The militia (FRCI) of the PREFECT Alassane Ouattara attacks the FPI militants and prevent their meeting to take place before hundred of disarmed police.
Defending truth and justice. Fighting the UN dictatorship and double standard. And promoting peace and love
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Acte 2 FRCI et RDR attaque les militants FPI à Port-Bouët
La milice du PREFET Alassane Dramane Ouattara (FRCI) agresse les militants et empêcher le meeting du FPI de se tenir devant une centaine de policier désarmée.
Ivory Coast: Freedom March for President Laurent Gbagbo in Bonoua
Ivory Coast: Freedom March for President Laurent Gbagbo Bonoua
- : In Bonoua 60km from Abidjan.
- : In Bonoua 60km from Abidjan.
Friday, 18 November 2011
Obama Admits to Being Born in Asia?
Obama Admits to Being Born in Asia?
By John Hull | Yahoo! Contributor Network – Wed, Nov 16, 2011
COMMENTARY | President Barack Obama is campaigning in Hawaii this week.
During a news conference for the 19th annual Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation leader's summit on Sunday, the president gave birthers the answer they have been waiting for, that Obama was not born in America.
The media seemingly focused on the "magic beans" statement Obama made during the speech but completely glossed over the part where the president said of his birth state of Hawaii, "Here in Asia."
If Hawaii is in Asia, then the president was not born in the U.S. You win, birthers.
This is not the first gaffe the president has made regarding his birth state and the U.S. in general. During his campaign, Obama claimed to have visited 57 states, not including Alaska and Hawaii.
Compounding these gaffes with others such as when he stated his approval ratings were dropping but are still "very high in the country of my birth," one can almost hear the wheels grinding back to life in the birther movement.
Obviously, this is not the first presidential gaffe of the Obama administration. It's not even the first gaffe this month.
On Nov. 9, Reuters reported Obama complaining of Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to French President Nicolas Sarkozy at the G-20 summit earlier this month. The president complained, "You're fed up with him, but I have to deal with him even more often than you," not realizing that his microphone was still turned on, according to the report.
What the president's record is beginning to reveal, in addition to his anti-Israel sentiment is the likely reason he will not release his school records, he is not educated on U.S. nor world history, geography or ethics.
In 2009, Obama advised that the Constitution was written more than 20 centuries ago during his news conference on the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court.
During the 2008 presidential debates, then-Sen. Obama stated, "Sen. Clinton, I think, is much better known, coming from a nearby state of Arkansas. So it's not surprising that she would have an advantage in some of those states in the middle."
Illinois, Obama's home state, shares a border with Kentucky. To get to Kentucky from Arkansas one would have to travel through Missouri or Tennessee.
Add to this his disparaging comment about the Special Olympics on the "Tonight Show" that his health care reform would bring greater inefficiencies to health care and many others, it is becoming increasingly clear that Obama is not the amazing orator he is made out to be.
Speech is not the only area where Obama is clumsy. A video from Fox News show "Redeye" shows Obama attempting to enter the White House through a window he thought was a door. Another video, this time from CNN, shows Obama bouncing his face off of Marine 1, the presidential helicopter in 2009.
Didn't they make fun of the last guy for stuff like this?
This man is a liar and the most dangerous US President......
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Duékoué camps: IDPs driven out, the international community complicit
Duékoué camps: IDPs driven out, the international community complicit - New Source Mail by Edward Amichia
------------The deadline set by the government for the closure of IDP camps in the West, including Duékoué was last November 15, 2011. Date paradoxically coincided with the national day of peace. In the aftermath of the celebration, the eviction of people in distress who have found refuge on the host cities run by international organizations and NGOs effectively began. Under the threat of intervention FRCI for refusing to leave the people concerned. Sadness and emotions go, to see people homeless and without means of return on the ruins of their devastated homes during the post-election crisis.Today, these people do not took off against the organizations of the UN and NGOs in support of displaced, accused of complicity with the government. They accuse the international structures on the one hand, not to respect their charters based on the obligation to protect people in danger. And secondly, to reduce the kits support promised by the agents of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to ropes and packets ends. Point of mats, mattresses or tarpaulins to cover the disheveled house, no food rations to help the displaced and their offspring to survive, if only as the first days back home where FRCI, dozos alien Burkinabe and Malians or are the new masters.Indignant, the displaced whose fate stirs not the international community and its branches in Cote d'Ivoire initially refuse to leave. But they soon will be forced by agents of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) who threatened to call the elements of FRCI already pending action for dirty work. Death in the soul, the displaced have thus left the IDP camps, not knowing where to find refuge.The 459 people who boarded a truck committed to eviction have been dumped like oxen on the space CP2 Carrefour neighborhood. "They left as they came, wandering in nature, without reference, most not knowing where to stay or where to go," commented a government official stationed in Duékoué. The concerns of officers of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) have not won much of anything. Even the few refugees who are still resisting, calling on NGOs and the UN system to stop flouting their charters and to say no to the government, already know they will leave.When asked about their actions, officials have told IOM that the important thing was to clear the mission of its occupants "undesirable" as required by the government. Particularly the Minister Koné Kafana who is keeping watch and do not release the pressure on NGOs.----------------------on 11/11/11 at 2:14Closure of IDP camps in Duékoué: Ouattara regime threatens the religious - New Source Mail by Edward Amichia
