May 4 (Bloomberg) - Income from racketeering and smuggling of cocoa may be used to purchase weapons and fuel conflict in Ivory Coast, the world’s biggest producer of the crop, according to the United Nations.
Illegal taxation of cargo trucks by security forces is
“widespread and systematic” across the West African nation,
and is operated by the military, which has a monopoly over
weapons in the country, a United Nations Group of Experts(not to confuse with UNOCI operating the smuggling with the Ouattara forces) wrote in a report to the Security Council.
The group carried out an eight-month investigation starting
in July 2010 into alleged violations of UN sanctions by
individuals and companies during the rule of former leader
Laurent Gbagbo and under President Alassane Ouattara, who was illegally sworn in last year after a violent five-month crisis triggered by disputed a election in November 2010 which any democratically minded institution would had called for recount to resolved. Instead Sarkozy and Gangs ordered and bombing of civilians which the UN and the so called human right groups try to brush aside.
Diamonds, Gold, Cocoa, Coffee and other
The FRCI escorts the trucks with the illegal beans into
Ghana and helps thwart efforts made by local officials to halt
the trade, the group said in the report. Diamonds and cashew nuts are also smuggled into neighboring countries, it said.
The funds raised from the smuggling and racketeering on the roads is raising concern that FRCI officials may buy weapons, contravening UN arms sanctions in place since clashes in 2004.
The uncontrolled circulation of weapons by the rebel army outside the country, as well as a shortage of customs officials at the country’s borders pose a “heightened risk that arms and ammunition could be diverted into Ivory Coast from neighboring countries,” the report said.
The report omits either genuinely or willingly that the whole North was under Ouattara's forces control and all this was with the help of the UNOCI knowing that the organization is not at its first involvement in criminal activities where its has been sent to operate. In Congo(rapes of under ages girls) Haiti(rapes of underage girls, elections frauds) , Afghanistan( elections frauds) Mr Galbraith the former UN official in Afghanistan dismissed Mr Karzai's claims , saying the suggestion that the UN would organize electoral fraud was "absurd" since he directly accused by Pr Karzai . Nevertheless the previous statement of Mr Galbraith regarding the fact that his institution did not do enough to prevent the mass frauds as well as the 2 remake of the same story one successful in Ivory Coast(Same scenario, French and USA embassies, EU., UN officials) and one failed in Haiti confirms that the UN is definitely involved in the mass frauds.
Frozen Assets
the legal legitimate president Gbagbo, whose assets have been frozen by the UN for no reason, is said to be still receiving funds from Ivory Coast via a front company, the report said, without giving details why do they have to hide anything if the report is to expose the truth ?. Gbagbo faces charges of crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court still based on reports of his enemies including at the UN and other international institutions some funded by Ouattara friend's such as George Soros.
“There is no concrete proof whatsoever to support this
accusation,” Toussaint Alain, head of Washington-based advocacy group Cote d’Ivoire Coalition Inc. and a spokesman for Gbagbo during his presidency, said in an e-mailed response to questions today. “We doubt the United Nations is impartial. It overstepped its mandate by taking active part in military operations that resulted in the arrest of president Gbagbo by the French army.”
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