Gbagbo's case reveals all the shortcoming and inconsistencies in form as well as on the background of the International Criminal Court, seen by its critics as a justice of "winners.
It was a piece of choice. But it turns out hard to swallow.
It is not an issue of gastronomy here, but digestion problems of some international justice. And one that should more accurately represent the International Criminal Court (ICC), a young institution as ten years of existence, designed to take over the Nuremberg and Tokyo .....
In late November 2011, the ICC is offered a piece of exception ... Laurent Gbagbo, 68 years old, a former member of the Socialist , a friend of Jack Lang and Emmanuelli, historical opponent of Houphouet-Boigny ... ..
Obtaining, with the consent of ..... Alassane Ouattara, Gbagbo's transfer to the Scheveningen prison on the outskirts of The Hague, the ICC scored a big hit in its short history. It thus gained the ability to judge a head of state.
Launched under the term of office of the Argentinian Louis Moreno Ocampo, chief prosecutor at the ICC, and continued under the auspices of his successor and former deputy, Gambian Fatou Bensouda, the investigations carried out over several months were supposed to confirm the charges initially against Gbagbo. With the key, a unique case since the end of World War II.
But on June 3, those already predicted life imprisonment ..... had disillusioned.
Far from convincing the panel of judges responsible for charge or not of Laurent Gbagbo, , the copy made by the prosecutor Fatou Bensouda and her team copped a very poor "A review." The judges criticized her particularly for the weak and approximation of the investigation, essentially based on "hearsay from anonymous reports of NGOs, UN and newspaper articles." In short, shoddy work, without a "high probative value." as shown in the link bellow :
Moreover, in a room of ordinary justice, Mass was said, and Gbagbo went to the affection of his family, his wife Simone, and his son Michel, who, moreover, are still languishing in internment camps in Ivory Coast.
But, as denounced by or to the contrary congratulate opponents or critics of the ICC, it is not an ordinary institution. "All at once a legal body with unique powers but also a political construction" says lawyer Philippe Currat, Secretary General of the International Criminal Bar in Geneva.
As a result, Gbagbo remains in prison and Fatou Bensouda has a "catch-up session," according to the ironic expression of Bernard Houdin, special adviser to the incarcerated President. Houdin which obviously does not deprive to suspect the invisible arbitration of great powers who have worked in the fall of Gbagbo, France, the United States and their subjects.
By Alain Léauthier
Link and extra comments added by UN Watch Ivory Coast:
The criticism of the Danish Judge member of
the ICTY against the international Courts
added to all the above, are the signs that
alarm bells of the urgent action to tackle
these crimes.It must be said plainly, that the
speaking out of the judge Fréderik Harhoff in
the Danish media on 12 June will certainty
make waves within the governing bodies of
international courts(including the ICC) or
within the UN that created them.The Dane
F.Harhoff is an expert in International Law
and Judge at the International Tribunal for
Yugoslavia (icty.) He did not wear gloves to
criticise with unusual virulence practices that
take place in the court and therefore all
special courts set up by the UN. He noted
that these courts are not neutral and obey
the orders of the great powers, the USA in particular but in
order to to divert our attention from all the EU countries
including Denmark his country which directly involved
in these acts he blamed Israel which he added as great power influencing the international courts. Now contrary to
most of EU and the USA Israel is very often on trial in before
these courts while none of these
countries would never be imagined there on
trial ....They can only be judges, or
prosecutors in these courts.He went further
to directly accuse the president of icty the
AmericainThéodore Meron which would
exerce pressure on his staff not to
condemn the Yugoslav, Serbian and
Croatian officers yet convicted of crimes against humanity .
Unable to accept "massive pressures and diligent" great powers but also and especially the gulls of suspicion in these
courts F.Harhoff sent a "confidential" letter to the President
of icty with copies to 56 other officials including
lawyers.Harhoff certainly focused his criticism more on icty
but they have the advantage of being
effective for all other courts, including the
ICC. Assuredly, those who derive a large
dividend of this output of the Danish judge, are the African
leaders, the ones who recently launched pulls bundled
against the ICC, accusing it of practicing a kind of racism
in its fonctionnement. At the origin of all of
this awakening, the case of Laurent Gbagbo!
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