Despite the arrests of organizations of the United Nations specialized in the protection of refugees and people displaced by armed conflict, the regime Ouattara does not waive his idea to close in the days of the camps that are home to almost all Native of the region. In recent days, the Ministry of Defence decided to increase the pressure on charities on the ground.Including Caritas (Switzerland), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and other structures that support the affected populations and without reference which may well end up in the open and without resources to survive. The pressure is increasing particularly religious, Catholic or not, on their sites that host thousands of families in need unfortunately to follow the government's drift. If these religious have not dismantled the camps and Guiglo Duekoué as required by Alassane Ouattara and Guillaume Soro, they are not far from yielding to the pressure.Thus for some two weeks, they began to starve the residents of the camps, in order to force them to leave, even wander in the wild or to return to their village where there no food or water. And where their safety is not guaranteed. Yet these humanitarian aware, it is rendered extremely vulnerable populations in war after the elections they have an obligation to protect. Their respective charters are pretty strict on the issue. Yet according to testimony from the field, homes, villages and plantations are still in the hands of dozos and other alien Burkinabe, Malian and so on., Nicknames FRCI in weapons that are rain or shine in the region. These individuals affected by the decision of any government lacking, and the gifts of Madame Ouattara who is undertaking a massive publicity campaign in the region are clearly insufficient to guarantee them the minimum. International organizations to protect vulnerable people would benefit, therefore, deal with the situation, to recover. Not to be complicit in a genocide that is taking shape.Edward Amichia---------------------- On 24/10/11 at 6:09Ouattara farm camps for displaced Duékoué, humanitarian workers at risk - the New Source Mail by Edward Amichia
------------The war displaced Duékoué estimated at 13,000 souls, entrenched in several camps the main one being that of the Catholic church in the city, will be expelled and thrown and thrown under the stars. Later than the first week of number that points already. The government, which has so decided, has indeed to order international assistance to refugees displaced by the war established Duékoué the closure of all camps.Through a letter signed by the Minister of Defense Paul Koffi Koffi sent to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Africa Emergency Assistance (ASA) and other humanitarian structures previously attending those in distress in the region. The government's decision violates, according to officials of humanitarian relief agencies, international provisions which state that one should not force the displaced or refugee to return to his usual place of residence where it believes that its security is not guaranteed . Instead of reassuring, therefore, the government is based on a priori that lead to absorb the displaced to "pro-Gbagbo militia" runs the risk of throwing in the open and without any form of assistance in these populations all homeless shelter. And no resources to feed, their villages and homes in the town of Duékoué have been burnt, looted and vandalized during the deadly attacks they suffered during the post-election crisis. In the town of Duekoue, just a stroll to the neighborhood cured, blody, Toa-Zoe, etc.. to get there more on-site housing that can accommodate people forced to take refuge in the IDP camps.To date, the State has done absolutely nothing - it must be stressed - to assist these people and help them return to their homes. Six months after the accession of Alassane Ouattara to power after the FRCI offensive that killed more than 1,000 dead Duekoué, security remains volatile in the region and plantations are still occupied by the dozos and immigrants in arms in most villages.Retaliation against IDPsIn addition to the IDP camp of the Catholic mission, the largest held by IOM, there Nohibly site, which covers an area of 24 ha, in the vicinity of the minister's residence in Duékoué where Adama Toungara the head of state is supposed to Alassane Ouattara neighborhoods during his upcoming visit to the region. To observers, the Minister Koffi Koffi Paul who recently demanded the list of humanitarian organizations of residents of different camps housing displaced war acted in retaliation. The challenge is to put out of harm's way these "pro-Gbagbo" who dared boo and recently stoned the four Ministers of the Republic who had made the trip to the Catholic mission of the city just to ask them of a warm welcome to the new head of state. In the understanding of the minister who criticizes aid not to comply with its orders, the pro-Gbagbo militia believed - men, women and children - are a threat. Hence the choice to disperse, despite the humanitarian risks that entails. The expulsion of displaced Duekoué devotes the total resignation of the government categorizes the Ivorians, whether they are of any board policy or not and deserve the protection of the state. We wonder now what will happen to homeless people or benchmark subject of this iniquitous decision of the government.
Edward Amichia
------------The deadline set by the government for the closure of IDP camps in the West, including Duékoué was last November 15, 2011. Date paradoxically coincided with the national day of peace. In the aftermath of the celebration, the eviction of people in distress who have found refuge on the host cities run by international organizations and NGOs effectively began. Under the threat of intervention FRCI for refusing to leave the people concerned. Sadness and emotions go, to see people homeless and without means of return on the ruins of their devastated homes during the post-election crisis.Today, these people do not took off against the organizations of the UN and NGOs in support of displaced, accused of complicity with the government. They accuse the international structures on the one hand, not to respect their charters based on the obligation to protect people in danger. And secondly, to reduce the kits support promised by the agents of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to ropes and packets ends. Point of mats, mattresses or tarpaulins to cover the disheveled house, no food rations to help the displaced and their offspring to survive, if only as the first days back home where FRCI, dozos alien Burkinabe and Malians or are the new masters.Indignant, the displaced whose fate stirs not the international community and its branches in Cote d'Ivoire initially refuse to leave. But they soon will be forced by agents of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) who threatened to call the elements of FRCI already pending action for dirty work. Death in the soul, the displaced have thus left the IDP camps, not knowing where to find refuge.The 459 people who boarded a truck committed to eviction have been dumped like oxen on the space CP2 Carrefour neighborhood. "They left as they came, wandering in nature, without reference, most not knowing where to stay or where to go," commented a government official stationed in Duékoué. The concerns of officers of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) have not won much of anything. Even the few refugees who are still resisting, calling on NGOs and the UN system to stop flouting their charters and to say no to the government, already know they will leave.When asked about their actions, officials have told IOM that the important thing was to clear the mission of its occupants "undesirable" as required by the government. Particularly the Minister Koné Kafana who is keeping watch and do not release the pressure on NGOs.----------------------on 11/11/11 at 2:14Closure of IDP camps in Duékoué: Ouattara regime threatens the religious - New Source Mail by Edward Amichia
