rare species of birds. This is what allowed it to benefit from a project. It was necessary to ensure that the birds were still there. There were still two false notes.
Why?When sociologists came, they saw the heads of the villages, they asked to meet the infiltrators. Ouérémi and its components declined. Towards the end of the mission, we were stressed. A final stage was to check the state of the tracks that surround the park which one of the missions is the development of tourism. Once the mission was over, there was the release of government
asking infiltrators  out of protected areas. Amadé Ouérémi and his men thought the object of the mission was to find out their position and report to Abidjan.
Were you in the mission?No. I sent two of my officers. I  was already known, we had to avoid tempers flare. I was patrolling around the park to alert the authorities if necessary.
Did the mission  see this rare bird?
This is only my hierarchy can answer. I can not discuss the findings of a mission that I am not the sponsor of.
Can the park still be saved?
The purpose of a park, this is not necessarily the forest. It is also the terrain, landscape, wildlife. If we leave it alone, it can be replenished. There are elephants and chimpanzees in the park. They are hunted. The farm is also very intense. This puts the park at risk.
What do you say to people who complain that natives are prevented  from working in the park, yet Amadé Ouérémi(from Burkina Faso) is working in peace?
They are right. This park is preserved since the colonial period. It has a very important role in the region. Today, we realize that the river Sassandra is dying. One cause of this is the destruction of Peko is one of its tanks. All streams that leave the Péko are dry. In the fields, people distort the beds of streams.
How to resolve the case of Amadé Ouérémi?We refer to our hierarchy and government. The issue is very sensitive to various reasons.
Why?Those who are inside the park are mostly foreigners(from Burkina Faso). As manager of Mont Peko, it is not for me to carry out actions that may lead to unrest in the region.
What is the real state of the park today?Can not answer without a study of the park. However, it is impossible to do. Because the park has become a powder keg. Each week, two or three buses to transport the illegal discharge, thus increasing their population.  Making on the basis of two convoys per week,  it is easily  600 people per month. Initially, the newcomers were farm laborers in the service of the former. When they have the means, after their contracts, they in turn buy shares of forest. They are well organized on site.
Why not going in through Bangolo?Everywhere, they refer you to Amadé Ouérémi. In fact, there were two groups at the beginning . At Bangolo
a certain Bakary, and  Ouérémi in the area of ​​Duékoué. Each worked separately. There was a conflict of jurisdiction between the two groups  when the two fields trespassed each other around 2008-2009. Following the clashes, Amadé Ouérémi took over.
Interviewed in  Duékoué by  Gouly

Now the above interview shows exactly what kind of life native Ivorians are suffering since the so called international community started to destabilize Ivory Coast legal government in order to subdue the people and take the land and its resources . To achieved this goal political , economical as well as social plan were put into action. Thus a armed rebellion, supported in secret by many EU countries and the US through their NGO's, medias fabricated allegations (of repression toward a certain people etc) against the legitimate government. This was done until the government of was forced to go into a planned rigged election by the UN who failed in his mission of disarming the rebels as required its mandate before any election happens. The worse was to opt for war, bombarding the civilian and presidential palace rather than recounting the disputed election results as any real democratic people would do. From all this we understand that multinationals and their commercial representatives called heads of state in US, and the EU as well as their army UN / French troops would do their best to make this big plan happen. In the context  of this classified natural park very well known it would  be like in Brazil amazonian rainforest with the difference that in Ivory Coast multinational owns the country now since it's classified as a High Indebted Poor Country which is plain language means bankrupt country bailled ou by multinational clothed as IMF, It  goes like this organizing an armed rebellion all sponsored by the so called international community, During the rebellion the country was divided in two with the rebels occupying 60% of the territory including the Mont Peko classified natural park region as well many other region very rich in resources. Then impose a Burkina Faso national who has never be voted by the Ivorian as president (no wonder he's only internationally recognized as such but nationally rejected by the people) . It was obvious that this man could not even reach the second round of the elections if the UN  and the EU did not rig the results ,reason for  refusing the recounting of the votes. Then after the occupied forest is downgraded by the illegal infiltrators the lands could be purchased by anyone ready to paid them the amount they are asking for to leave. How do we know that
Amadé Ouérémi a semi  non alphabetized is aware about all this ? We just have to go by what he said " he has invested a lot of money in the park. If the mission had the snatch it from him, he would not allow them to do so. He must be compensated."  This can easily been done either by his fellow  countryman (Burkina Faso) made president my the international community against the will of the people who can change the constitution make the land free from exploitation restriction or after decided that park is not longer classified the multinational can have it for free. And even buy out the area occupy by  the Burkina faso nationals who wouldn't mind selling them since it's not their lands only the money counts for them. That's why the international community wanted one of them non Ivorian as president . Notice one of the UN mandate is to check the borders especially in this area so how this people  from Burkina Faso get in place where native from the region are forbidden to enter because it's classified natural park? But regarding  Amadé Ouérémi there's an evidence that he's supported, trained and armed by international community, and the UN.

