Led as fools in circle(reedited from the preview article full circle

While the UN is hypocritically celebrating World Refugee Day 2014: 51.2 million displaced, more than any time since World War II. showing that the number of refugees in the world has topped 50 million for the first time since World War II – and half of them are children, The Guardian reported on Friday, World Refugee Day but who still remember that
Over 200 Wê refugees were massacred after the attack on their camp in the presence of the authorities of the town of Duekoue and UNOCI "peace" Keepers in July 20, 2012. These poor Wê refugees, youth, elderly, women and children were sacrificed by fire, thrown in wells and graves. Up to date no serious investigation has been conducted and the umpteenth massacre of the Wê people went as far as an ordinary news story or even as a non-event, something that has never existed.
The martyr Wê people carries his cross and continues to resist the evil plan of the expropriation and its extermination. There will always be a Wê to claim the geographical and cultural heritage that is ours, to the last, the Wê will meet this challenge.
Check the video of the attack:
these are the declarations of Apollos Dan Thé member of the Federation of Wê the Diaspora (FEWED). Later
Mrs Fatou Bensouda, finally admited in an interview with the newspaper "L'Express", that the institution of the ICC is subject to the political agendas of the Western countries . This would explain why Laurent Gbagbo and the Kadhafis are pursued, and not the murderers of children and notorious criminals
like Obama, Hollande, and Why countries, such as Bahrain or the
Yemen,recently theatres of fierce repression are not worried? Because neither one nor the other are among the Member States. Only in this case the United Nations Security Council can enter the ICC, what it did not do. Same thing for Syria: The decision does not belong to us. Clearly, we are criticized for actions that the Security Council
undertook or does not undertake. It(UNSC) is a political body which can take decisions based
on criteria different from ours."She said. This depicts the graphic full circle conspiracy facts (and not a theory ) in Ivory Coast in particular and in Africa in general. In 2003 the ICC was called to investigate on the massacre perpetrated by the Ouattara's armed rebellion supported by France and other western countries but the was not sign of the ICC nor the UNSC (with France as one of the permanent members and leading the Peace keeping troops). France who refused to intervene during the rebels attack suddenly decided to interpose herself between the South controlled by the government and the North occupied by the rebellion coming from Burkina Faso. The same France who was arming and training the rebels destroyed the entire Ivorian Air Force war planes with the alibi that 9 French soldiers in their camp situated in the occupied rebel area were killed in an air attack . Still the same France organised in Marcoussis a conference to sign a treaty between the government and the rebellion using her influences and power at the UNSC to impose some restrictions and embargoes on Gbagbo’s government therefore forcing him to accept a coalition with the rebels. Since then France who is clearly not a neutral country in Ivory Coast (against the UN treaties regarding the impartiality ) was the main country initiating and drafting the resolutions against this nation.The abuse of power and the injustice behind this macabre plot was made evident when France imposed herself within the impartial force as Lycorn/Unicorn , a non neutral entity within an impartial force would never make sense to anyone in his/her right mind. Unfortunately the mindset in this framework is of economical and political order and rights and wrong have no place or rather are no given a place by most . For instance most of the resolutions including the fact that France has to be part of the impartial troops were initiated and drafted by France, which manipulated the last decision on the UNSC leading to the bombing of civilians under the pretext of destroying heavy weapons.It worth to notice that the recent proof rejected by the judges at the ICC in the prosecutor against Gbagbo were collected mainly by the same French(one of the mains financiers of the ICC) experts who have been since initiating and drafting resolutions against Ivory Coast. But before that point the idea of coalition government was to sabotage the country specially on the economy then call for an election . The emphasis during the campaign would be on a failed governance so the people who went through a hardship due to the sabotage would obviously turn against head of state. This plan did not work but the was other alternatives such as election mass frauds, protest against the election results and finally the armed insurrection. All the above were combined ,and this with the UNSC(mainly France and its allied ) still manipulating the ICC to deny justice to the real victims closing therefore the circle of the plot.
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