Despite the arrests of organizations of the United Nations specialized in the protection of refugees and people displaced by armed conflict, the regime Ouattara does not waive his idea to close in the days of the camps that are home to almost all Native of the region. In recent days, the Ministry of Defence decided to increase the pressure on charities on the ground.Including Caritas (Switzerland), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and other structures that support the affected populations and without reference which may well end up in the open and without resources to survive. The pressure is increasing particularly religious, Catholic or not, on their sites that host thousands of families in need unfortunately to follow the government's drift. If these religious have not dismantled the camps and Guiglo Duekoué as required by Alassane Ouattara and Guillaume Soro, they are not far from yielding to the pressure.Thus for some two weeks, they began to starve the residents of the camps, in order to force them to leave, even wander in the wild or to return to their village where there no food or water. And where their safety is not guaranteed. Yet these humanitarian aware, it is rendered extremely vulnerable populations in war after the elections they have an obligation to protect. Their respective charters are pretty strict on the issue. Yet according to testimony from the field, homes, villages and plantations are still in the hands of dozos and other alien Burkinabe, Malian and so on., Nicknames FRCI in weapons that are rain or shine in the region. These individuals affected by the decision of any government lacking, and the gifts of Madame Ouattara who is undertaking a massive publicity campaign in the region are clearly insufficient to guarantee them the minimum. International organizations to protect vulnerable people would benefit, therefore, deal with the situation, to recover. Not to be complicit in a genocide that is taking shape.Edward Amichia---------------------- On 24/10/11 at 6:09Ouattara farm camps for displaced Duékoué, humanitarian workers at risk - the New Source Mail by Edward Amichia
------------The war displaced Duékoué estimated at 13,000 souls, entrenched in several camps the main one being that of the Catholic church in the city, will be expelled and thrown and thrown under the stars. Later than the first week of number that points already. The government, which has so decided, has indeed to order international assistance to refugees displaced by the war established Duékoué the closure of all camps.Through a letter signed by the Minister of Defense Paul Koffi Koffi sent to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Africa Emergency Assistance (ASA) and other humanitarian structures previously attending those in distress in the region. The government's decision violates, according to officials of humanitarian relief agencies, international provisions which state that one should not force the displaced or refugee to return to his usual place of residence where it believes that its security is not guaranteed . Instead of reassuring, therefore, the government is based on a priori that lead to absorb the displaced to "pro-Gbagbo militia" runs the risk of throwing in the open and without any form of assistance in these populations all homeless shelter. And no resources to feed, their villages and homes in the town of Duékoué have been burnt, looted and vandalized during the deadly attacks they suffered during the post-election crisis. In the town of Duekoue, just a stroll to the neighborhood cured, blody, Toa-Zoe, etc.. to get there more on-site housing that can accommodate people forced to take refuge in the IDP camps.To date, the State has done absolutely nothing - it must be stressed - to assist these people and help them return to their homes. Six months after the accession of Alassane Ouattara to power after the FRCI offensive that killed more than 1,000 dead Duekoué, security remains volatile in the region and plantations are still occupied by the dozos and immigrants in arms in most villages.Retaliation against IDPsIn addition to the IDP camp of the Catholic mission, the largest held by IOM, there Nohibly site, which covers an area of 24 ha, in the vicinity of the minister's residence in Duékoué where Adama Toungara the head of state is supposed to Alassane Ouattara neighborhoods during his upcoming visit to the region. To observers, the Minister Koffi Koffi Paul who recently demanded the list of humanitarian organizations of residents of different camps housing displaced war acted in retaliation. The challenge is to put out of harm's way these "pro-Gbagbo" who dared boo and recently stoned the four Ministers of the Republic who had made the trip to the Catholic mission of the city just to ask them of a warm welcome to the new head of state. In the understanding of the minister who criticizes aid not to comply with its orders, the pro-Gbagbo militia believed - men, women and children - are a threat. Hence the choice to disperse, despite the humanitarian risks that entails. The expulsion of displaced Duekoué devotes the total resignation of the government categorizes the Ivorians, whether they are of any board policy or not and deserve the protection of the state. We wonder now what will happen to homeless people or benchmark subject of this iniquitous decision of the government.
Edward Amichia
NEWS OF THE TRANSFER global movement against Laurent Gbagbo transfer to the ICC (ICC-2M)
NEWS OF THE TRANSFER global movement against Laurent Gbagbo transfer to the ICC (ICC-2M)
The worldwide movement against President Laurent Gbagbo's transfer to the International Criminal Court (ICC-2M) is calling now for a global uprising against the fatal project of Alassane Ouattara and France to transfer President Laurent Gbagbo to the Court International Criminal Court (ICC) to Lahaye, for trial.The ICC-2M informs all Democrats from Ivory Coast, Africa, Europe, the United States and the world that the transfer of President Laurent Gbagbo to the ICC would be imminent, according to several sources and according to the weekly Jeune Africa.The maneuvers in preparation for his transfer would have begun, and President Gbagbo would not be in Korhogo, but instead being deported after being kidnapped on April 11 by the alliance UNOCI-Unicorn-New Forces.The ICC -2M--calls Democrats of Ivory coast and the whole world, wherever they are, to oppose by all means against the transfer of President Laurent Gbagbo to the ICC. President Gbagbo place is in Ivory Coast where he has to take part in the process of national reconciliation in the country.That is why the ICC-2M-requires -release immediately and unconditionally of President Laurent Gbagbo so that might take part in the reconciliation of all son and all the girls in Côte d'Ivoire.The 2M-ICC and all democrats around the world are ready, risking their lives by the millions invading the headquarters of the ICC Lahaye to prevent by all means necessary the mock trial of President Gbagbo by that institution to the balance of Western interests.Done at Paris November 16, 2011.The World Movement against the Transfer of President Laurent Gbagbo to the ICC (ICC-2M)------------------------------Thu, 11/17/2011 - 15:32 URGENT URGENT / Transfer of President Laurent Gbagbo to the ICC: ICC-2M THE CALLS the Ivorian people and the Democrats over the world to oppose by all means against Gbagbo THE TRANSFER TO THE CPI (17/11)------------------------------16/11/2011 to 19h: 26 By Pascal AiraultCôte d'Ivoire: Gbagbo soon transferred to the ICC? - Source
