We would had never doubted that officials of the LIDER (LDR) opposition party to Gbagbo, would come so far in their smear campaign of of President Laurent Gbagbo. And yet ...The case dates back prior to April 11, 2011, a black day for all Ivorians. As soon as the democratically elected President( Laurent Gbagbo) was taken hostage with his family, friends and close associates,masks (not least) began to fall. He who is never thought had the most beautiful mask. His agents began to denigrate the president GBAGBO in different patriotic groups. Led by the so-called "Soledad Zingha" , accused him(Gbagbo) of all ills facing our beloved country. It was the voice of Mr Koulibaly, sometimes with much more virulence than those in the camp of the rebels .His preaching is like a drop in the sea for the true patriots, she and her camp decided to use the hard way: piracy of CLIFCI (Committee against French interference in Ivory Coast - https: / / www.facebook.com/groups/contrelingerance/).
Indeed, this "great close friend" of the President of the NA, founder of the LDR (as RDR become LIDER for obvious reasons), champion of anti-gbagboïsme, who often writes under the pseudonym of Mahalia Nteby, Nathalie Yamb then an ordinary member is found today "admin (at CLIFCI) by some unknown hocus-pocus," While all trustees of the group legally established as meant this document - http://www.calameo. com/books/000599234bdf5af156e67 - had lost their administrative rights "by some mysterious hocus-pocus."
A Cybernetics Criminal Mission
"After the questionable acts, inconsistent, and creepy Mamadou Koulibaly, and LIDER against his comrades of yesterday, these provisions we had taken, dating from May 2011, just over five months after the creation of the group CLIFCI with just over 7000 members (https://www.facebook.com/groups/contrelingerance/doc/200648383304466/) concern about the safety of the group and its members, has proven true.Since June, our fellow Admins, had suspected the attacks of the CLIFCI group as reported Jean Claude Pastor, Nathalie Callede, and five others reached by phone, founders and directors of CLIFCI (as can attest this document dated February 28, 2011 - http://www.calameo.com/books/000599234bdf5af156e67 Editor's note) "
Citation 1 ***** *****Guy Francis OlingaCLIFCI MESSAGES ON BLACK BACKGROUND unreadableSince this morning, messages from CLIFCI that enters my inbox on Hotmail have a black background and are thus unreadable. I suspect an attack. But I want an investigation. Thank you.June 2nd, 24:37***** End of quote ****
... And June 7, began the hackers work , cyber criminals.
Quote ***** 2 *****Woodji LeliondeGahoulouWhat happens there? There are only three admin. which removed the other admins?June 7, 15:02***** End Quote *****
A few hours later, at 18:09 we realised that this was an attack3 ***** ***** QuoteNathalie Callede there is no more admin on CLIFCIJune 7, 6:09 p.m. • I***** End Quote *****
During the three months CLIFCI destitute of his administrators , a must display of the network was the prey of all inclinations. Members and administrators had decided to conduct their investigation, as it were, it would come out if Facebook, or members of RHDP( Ouattara and Bedie's terrorist alliance party sponsored by the international mafia) known for their shares of Internet piracy and other crimes were responsible .
"Great was our surprise to discover it was actually the number 2 of the LIDER and his party were at the head of such wrongdoing, under the" Yamb "Nathalie, lies in reality an usurper, poor liar, dangerous manipulative, and a character at the head of state fraud (http://www.abidjan.net/questions/reponses.asp?id=490), all the arguments she and her lover MK will give, will only be for filling, because the facts and evidence are more than established, "reports one member of the group formally identifies Nathalie YAMBA and the LIDER as" crabs in a basket of rats. "
Intrusion into a computer systemExcept that all investigations by the directors on the authors of this "crime", which is piracy, theft of computer data, are sanctioned by international laws:The fraudulent access and retention in a system (that is to say that this is not to enter by mistake, but to stay - As is the case of Nathalie Yamba, who has become the only administrator on behalf of the LIDER) is punishable by one year in prison and 15,000 euros fine. If ever it result in an alteration of the data is (deletion or modification as evidenced by the change in the charter of the adhesion and use of clifci and other data on the CLIFCI) or the functioning of the system, penalties are two years in prison and 30,000 euros (Article 323-1 of the Penal Code).Although the concept of maintaining a computer system requires a prior access, it can be allowed while the maintenance is not (Court of Appeal of Paris, January 14, 1997).
Intentional damageAchieving voluntary operation of a computer system is punished by three years in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros (Article 323-2 of the Penal Code).The fraudulent introduction of new data, removal or modification is punishable by three years in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros (Article 323-3 of the Penal Code).In addition the individual responsible for the offence may be sought and ordered to pay damages for the harm (loss of customers, orders, reputation ...)
Establishment of known factsThus September 1, 2011, Nathalie known as Yamb Maahalia Nteby the "Yamb"Cameroonian of Mamadou Koulibaly and Founding Member of the LIDER (opposition and disparagement of LG and FPI), however, senior officials in MTN mobile phone soaked up to her neck in a history of fraud of more than 60 million CFA francs (http://www.africatime.com/ci/nouvelle.asp?no_nouvelle=445955&no_categorie=3) came after this "coup" to be the Admin of a virtual group, called to defend the interests of the Ivory Coast, and it has continued under direct instructions from the executive LIDER, head Mamadou Koulibaly, this could not be otherwise, if she was called to order at least to avoid confusion.
Probity dubious Party MoribundBut the question we ask is, why choose to address a group on Facebook as they claim to have several militants?This is likely due to an excessive manifestation, to grab the achievements of others, as "apprentice sorcerers " take credit for being the greatest magicians of the kingdom ,nonsense!
Makani Cissé
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