Gbagbo's declarations already truncated
Transcription error or deliberate distortion? This is the question that arises after reading an article by Agence France Presse (AFP) released yesterday by Abidjan.net moments after the end of the confirmation of charges hearing in the case of prosecutor against Laurent Gbagbo at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. "I was president, head of state and my wife was MP," reportedly said Laurent Gbagbo, according to AFP. Wrong!Very wrong! Here's in reality what President Laurent Gbagbo said: "I am the Head of State, President of the Republic, my wife she is a member." This is verifiable on all videos of the hearing.
why is AFP allows herself to put in the past the sentence of Laurent Gbagbo, who was indeed the present? Is this agency think that Laurent Gbagbo is not able to distinguish the past from the present? Or have they simply decided on their own to lend words to Laurent Gbagbo because this sentence does not please them?
The confirmation of charges hearing is the final stage of the preliminary phase of the proceedings against Laurent Gbagbo. It is so important that every word, every sentence must be returned as they were given to avoid later misunderstandings which have been sufficiently highlighted by the defense during the eight days of hearings.
Augustin Kouyo
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