The Ivorian "president" Alassane Ouattara is about to reach its goal of transferring Laurent Gbagbo and several of his relatives in The Hague before the law of 11 December. The ICC is finalizing the list of those who should accompany him.A mission of the Office of the Prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo of Argentina has since 11 November in Abidjan to study the conditions of transfer of several prominent Ivorian accused of crimes against humanity and war crimes before the International Criminal Court (ICC). "The process should now move quickly, says Jean-Paul Benoit, Senior Counsel of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire. It's a matter of days or weeks. "Officially, the ICC is part of the preliminary inquiry requested by Moreno-Ocampo in June last. On October 3, after reviewing the testimony of many victims, the ICC judges have allowed the prosecutor to investigate crimes committed during the post-election crisis, while leaving open the door to investigations dating back to 2002."First Win"Since then, ICC investigators have carried out several missions in Côte d'Ivoire. Moreno Ocampo himself traveled to Abidjan, October 15, to meet the president Alassane Ouattara, who had requested an investigation to the ICC but also the Prime Minister, Guillaume Soro, and representatives of the camp Gbagbo. On November 3, he sent an additional request to the court order to take into account the events since September 2002."This is a first victory. We had made the request in a memorandum to the ICC, says Emmanuel Altit, defender Laurent Gbagbo. It forced the prosecutor to investigate crimes committed by the two belligerent forces and to recognize that the crisis does not originate from the electoral defeat in November 2010 but the rebellion in September 2002. " On 14 November, the Paris lawyer filed a second memorandum on the procedure itself. "For more than seven months, Laurent Gbagbo is subject to arbitrary detention in Korhogo, he explains. By transferring to The Hague, the ICC would only cover this situation. "List of figuresThe court will retain Does this argument not to endorse the international arrest warrants that are sure to be issued by the Prosecutor Moreno Ocampo? Unlikely. At this stage of the proceedings, the ICC is currently finalizing the list of personalities that can be qualified as war crimes, crimes against humanity or crimes in their capacity as manager. And, of course, the terms and conditions of their transfer to prisons in The Hague.According to our information, Laurent Gbagbo, his wife Simone and Charles Ble Goude, the leader in exile of the young patriots are on this list. Could be added General Bruno Dogbo Blé , former head of the Republican Guard, and Vagba Faussignaux, the former commander of the Navy. Will there be any representatives of the pro-Ouattara as requested by international organizations? Also unlikely ... at least initially. All pro-Ouattara military cited in the reports of NGOs have been appointed to key positions in the national army. A real mockery
The worldwide movement against President Laurent Gbagbo's transfer to the International Criminal Court (ICC-2M) is calling now for a global uprising against the fatal project of Alassane Ouattara and France to transfer President Laurent Gbagbo to the Court International Criminal Court (ICC) to Lahaye, for trial.The ICC-2M informs all Democrats from Ivory Coast, Africa, Europe, the United States and the world that the transfer of President Laurent Gbagbo to the ICC would be imminent, according to several sources and according to the weekly Jeune Africa.The maneuvers in preparation for his transfer would have begun, and President Gbagbo would not be in Korhogo, but instead being deported after being kidnapped on April 11 by the alliance UNOCI-Unicorn-New Forces.The ICC -2M--calls Democrats of Ivory coast and the whole world, wherever they are, to oppose by all means against the transfer of President Laurent Gbagbo to the ICC. President Gbagbo place is in Ivory Coast where he has to take part in the process of national reconciliation in the country.That is why the ICC-2M-requires -release immediately and unconditionally of President Laurent Gbagbo so that might take part in the reconciliation of all son and all the girls in Côte d'Ivoire.The 2M-ICC and all democrats around the world are ready, risking their lives by the millions invading the headquarters of the ICC Lahaye to prevent by all means necessary the mock trial of President Gbagbo by that institution to the balance of Western interests.Done at Paris November 16, 2011.The World Movement against the Transfer of President Laurent Gbagbo to the ICC (ICC-2M)------------------------------Thu, 11/17/2011 - 15:32 URGENT URGENT / Transfer of President Laurent Gbagbo to the ICC: ICC-2M THE CALLS the Ivorian people and the Democrats over the world to oppose by all means against Gbagbo THE TRANSFER TO THE CPI (17/11)------------------------------16/11/2011 to 19h: 26 By Pascal AiraultCôte d'Ivoire: Gbagbo soon transferred to the ICC? - Source
The Ivorian "president" Alassane Ouattara is about to reach its goal of transferring Laurent Gbagbo and several of his relatives in The Hague before the law of 11 December. The ICC is finalizing the list of those who should accompany him.A mission of the Office of the Prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo of Argentina has since 11 November in Abidjan to study the conditions of transfer of several prominent Ivorian accused of crimes against humanity and war crimes before the International Criminal Court (ICC). "The process should now move quickly, says Jean-Paul Benoit, Senior Counsel of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire. It's a matter of days or weeks. "Officially, the ICC is part of the preliminary inquiry requested by Moreno-Ocampo in June last. On October 3, after reviewing the testimony of many victims, the ICC judges have allowed the prosecutor to investigate crimes committed during the post-election crisis, while leaving open the door to investigations dating back to 2002."First Win"Since then, ICC investigators have carried out several missions in Côte d'Ivoire. Moreno Ocampo himself traveled to Abidjan, October 15, to meet the president Alassane Ouattara, who had requested an investigation to the ICC but also the Prime Minister, Guillaume Soro, and representatives of the camp Gbagbo. On November 3, he sent an additional request to the court order to take into account the events since September 2002."This is a first victory. We had made the request in a memorandum to the ICC, says Emmanuel Altit, defender Laurent Gbagbo. It forced the prosecutor to investigate crimes committed by the two belligerent forces and to recognize that the crisis does not originate from the electoral defeat in November 2010 but the rebellion in September 2002. " On 14 November, the Paris lawyer filed a second memorandum on the procedure itself. "For more than seven months, Laurent Gbagbo is subject to arbitrary detention in Korhogo, he explains. By transferring to The Hague, the ICC would only cover this situation. "List of figuresThe court will retain Does this argument not to endorse the international arrest warrants that are sure to be issued by the Prosecutor Moreno Ocampo? Unlikely. At this stage of the proceedings, the ICC is currently finalizing the list of personalities that can be qualified as war crimes, crimes against humanity or crimes in their capacity as manager. And, of course, the terms and conditions of their transfer to prisons in The Hague.According to our information, Laurent Gbagbo, his wife Simone and Charles Ble Goude, the leader in exile of the young patriots are on this list. Could be added General Bruno Dogbo Blé , former head of the Republican Guard, and Vagba Faussignaux, the former commander of the Navy. Will there be any representatives of the pro-Ouattara as requested by international organizations? Also unlikely ... at least initially. All pro-Ouattara military cited in the reports of NGOs have been appointed to key positions in the national army. A real mockery
Duékoué camps: Ouattara hunting people without means and homeless to return
Duékoué camps: Ouattara hunting people without means and homeless to return
Under the threat of FRCI intervention in case the people concerned refuse to leave. Sadness and emotions go, to see people homeless and without means of return on the ruins of their devastated homes during the post-election crisis.
