According to an Academic research conducted by Phil Howard the death of an authoritarian ruler usually
means chaos and more suffering for the people they ruled. A scanning
through the research shows that the problem in reality lies firstly in the term dictator very often defined by biased Medias working
for western governments or other institutions opposed to
the "dictatorship". This takes us to one of the other reasons
why there's chaotic situation following the death which is in general linked
to an assassination plotted by the western governments behind the false
allegations of dictatorship regime. The regime is then replaced by another
which then happens to be a real dictatorship (since not democratically elected
by the majority of the people) backed by the so called international community.
It's not always the case but that's the usual scenario. Ivory Coast and Libya (Khadafy
is not an Angel but was not what the media said about him before his
assassination. The case of Laurent Gbagbo presently incarcerated illegally
despite the fact that there's no evidences regarding the allegations against
him exposes the reality of the term dictator as defined by the western
government and their Medias. In Ivory Coast the father of democracy HEM
Laurent Gbagbo was democratically elected by the people in 2010 then overthrown by the “international
community" who backed Ouattara the Burkina Faso (made exceptional
candidate by Gbagbo on a presidential decree) national agent of the IMF
who lost the election despite the rigging in his "stronghold" the
rebel controlled north. Laurent Gbagbo who was awarded the Martin Luther King
prize in 2010 for his effort in establishing peace in a country divided by war
(Ouattara's armed rebellion backed by western governments attacked the country
in 2002). The scanning of the Dictator’s Dead Pool for 2013 shows that Ouattara still
fully supported by the
"international Community" who imposed
him to the Ivorian is classified
as dictator but he has never been
called so by
any western government. To see the list click on the link below please
never the term dictatorship has been used to define a single western regime
since Hitler, Mussolini and Franco’s era while it’s clear by definition that
most governments in the so called civilized world are ran by dictatorial multinationals.
And one of the proofs of the dictatorship is in the biased Media relaying
fabricated news (on behalf of the ruling multinationals) which are imposed to
the people as truth. And this is not mentioning the fact that the same
corporocracies(the new world order multinational ran dictatorship) use the UN ,
NATO to enforce its diktat in countries they want to subdue and take over the
resources. The term dictator is simply inversed to label those who refuse to
align to the new world order dictatorship
or taken over as it’s currently the case in Ivory Coast.

To be continued ...

To be continued ...

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