Kidnapping . The reign of the Death Squads

Côte d'Ivoire seems almost resolutely turning its back on the rule of law, at least a fact found in her everyday life. With the wealth of famous acts worthy of death squads that have a presence in this country. Abduction, torture, extortion and death are just that alongside the Ivorian daily.
How many are there of the makeshift camps that FRCI are presented as demobilization camps, but in practice turn out to be real concentration camps worthy of the period of fascism? Both in Abidjan and inland to the villages, the concentration camps delegates have sprung up, often known or unknown to the chain of command FRCI. In Abidjan alone, according FRCI soldiers who were willing to lift the veil on these death camps was about forty formal and informal camps.
Of which nearly a score of Abobo-Anyama and 5 well known camps in Yopougon , the largest of which is that of Bae controlled by Ousmane Coulibaly aka bin Laden. But the side that has the most notoriety is undoubtedly Engineering Adjamé camp under the command of the henchman of Alassane Ouattara, Maj. Koné Zakaria. In large cities of the inland, the torture camps are innumerable. And everywhere is the same procedure and the same target: the supporters of President Gbagbo or supposedly . Kidnapping before the phase of torture.
Several young people abducted and detained in these gulags of death, have disappeared without a trace in silence. And never again returned to the family home. Many died sometimes in acts extreme of torture by their captors . The reign of death squads is total and without limit in the new Alassane Ouattara's Côte d'Ivoire . Each day of Ivorians are removed, for no reason except for their political views from their homes, their workplaces or in their neighborhoods.
In May , it is a police officer who meets the initial DA who was abducted from his home in Niangon. After suffering inhuman acts of torture in camps and 17 Km from New Quarter, he was released from custody because he who had denounced him admitted that he had the wrong person. He was released after 72 hours of torture. But refuses to take the matter to his superiors, because elements of the FRCI who abducted, threatened to attack one way or another to his family. This phenomenon of abductions and torture to death, a new circuit for the death squads, is not ready to end, because strangely tolerated by the new authorities. And before whom UNOCI remains completely silent.
Frank Toti

Côte d'Ivoire seems almost resolutely turning its back on the rule of law, at least a fact found in her everyday life. With the wealth of famous acts worthy of death squads that have a presence in this country. Abduction, torture, extortion and death are just that alongside the Ivorian daily.
How many are there of the makeshift camps that FRCI are presented as demobilization camps, but in practice turn out to be real concentration camps worthy of the period of fascism? Both in Abidjan and inland to the villages, the concentration camps delegates have sprung up, often known or unknown to the chain of command FRCI. In Abidjan alone, according FRCI soldiers who were willing to lift the veil on these death camps was about forty formal and informal camps.
Of which nearly a score of Abobo-Anyama and 5 well known camps in Yopougon , the largest of which is that of Bae controlled by Ousmane Coulibaly aka bin Laden. But the side that has the most notoriety is undoubtedly Engineering Adjamé camp under the command of the henchman of Alassane Ouattara, Maj. Koné Zakaria. In large cities of the inland, the torture camps are innumerable. And everywhere is the same procedure and the same target: the supporters of President Gbagbo or supposedly . Kidnapping before the phase of torture.
Several young people abducted and detained in these gulags of death, have disappeared without a trace in silence. And never again returned to the family home. Many died sometimes in acts extreme of torture by their captors . The reign of death squads is total and without limit in the new Alassane Ouattara's Côte d'Ivoire . Each day of Ivorians are removed, for no reason except for their political views from their homes, their workplaces or in their neighborhoods.
In May , it is a police officer who meets the initial DA who was abducted from his home in Niangon. After suffering inhuman acts of torture in camps and 17 Km from New Quarter, he was released from custody because he who had denounced him admitted that he had the wrong person. He was released after 72 hours of torture. But refuses to take the matter to his superiors, because elements of the FRCI who abducted, threatened to attack one way or another to his family. This phenomenon of abductions and torture to death, a new circuit for the death squads, is not ready to end, because strangely tolerated by the new authorities. And before whom UNOCI remains completely silent.
Frank Toti
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