The deadline set by the government for the closure of IDP camps in the West, including Duékoué was last November 15, 2011. Date paradoxically coincided with the national day of peace. In the aftermath of the celebration, the eviction of people in distress who have found refuge on the host cities run by international organizations and NGOs effectively began. Under the threat of FRCI intervention in case the people concerned refuse to leave . Sadness and emotions go, to see people homeless and without means of return on the ruins of their devastated homes during the post-election crisis. Today, these people do not took off against the organizations of the UN and NGOs in support of displaced, accused of complicity with the government. They accuse the international structures on the one hand, not to respect their charters based on the obligation to protect people in danger. And secondly, to reduce the kits support promised by the agents of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to ropes and packets ends. Point of mats, mattresses or tarpaulins to cover the disheveled house, no food rations to help the displaced and their offspring to survive, if only as the first days back home where FRCI, dozos alien Burkinabe and Malians are the new masters.Indignant, the displaced whose fate stirs not the international community and its branches in Cote d'Ivoire initially refuse to leave. But they soon will be forced by agents of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) who threatened to call the elements of FRCI(reponsible for the genocide in Duékoué ) already pending action for dirty work. Death in the soul, the displaced have thus left the IDP camps, not knowing where to find refuge.The 459 people who boarded a truck committed to eviction have been dumped like oxen on the space CP2 Carrefour neighborhood. "They left as they came, wandering in nature, without reference, most not knowing where to stay or where to go," commented a government official stationed in Duékoué. The concerns of officers of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) have not won much of anything. Even the few refugees who are still resisting, calling on NGOs and the UN system to stop flouting their charters and to say no to the government, already know they will leave.When asked about their actions, officials have told IOM that the important thing was to clear the mission of its "undesirable" occupants as required by the government(please do something before it's too late from genocides perpetrators to survivors of the genocide seeking refuge who is undesirable ?). Particularly the Minister Koné Kafana who is keeping watch and do not release the pressure on NGOs.
Under the threat of FRCI intervention in case the people concerned refuse to leave. Sadness and emotions go, to see people homeless and without means of return on the ruins of their devastated homes during the post-election crisis.
The deadline set by the government for the closure of IDP camps in the West, including Duékoué was last November 15, 2011. Date paradoxically coincided with the national day of peace. In the aftermath of the celebration, the eviction of people in distress who have found refuge on the host cities run by international organizations and NGOs effectively began. Under the threat of FRCI intervention in case the people concerned refuse to leave . Sadness and emotions go, to see people homeless and without means of return on the ruins of their devastated homes during the post-election crisis. Today, these people do not took off against the organizations of the UN and NGOs in support of displaced, accused of complicity with the government. They accuse the international structures on the one hand, not to respect their charters based on the obligation to protect people in danger. And secondly, to reduce the kits support promised by the agents of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to ropes and packets ends. Point of mats, mattresses or tarpaulins to cover the disheveled house, no food rations to help the displaced and their offspring to survive, if only as the first days back home where FRCI, dozos alien Burkinabe and Malians are the new masters.Indignant, the displaced whose fate stirs not the international community and its branches in Cote d'Ivoire initially refuse to leave. But they soon will be forced by agents of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) who threatened to call the elements of FRCI(reponsible for the genocide in Duékoué ) already pending action for dirty work. Death in the soul, the displaced have thus left the IDP camps, not knowing where to find refuge.The 459 people who boarded a truck committed to eviction have been dumped like oxen on the space CP2 Carrefour neighborhood. "They left as they came, wandering in nature, without reference, most not knowing where to stay or where to go," commented a government official stationed in Duékoué. The concerns of officers of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) have not won much of anything. Even the few refugees who are still resisting, calling on NGOs and the UN system to stop flouting their charters and to say no to the government, already know they will leave.When asked about their actions, officials have told IOM that the important thing was to clear the mission of its "undesirable" occupants as required by the government(please do something before it's too late from genocides perpetrators to survivors of the genocide seeking refuge who is undesirable ?). Particularly the Minister Koné Kafana who is keeping watch and do not release the pressure on NGOs.
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
The U.S. Ambassador Philip Carter III calls the LMP frameworks at night to offer them to be independent candidates
The U.S. Ambassador Philip Carter III calls the LMP frameworks at night to offer them to be independent candidateby the Presidential Majority Gbagbo on Wednesday, 16 November 2011 at 21:05
The U.S. ambassador, Philip Carter III, has found a new activity in Côte d'Ivoire. The canvass of the executives of those Cnrd.Notably the FPI for the push to apply for the legislative under the banner of indépendant candidate.At the point that it is he who knows how many FPI executive who decided to take part in these elections, despite the slogan of the party not to participate. The American diplomat called these executives whom he debauched, the "independent FPI candidates ." It deliberately creates disorder where things are clear enough. Namely, the FPI has not presented any candidate for legislative reasons well known to all. This is a decision of the Central Committee of the FPI, highest committee decisions between Congresses. It is intellectually dishonest or improper to associate the party created by President Laurent Gbagbo to that of any candidate,even if he was a member of that party. All we can say of such independent candidate is that he/she is an unruly militant. Beyond this simple principle in terms of democracy, the very behavior that the U.S. diplomat plot which intriguing . A curious diplomat who invited himself in the organization of elections which are the expression of the sovereignty of Cote d'Ivoire. A third country. We remember that Phillip Carter III, who, with his French counterpart Jean-Marc Simon, had kidnapped the president of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), Youssouf Bakayoko, to force him to give false results of the real second round of the presidential election at the headquarters of Alassane Ouattara. Now they struggle to give legitimacy to their power installed by a coup through a National Assembly with the participation of executives from the FPI. A wasted effort because the FPI militants are mature enough to know who is for them and not for them. The only thing that the conduct of Philip Carter III confirms is that since the installation of the power in Ouattara, Côte d'Ivoire has escaped the Ivorian s. Their country is not run by one of them. For Ouattara (who is actually not Ivorian reason why he could never win the elections hence the frauds and the coup)is really only a nominee. Ivory Coast is led by the coalition France / USA.
