Obama Admits to Being Born in Asia?

Obama Admits to Being Born in Asia?
By John Hull | Yahoo! Contributor Network – Wed, Nov 16, 2011
COMMENTARY | President Barack Obama is campaigning in Hawaii this week.
During a news conference for the 19th annual Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation leader's summit on Sunday, the president gave birthers the answer they have been waiting for, that Obama was not born in America.
The media seemingly focused on the "magic beans" statement Obama made during the speech but completely glossed over the part where the president said of his birth state of Hawaii, "Here in Asia."
If Hawaii is in Asia, then the president was not born in the U.S. You win, birthers.
This is not the first gaffe the president has made regarding his birth state and the U.S. in general. During his campaign, Obama claimed to have visited 57 states, not including Alaska and Hawaii.
Compounding these gaffes with others such as when he stated his approval ratings were dropping but are still "very high in the country of my birth," one can almost hear the wheels grinding back to life in the birther movement.
Obviously, this is not the first presidential gaffe of the Obama administration. It's not even the first gaffe this month.
On Nov. 9, Reuters reported Obama complaining of Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to French President Nicolas Sarkozy at the G-20 summit earlier this month. The president complained, "You're fed up with him, but I have to deal with him even more often than you," not realizing that his microphone was still turned on, according to the report.
What the president's record is beginning to reveal, in addition to his anti-Israel sentiment is the likely reason he will not release his school records, he is not educated on U.S. nor world history, geography or ethics.
In 2009, Obama advised that the Constitution was written more than 20 centuries ago during his news conference on the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court.
During the 2008 presidential debates, then-Sen. Obama stated, "Sen. Clinton, I think, is much better known, coming from a nearby state of Arkansas. So it's not surprising that she would have an advantage in some of those states in the middle."
Illinois, Obama's home state, shares a border with Kentucky. To get to Kentucky from Arkansas one would have to travel through Missouri or Tennessee.
Add to this his disparaging comment about the Special Olympics on the "Tonight Show" that his health care reform would bring greater inefficiencies to health care and many others, it is becoming increasingly clear that Obama is not the amazing orator he is made out to be.
Speech is not the only area where Obama is clumsy. A video from Fox News show "Redeye" shows Obama attempting to enter the White House through a window he thought was a door. Another video, this time from CNN, shows Obama bouncing his face off of Marine 1, the presidential helicopter in 2009.
Didn't they make fun of the last guy for stuff like this?
This man is a liar and the most dangerous US President......
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