Thursday, 10 November 2011

The New World Order Coup in Ivory Coast executed by France: Back on misinformation, the lethal weapon of Ouattara

 France wanted the war in Ivory Coast. She has all means. The principal  is the manipulation of information even before the outbreak of the rebellion of September 19, 2002 and especially in the post-election period. Across the board, the French media have made the so-called international community accept much of forfeiture   . But now, the lies of Mr. Ouattara and his supporters are discovered.
At the height of the armed post-election crisis  in Ivory Coast, April 1, 2011,under the nose and the noses of UN peacekeepers stationed in Duékoué, pro-Ouattara armed militias , traditional Dozo hunters and the Armed Forces New Forces renamed Republican Forces of Côte d’Ivoire (FRCI), massacred civilians suspected of being supporters of President Laurent Gbagbo in Western countries. Meanwhile, the French media who escorted the killers in their progress in  Abidjan facilitated by the French army to  were silent. They were busy shaping French and international public opinion , for example with Ms.Sogona Bamba , Communications Advisor of Mr. Alassane Ouattara, by misinformation on a French television channel France 24 spent, that day, on a special edition post-election crisis in Ivory Coast. “Yes they (the pro-Ouattara FRCI) are going down to the South, and I think it’s in self-defense, because you can not have a man who ruled a country, and may agree to allow his followers to burn young people like that! You can not! Today, we can not look at that. (…) We must show what Gbagbo’s men have done, so it’s a self-defense! “Justified Ms. sogona Bamba  on the small screen, while displaying a photo of a young man being burned strong (see Photo 1).
This manipulations from the New World Order’s media in complicite with the UN can been seen in Pallywood
This special edition, entitled “Ivory Coast civil war,” was passed long loop to achieve the objectives. That is, to put the lie to the truth, move the international community and humanitarian organizations on violations of human rights exclusively granted to Laurent Gbagbo and his supporters in Côte d’Ivoire. The rest is history: tracking down the pro-Gbagbo and members of his ethnic group throughout the national territory. Attempted assassination of President Laurent Gbagbo and successful coup d’etat by France supported by the United States of America and the United Nations (UN), April 11, 2011.
Of course, in this four months post-election war  that could have been avoided by recounting the votes in three days, such horrible scenes had to be committed to either side, both sides, and the National Human Rights has condemned in its latest report. But on April 1, 2011, the image of the young man burned alive  shown by sogona Bamba did not come from our country. The picture sogona Bamba presented as an exaction from Laurent Gbagbo supporters against Ivorian of the  northern part of Ivory Coast ,which has also justified the bloody offensive of pro-Ouattara forces supported by the French army and that of the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire is not a picture of a RDR militant, the party of Alassane Ouattara. It is not the image of an Ivorian from North. The picture exhibited by the communications advisor of the current tenant of the presidential palace by force of arms, was taken May 18, 2008, in South Africa. It shows how the young Ernesto Alfabeto Nhamuave was burned to death during a street demonstration in Johannesburg. On the original photo manipulated by the Ouattara camp, we recognize a security guard in South Africa ready to fly on the rescue of the young man on fire (see photo 2 below).