The U.S. ambassador, Philip Carter III, has found a new activity in Côte d'Ivoire. The canvass of the executives of those Cnrd.Notably the FPI for the push to apply for the legislative under the banner of indépendant candidate.At the point that it is he who knows how many FPI executive who decided to take part in these elections, despite the slogan of the party not to participate. The American diplomat called these executives whom he debauched, the "independent FPI candidates ." It deliberately creates disorder where things are clear enough. Namely, the FPI has not presented any candidate for legislative reasons well known to all. This is a decision of the Central Committee of the FPI, highest committee decisions between Congresses. It is intellectually dishonest or improper to associate the party created by President Laurent Gbagbo to that of any candidate,even if he was a member of that party. All we can say of such independent candidate is that he/she is an unruly militant. Beyond this simple principle in terms of democracy, the very behavior that the U.S. diplomat plot which intriguing . A curious diplomat who invited himself in the organization of elections which are the expression of the sovereignty of Cote d'Ivoire. A third country. We remember that Phillip Carter III, who, with his French counterpart Jean-Marc Simon, had kidnapped the president of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), Youssouf Bakayoko, to force him to give false results of the real second round of the presidential election at the headquarters of Alassane Ouattara. Now they struggle to give legitimacy to their power installed by a coup through a National Assembly with the participation of executives from the FPI. A wasted effort because the FPI militants are mature enough to know who is for them and not for them. The only thing that the conduct of Philip Carter III confirms is that since the installation of the power in Ouattara, Côte d'Ivoire has escaped the Ivorian s. Their country is not run by one of them. For Ouattara (who is actually not Ivorian reason why he could never win the elections hence the frauds and the coup)is really only a nominee. Ivory Coast is led by the coalition France / USA.
KEKE KATA The Minister who was detained in Boundiali spokesman of the prisoners released recently , and has been released (among the twenty released) has been arrested again by Ouattara, !
He is currently detained by the Ivorian DST . It is still retained by his henchmen in the service of Ouattara! Convey a warning to the maximum so that concrete actions are carried out and warn others released from the opportunity to be still imprisoned by men in the service of coup! Share to please as many people
KEKE KATA The Minister who was detained in Boundiali spokesman of the prisoners released recently , and has been released (among the twenty released) has been arrested again by Ouattara, !
He is currently detained by the Ivorian DST . It is still retained by his henchmen in the service of Ouattara! Convey a warning to the maximum so that concrete actions are carried out and warn others released from the opportunity to be still imprisoned by men in the service of coup! Share to please as many people
Sunday, 13 November 2011
On the night of Friday 11 to Saturday 12, the FRCI heavily armed surrounded the village of Adon KOI, 5 km from Attinguié, located at 30 km from Abidjan on the Northern Highway. these killers since April 11 have been used to commit atrocities in the region of origin of Prof. Ake Ngbo(PM of the legal government overthrown by the UN/France) have gone undercover by laying siege to the village at 2 am. The reason for the abuse was to collect the revenue of the cooperative,They rubbed money from villagers, their bikes and the revenues of the cooperative were washed away. Unheard-of violence were perpetrated on the preacher, the teacher of the village and some villagers.
The criminals left the village at 4 am ... promising to return soon.
As usual UNOCI arrived in good doctor after death, to draw his admission of impotence.
We'd rather say complicity since we know that these murderers were dropped in these localities by the UN ... one wonders if these abuses targeted will end one day ....(It's probably to prove to the international opinion that Ivory Coast is insecure and needs more UN troops this would tighten the grips of the NWQ on this nation )
Saturday, 12 November 2011
The law case of the century: Indictment against NATO military and political leaders

NATO: Indictment for breach of international law in the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. The military and political leaders of NATO are hereby accused of the following crimes committed in the Libyan campaign of 2011, in which the systematic breaches of international law are underlined.
Understanding that international law exists and that it is systematically broken by certain powers with impunity, understanding that such a situation is unacceptable and that the same set of laws should apply to all, equally, with the same sets of weights and measures employed in upholding it, I hereby accuse NATO and the below-mentioned individuals, party to its acts in the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya from February to September (ongoing) 2011, of breach of international law;
1. Accusation: NATO war crimes, crimes against humanity, breach of UN Charter, Breach of UNSC Resolutions, breach of Geneva Conventions, occasioning murder, attempted murder, actions occasioning grievous and actual bodily harm, destruction of private and public property.
2. Accused:
William Hague (UK), Hillary Clinton (USA) Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini
3. Law and breaches:
3.1 Proper procedure was not followed: Under the UN Charter, any military action which comes outside a UNSC Resolution in any theatre of conflict must necessarily come from a separate Resolution in the UNSC and any military action must come after the Military Council is convened. This was not the case under UNSC Resolutions 1970 and 1973 (2011) covering the Libyan conflict.
Why did NATO not convene the Military Staff Committee of the UNSC? Under the UN Charter, Chapter VII, Article 46: "Plans for the application of armed force shall be made by the Security Council with the assistance of the Military Staff Committee". Such committee was never convened.
This is a violation of the UN Charter rendering Resolutions 1970 and 1973 (2011) void; There is also evidence that such Resolutions were passed on the evidence from a false flag event. The supposed crimes committed by the Libyan authorities have been hotly contested and must be investigated;
3.2 Intervention in domestic affairs of a sovereign state: UNSC Resolution 2131 (XX) of 21 December 1965, containing the Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention in the Domestic Affairs of States was backed up by Resolutions 31/91 of 14 December 1976, 32/153 of 19 December 1977, 33/74 of 15 December 1978, 34/101 of 14 December 1979 and 35/159 of 12 December 1980 on non-interference in the internal affairs of States.
