While we are constantly bombarded with news regarding human rights abuses and breach of international law in North Korea , Israel and now Ukraine, the same accusers namely US, EU, and the so called international community are misusing institution such as UN, UNSC etc to abuse , and loot other countries. Since 2002 France has been misusing the UNSC and its position at the presidency of the UN peace keeper to invade Ivory Coast then in 2004 committed a massacre on peaceful protesters with no worry of prosecution since the UN has licence to kill covered by the Breton Woods immunity pact . from 2002 up to now there still a diamond and cocoa trafficking through the North all that controlled by France/UN . Being the grandson of cocoa and cafe producer as well as a chocolate connoisseur I recently went to a Library of Chocolate in a prestigious department store in Europe to my surprise no a single chocolate from the the Ivory Coast the world biggest and best cocoa producer...While in some small supermarket it full of of chocolate made of cocoa from Ivory coast I was told that it was political. lets come back to the point of human right abuses . In 2011 France initiated and drawn a resolution 1975(known to us as the the resolution of lie since on the same lie Israel was accused of been apartheid state ) as it has always been he case in Ivory Coast since 2002 . Why on earth a country which is not neutral in Ivory Coast could been given a right to initiate and draw a resolution if that's not an abuse of power ? And to prove the point this was made after the elected president Laurent Gbagbo asked to recount the disputed election results which was strangely rejected by the France/UN with a mire strange and unbelievable argument that he would not be fair on the other candidate,,,notice the people did not count for them their candidate has to be by all mean imposed even if they have to kill to do so..Why this democratic act of recounting the votes been denied to the people of Ivory Coast if that's not an abuse of power ? Further more the legally and democratically elected president Gbagbo decided during the embargo and sanction on the his country to get out of the Nazi style colonial currency imposed by France to all its colonies( the same way the Hitler did when he invaded France) in order to create a new real independent currency. This put France into panic so rather than obeying the resolution an attack wad made on the President who has his unarmed supporters surrounding his residency been bombed by heavy weapon...while the resolution amendments required to protect civilians from heavy weapons He was not the first time France uses heavy weapon against civilians in Ivory Coast by as usual not a single security council condemnation if it was #Israel retaliating against armed terrorist there would be a rain of condemnations from all over starting by the medias..Now if all these abuses were not costing lives then it would had been a different story but in the case of Ivory coast were the regime has been imposed by through a coup by the so called international community led by #Obama and his admin we have to call on people who still have a human heart to intervene as quickly before it's too late for the victims who have been abandoned to die rotting in prison. Few years ago when Obama made a speech promised a better future under Ouattara Ivory coast had only 25% of the population living under poverty today only 3 year later we are 65% ., The country despite the being divided in to 2 (North under Ouattara armed rebellion control) and South held by the legal government of president Gbagbo was still relatively descent but since Ouattara came into office the country is ranked number one nation in Africa where there's more killing per inhabitant and within the top 10 in the world in that same macabre field. Now no one seems to see or hear what's happening in this country. This is an urgent SOS from a dying political prisoner constantly tortured who might be living his last moments if nothing if done immediately and he's just a tip of the iceberg many have disappeared according my contact in prison.

These pictures were sent to me yesterday by the cell mate of the victim. I spent all night crying couldn't take it anymore
This is how political prisoners are treated by Alassane Dramane Ouattara the "international recognized president" never voter by the Ivorian people (reason why he oppresses and kills them) with the blessings of #France and of the United Nations (UN)#Ban Ki-moon #Barack Obama #François Hollande Hollande Elysee - President of the French Republic and under the gaze of Human Rights Watch Humanity #BBC World News #Fox News.#CNN etc

These pictures were sent to me yesterday by the cell mate of the victim. I spent all night crying couldn't take it anymore
This is how political prisoners are treated by Alassane Dramane Ouattara the "international recognized president" never voter by the Ivorian people (reason why he oppresses and kills them) with the blessings of #France and of the United Nations (UN)#Ban Ki-moon #Barack Obama #François Hollande Hollande Elysee - President of the French Republic and under the gaze of Human Rights Watch Humanity #BBC World News #Fox News.#CNN etc
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