A brave woman in the name of Bérénice Aka The Firefly of Abidjan, sicken and tired of the situation concerning the annihilation by starvation
(perpetrated by the UNHCR Togo on the Ivorian refugees in Lomé - AVEPEZO Refugee Camp )decided to confront the situation by penning on behalf of the victims these words:
. TO YOU OFFICERS IN "in humanitarian" ***MISSION
. No more words
No more tears,
Nothing but hatred
To scream higher
The pain. the torpor,
The contempt
Nothing but shouting
always Increasingly terrifying
To you unbelievers.
Over there in the West
they admire you,
All these brave people
In delirium
Front of their tv
And successful medias
See your headgear
Your peacekeepers
As the relief of the
Happy days.
They see you
As good Samaritans
Saviours of destiny.
but HERE
In Our World,
your Vile and filthy jokes
Induce vomiting,
Your damn issues
cause slow death ?
No!Even more than that.
It is with flamethrower,
Determination without soul that you act.
What do you of human rights?
What do you of Constitutions?
I am not talking about
Politic,nor economic markets ,
I am talking
Young children,
I am speaking about
little innocents
Have you not got family?
Boys, girls?
How do you say?
You Must obey orders
So it's that ...
We're back again to the corrupted
Time .
To the Ethnic exterminations
you had
Our trust
you should
Protect the existence of
Our families
Our offspring,
Ensure the minimum.
You prefer making a pact
With the Devil!
So do it! ...
Do your dirty work,
But pray, pray
Pray that never
Your children do not have the stomach
That makes more noise than
Their babbling mouth.
And if one day
You should hear
This kind of ordeal,
Then remember
That in order to obey orders
You let Thousands of children die.
Bérénice The Firefly of Abidjan
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