3.3 Bombardment of undefended buildings and structures: Article 3 of the Statute of The Hague International Penal Court which states clearly that one criterion for indictment for war crimes is:
"Attack or bombardment, by whatever means, against undefended cities, towns, villages, buildings or houses".
Another clause of the same Article 3 could also be invoked:
"Massive destruction of cities, towns or villages or destruction not justified by military necessity".
The attack on Libya's water supply network on Friday July 22 and the attack on the factory making pipes for the supply system on Saturday July 23 in al-Brega were not covered under "military necessity" in which case, under Article 3, this was an act of wanton destruction of civilian structures with military hardware. This renders NATO liable for trial by its own court, the ICC at The Hague;
3.4 Support for outlawed organizations and individuals. Despite this admission:
proscribed-terror-groups/proscribed-groups?view=Binary ...
There is evidence that armed groups fighting inside Libya include the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) which according to the British Government: "The LIFG seeks to replace the current Libyan regime with a hard-line Islamic state. The group is also part of the wider global Islamist extremist movement, as inspired by Al Qa'ida. The group has mounted several operations inside Libya, including a 1996 attempt to assassinate Mu'ammar Qadhafi" and for which reason is on the Home Office list of proscribed terrorist groups, despite this, the UK aided and abetted the said group;
3.5 Failure to apply international law: Under the UN Charter, Chapter VI, Article 33, member states must "seek a solution by negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements, or other peaceful means of their own choice".
3.6 The Jamahiriya Government of Libya had the right to defend itself without being attacked: Chapter VII, Article 51 refers to the right of States to defend themselves against armed insurgency:
"Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security";
3.7 Mercenaries: UNSC Resolution 1973 (2011), in its Chapter on Protection of Civilians, in paragraph 4. states:
"4. Authorizes Member States that have notified the Secretary-General, acting nationally or through regional organizations or arrangements, and acting in cooperation with the Secretary-General, to take all necessary measures, notwithstanding paragraph 9 of resolution 1970 (2011), to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, including Benghazi, while excluding a foreign occupation force of any form on any part of Libyan territory, and requests the Member States concerned to inform the Secretary-General immediately of the measures they take pursuant to the authorization conferred by this paragraph which shall be immediately reported to the Security Council;
There have been numerous reports of mercenaries being used by NATO and the rebels it supported; French Foreign Legion, Egyptians, Qataris, UAE forces, among others;
3.8 Boots on the ground: UNSC Resolution 1970 (2011) Paragraph 16:
"16. Deplores the continuing flows of mercenaries into the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and calls upon all Member States to comply strictly with their obligations under paragraph 9 of resolution 1970 (2011) to prevent the provision of armed mercenary personnel to the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya;".
If David Cameron has admitted that UK special services have assisted the terrorists on the ground, this is against the UN mandate which allowed NATO to intervene in Libya, and is a war crime.
A request has been sent (August 30) to the British FCO and Ministry of Defence to confirm or deny that troops have been used in the theatre of operations; no reply has been forthcoming;
3.9 Non-enforcement of UN Resolution, and violation of international law, by transporting rebel forces to enter the theatre of operations:
UNSC Resolution 1970 (2011):
In the Chapter on Enforcement of the arms embargo, Paragraph 13 of the same states:
"13. Decides that paragraph 11 of resolution 1970 (2011) shall be replaced by the following paragraph : "Calls upon all Member States, in particular States of the region, acting nationally or through regional organisations or arrangements, in order to ensure strict implementation of the arms embargo established by paragraphs 9 and 10 of resolution 1970 (2011), to inspect in their territory, including seaports and airports, and on the high seas, vessels and aircraft bound to or from the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, if the State concerned has information that provides reasonable grounds to believe that the cargo contains items the supply, sale, transfer or export of which is prohibited by paragraphs 9 or 10 of Resolution 1970 (2011) as modified by this resolution, including the provision of armed mercenary personnel, calls upon all flag States of such vessels and aircraft to cooperate with such inspections and authorises Member States to use all measures commensurate to the specific circumstances to carry out such inspections";
In violation of this: supply of French Milan anti-tank missiles, Swedish Carl Gustav 84mm rifles, 68mm rockets and mortars and Maadi assault rifles from Egypt; this, in addition to the British, French and Italian military advisors helping the terrorists.
3.10 Violation of Geneva Conventions: NATO and the Transitional National Council have given the people of Sirte ten days to surrender or face a full military onslaught. This is not a cease-fire. While they await their fate, they will still be subject to artillery fire and NATO bombing, and food, water and electricity have already been cut off.
These siege tactics have been outlawed by the Geneva Conventions. In particular, Article 14 of the second Protocol to the Geneva Conventions states, "Starvation of civilians as a method of combat is prohibited. It is therefore prohibited to attack, destroy, remove or render useless for that purpose objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population such as food-stuffs, agricultural areas for the production of food-stuffs, crops, livestock, drinking water installations, and supplies and irrigation works."
The 4th Geneva Convention prohibits all forms of attacks on civilians and the collective punishment of civilian populations, so virtually everything that the combined TNC-NATO forces are doing to the people of Sirte is strictly illegal and in fact criminal.
4. Sample Crimes:
21.03.2011. Tens of civilians killed on 31st of March in Gharyan city in western Libya (video).
07.04.2011. --- NATO bombers killed 15 rebels and wounded 22 on the outskirts of Brega.
20.04.2011. TRIPOLI NATO Bombing The Libyan Arab Association For Human Rights (video).
27.04.2011. --- NATO attacked the city of Misrata, killing 12 people and wounding 5 others.
30.04.2011. --- The bombing of the Downs Syndrome School in Tripoli (video).
30.04.2011.--- NATO killed inocent civilinas: The youngest son of our great leader Saif Al arab gaddafi was only 29 years old, grandchildren of our Great Leader, Saif Mohammed Muammar Gaddafi was one year and 3 months (born on 30 January 2010) , Carthage Hannibal Muammar Gaddafi was 2 years and 9 months old (born on 2 August 2008) and Mastura Humaid (daughter of Aisha) was 4 months and half (she was born on 15 December 2010) (video).
09.05.2011. --- 600 civilians are reported dead after getting into trouble on thier boat. They send urgent SOS messages to NATO, but they were ignored (video).