 Now that the prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo of the International Criminal Court (ICC) is interested in what really happened in Ivory Coast after  the  28 November 2010, we return to the item broadcast on French TV France 24 which had  justify all these attacks against the Ivorian institutions and stalking entire populations suspected of supporting the constitutional legality of the country. This image, which was later often illustrated in newspaper articles favorable to Ouattara could justify the figure of 8000 people massacred that the victors of the war in Ivory Coast are  trying  to dilute at 3,000 people. It is proof that Mr. Ouattara has manipulated information to put the opinion on his side in order to legitimize persecution and killings against members of the ethnic group of his political opponent Laurent Gbagbo and against his family.
It should  be pointed out that Ouattara and his supporters were not at their first destructive attempt . Before the the failed coup of September 18 to 19, 2002 turned into rebellion, the current tenant of the presidential palace in Ivory Coast and its conquistadors had produced “Côte d’Ivoire, identity warzone” of a certain dodgy Benoit Scheuer, to prepare public opinion for war. Before this film, had a rough montage assigned a mass grave to Laurent Gbagbo in Yopougon. But more seriously, Mr. Ouattara and communicators had floated the foul idea that  the 57 bodies of this mass grave were the bodies of “Muslims”. How could they identify the religion of the naked bodies found ? No one knows. The fact is that throughout these ten years that lasted the longest coup in Africa, supporters of Ouattara and some French medias have developed such arguments with a few humanitarian organizations to legitimize the war of recolonisation of Côte d’Ivoire by the New World Order through France, with dramatic consequences that are known of the Ivorian people.
In truth, winning the presidential election of October 2000 organized by the military regime, President Gbagbo signed his death warrant. France has decided to oust the sovereignty defender Laurent Gbagbo by any means. The September 2002 coup failing  , the decision to overthrow the head of state was postponed until the next presidential election, regardless of the outcome of it. It’s the obstacles posed by the rebellion that delayed completion of the war against Gbagbo. With the presidential election in November, France opened its media all forfeitures benefiting to her foal Ouattara. They have been so successful that they have influenced  the international community with misinformation. Which made the inhuman decisions against  Ivorians with a war that caused more than 8,000 dead.
As Alassane Ouattara and his supporters swear by it, so much  the ICC, despite its tarnished reputation  by its records only directed against the weak in favor of the strong of this world, may its open its eyes on these forfeitures in Ivory Coast.
This kink of manipulations from the New World Order’s media in complicite with the UN can been seen in Pallywood

Pallywood – truth in the middle east hollyland, what goes behind the scenes and for the cameras

Now compare the above with the manipulation of the same French medias still in complicity with  the UN in Ivory Coast

As we said it earlier  the post-election war   could have been avoided by recounting the votes in three days . Well that’s exactly what would had been done in any transparent democratically organized election. And even in Afghanistan  as well as in Haiti the votes were recounted after a disputed result but ask yourselves why the UN special representative refuses to recount the votes  ? Well if we go back to the Afghan election we can see clearly that the usual suspects(USA, France, EU, and the UN) were involved in mass election fraud .The UN’s number two official in Afghanistan, Peter Galbraith, has been fired after a clash with head of mission Kai Eide over how to handle fraud in the recent presidential elections.  Galbraith alleges that Eide is covering up massive corruption for reasons of expediency.In one word he was fired because he exposed or refused ti hide Afghanistan election fraud. It should be noted that the UN as well as the so called independent election comity declared the election transparent and democratic. “For a long time after the elections, Kai denied that significant fraud had taken place, even going to the extreme of ordering U.N. staff not to discuss the matter,” just as the Mr Choi in Ivory Coast denied the mass frauds. Galbraith said Eide had suppressed “extensive data” on fraud that the United Nations had collected, not sharing it with Afghan election officials. “I felt we should share it; Kai did not,” he said. Additionally, Galbraith alleges that Eide refused to hand over to the electoral complaints commission massive evidence that their staff had collected about actual incidents of vote fraud. Staff was frustrated that their evidence was going to waste after they put themselves at risk to collect it, he said. The recall of Galbraith would have required the agreement of the Obama administration and has come as a surprise following the earlier demand by Obama’s own envoy to Afghanistan, Richard Holbrooke, that Karzai respect the proper election process.The recounting of the  vote as well as the UN late admittance of fraud proved the opposite. So why the UN involves itself in frauds ? It’s rather clear, however, that in attempting to be “neutral,” Eide and his team have essentially been involved in a fraud.  That, combined with the fact that the Obama administration has apparently decided that they have no choice but to recognize Karzai as the winner of the election, stolen or not, left Galbraith in an untenable position. The USA being the main founder of the UN it becomes therefore a tool in its hands to reach its imperialist new order goals.In Ivory we had the same attitudes from the UN officials acting on behalf of the US and the multinationals  by committing frauds as well as participating  in crimes or covering them. In Haiti the people have to take up the street in order to expose the UN  (who declared the first round democratic and transparent  while  the recounting shows the opposite) frauds. The people of Ivory would not sleep until the presidential vote is recounted no matter how long it would take to get there….We would expose the misinformation and truth would always triumph….

Caesar Etou and Koukougnon Zabril , tranlated and reedited by Patrick Cohen

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