Amadé Ouremi, le tueur de la forêt classée du Mont Peko (Bangolo et Duekoué)
Here's Amadé Ouérémi with men receiving training from what seem to be a Western weapon expert probably US  or French.
C’est comme la découverte d’une nouvelle terre promise, d’un nouvel Eldorado.Selon des informations concordantes, presque tous les jours,arrivent du Burkina Faso,des convois de ressortissants Burkinabé.Et l’on signale des armes dans leurs bagages.Les étrangers installés déjà sur la terre des autochtones Wê et dans leurs forêts, font venir leurs nombreuses familles. Et l’affluence est telle qu’on a l’impression que le Burkina se vide. On sait que depuis la prise du pouvoir d’Etat par Alassane Dramane Ouattara, les Burkinabè donnent le sentiment d’avoir un homme sûr aux affaires en Côte d’Ivoire. Les métayers et autres ouvriers agricoles dans des champs ont chassé ou tué leurs patrons pour occuper leurs terres. Sur leurs propres terres, sur le patrimoine de leurs ancêtres, les populations sont de plus en plus des étrangers en insécurité. Depuis le Mont Pékô occupé par un bataillon de Burkinabè jusqu’aux forêts anonymes, ces immigrés font la loi face à une admiration Ouattara muette et inactive. Le Moyen Cavally et le Guemon sont deux régions de prédilection des arrivants du Burkina. Comment des populations peuvent-elles abandonner leurs terres, leur pays et envahir les terres d’autres peuples, sans s’imager que cette invasion peut créer d’immenses problèmes ? C’est le type de slogan injuste : «Vivre ensemble, uniquement chez les autres». Car si des Ivoiriens de l’Ouest ou d’autres régions du pays ne peuvent même pas envisager de se sédentariser au Nord de la Côte d’Ivoire et y mener des activités économiques et politiques, ce n’est pas au Burkina que les Ivoiriens vont occuper des terres des nationaux. Et donc ces gens exigent de vivre chez les autres, d’abuser de leur hospitalité et ne permettent pas que les autres en fassent autant chez eux. Conséquences : A l’Ouest, les autochtones et leurs descendants perdent de plus en plus leur patrimoine terrien. Ils ne sauront plus où aller, où vivre. Leurs enfants et petits enfants, qui ne sont pas à l’école ou n’ont pas réussi les études scolaires n’auront pas d’outil de production pour leur survie. Une situation à l’Ouest que les autorités négligent et que semble encourager le pouvoir en cherchant à légitimer l’expropriation des terres des paysans par de nouvelles lois sur le foncier est une bombe. A moins que cela soit leur objectif. Mais déjà l’insécurité naît de ces cohabitations. Il ne peut en être autrement lorsque les arrivants veulent arracher les terres à leurs propriétaires. Nous avons encore en mémoire des massacres de Guitrozon, Petit-Duékoué et Carrefour-Duékoué. A Bangolo se sont installés les Dozos sur un site donnant l’allure d’un camp militaire. Et ce sont les ex-rebelles issus de ces populations venues d’ailleurs, qui, en 2002, se distrayaient à parier sur le sexe de l’enfant que portait une femme enceinte et l’éventraient pour savoir qui avait gagné. Le passage d’Alassane Dramane Ouattara dans les régions en avril dernier n’a rien réglé. Au contraire. L’arrogance des Burkinabé s’est accrue. Et l’on apprend que l’attaque de Taï, juste après son départ de l’Ouest, serait liée aux conflits fonciers. L’Ouest, un bassin d’immigration en formation ? C’est le moins qu’on puisse dire. 

Germain Séhoué in Le Temps
Photo:Amadé ouérémi,le burkinabé commandant frci, maître du mont Péko

 and that explains why Captain Kpolo Ouattara (Ivorian Office of Natural Parks and Reserves said "This is where I realized that they are organized." Yes indeed well organized it's about an international plan which has been on for about 30 years if not longer. Why killings, abuses even another genocide can take place in all impunity, no investigation, no arrest, no sanction since there are internationally condoned . The point is at this stage and level who would or can help dismantle the master plan which is very well advanced ?

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