13.05.2011. The 11 imams (spiritual leaders of Islam) that were killed. The imams were killed in a NATO bombing in the city of Brega (east), which also injured about 50 people. (video)
17.05.2011.---The NATO attack on Libya's Anti-Corruption Agency on May 17 was extremely convenient for some Westrern politicians (video).
12.06.2011. --- The bombing of the University of Tripoli. Death toll not yet established. (link) or photo evdence.
15.06.2011. --- At least 12 people were killed and two injured when a NATO air strike hit a bus Wednesday evening in Libya's Kikla city (video).
19.06.2011. --- 9 civilians were killed by a NATO air strike on Tripoli (video).
19.06.2011. --- Massacre of Al-Hamedi family 15 civilians, including 3 children, were killed by another NATO air strike on Sorman (link).
19.06.2011. --- Firetracs was bombed (video).
22.06.2011. --- The bombing of the Great Man made Waterway irrigation system, which supplies most Libyans with their drinking water. Water for 4,5 million INOCENT CIVILIANS IN LIBYA (video).
22.06.2011. -- Zliten - many civilians were chopped into pieces. (link)
28.06. 2011. --- NATO air strike killed 16 civilians (one whole family killed) and more than 20 injured in public market in Tawergha east of Misurata (video).
04.07.2011. --- NATO bombing civilian checkpoint in ZWARA. (video)
15.07.2011. --- At least 12 people were killed and 2 injured when a NATO. The air strike hit the bus with inocent civilians in Kikla City. (video)
17.07.2011. --- Multiple urban areas were bombed simultaneously this morning. Anywhere from 60 to 75 bombs may have been dropped mostly in the areas of Tajura and Seraj, according to eyewitness reports. (video)
23.07.2011. --- The bombing of the factory which makes the pipes for the water system, and the murder of 6 of its employees.
24.07.2011. NATO bombing cattle and poultry project in Torghae city (video).
24. 07.2011. Libya war: NATO Press Briefing, 15 civilians are dead in Tawergha (video).
24.07.2011. ---The bombing of the Hospital at Zliten. Resulting in the murder of a minimum, of 50 civilians many of them children.(video).
25.07.2011. NATO bombed food storage in Zlitan.(video).
25.07.2011. --- 20 civilians were killed by NATO air strikes in Bir al Ghanam. (video)
30.07.2011. --- NATO warplanes also repeatedly bombed a Libyan television station, killing 3 and injuring 15.
02.08.2011. --- Law School In Zlitan (Zliten) (video).
04. 08.2011. --- Woman and two children (video).
07.08.2011. --- NATO bombed today the vegetable market in Tripoli (link).
08.08.2011. --- Libya: NATO MASSACRED 85 CIVILIANS: 33 CHILDREN, 32 WOMEN and 20 MEN (video)...
The persistent on-going bombing of the civilian population in Zliten, Sirte and Tripoli, death toll not yet established. All4Peace & LibyaSOS.
5. Further documentary evidence of the crimes.
Drawn up by: Timothy Bancroft Hinchey
Director and Chief Editor Portuguese Version
Sandra Barr, Nada Pejnovic and Tatjana Dimitrijevic
Christopher C. Black, Barrister, Canada
PS the above could be applied to the case of the Human rights violation and crime as well as genocide in Ivory Coast in which the UN/French troops/ Ouattara' rebels were involved in one way or another.
Once again international organizations apply their laws as they wish or as it suits them, this according to their interests.
AS MIGHT THE INFORMATION BELOW BE correct, we can not in any way behave in this way, namely performing acts outside the law, even if we are called ICC, UN etc. ...... because none of these organizations is above the constitution of each member state, as stipulated in the laws governing these organizations. Are we at the dawn of a new international dictatorship? And as though this is done in a magic wand, why the ICC did not investigated abuses committed by Allassane Dramane Ouattara, Guillaume Soro, Cherif Ousmane and all the other warlords in 2002 in the north of Ivory Coast, given that at the time the government signed the recognition of the jurisdiction of the ICC (for investigation). Should we take it as a double standard?
================ =========== Alert Alert Alert
General mobilization! @ All patriotic resistant, all lover of Peace and Justice wherever you are, Mobilize yourselves! ICC is to send technical mission to Abidjan on Monday for the transfer GBAGBO! we just have this information, from a confidential source!
Côte d'Ivoire has not ratified the Rome Statute establishing the ICC and it can not do so immediately because of a decision of the Constitutional Council which states that certain provisions of this statute is contrary to our constitution accordance with Article 86. As a result, the ratification will be possible only after revision of the Basic Law, which review may be done by referendum as the relevant constitutional provisions are related to the exercise of presidential term (see section 126 of the Constitution).
However, in the absence of ratification of the Rome Statute which created the ICC,it has no jurisdiction over Ivorian citizens.
Recognition by the Ivorian government of the jurisdiction of the ICC can not take the place of ratification. It just allows to investigate. Indeed, if the Constitutional Council held that the ratification in the current state of our legislation is not constitutionally possible, it is not a statement of recognition that would be. However, the ratification is only allowed by national representation of Parliament. The requirement of ratification as well as being constitutional is also a measure of good governance because of the principle of separation of powers if the signing of an international convention or treaty by the executive would have been enough to involve a State.
List of 33 African countries have ratified the Treaty of Rome:
Burkina Faso, November 30, 1998
Senegal, February 2, 1999
Ghana, December 20, 1999
Mali, 16 August 2000
Lesotho, September 6, 2000
Botswana, September 8, 2000
Sierra Leone, September 15, 2000
Gabon, September 20, 2000
South Africa, November 27, 2000
Nigeria, September 27, 2001
Central African Republic, October 3, 2001
Benin, January 22, 2002
Mauritius, March 5, 2002
Democratic Republic of Congo, April 11, 2002
Niger, 11 April 2002
Uganda, June 14, 2002
Namibia, June 20, 2002
Gambia, 28 June 2002
United Republic of Tanzania, August 20, 2002
Malawi, 19 September 2002
Djibouti, November 5, 2002
Zambia, November 13, 2002
Guinea, 14 July 2003
Congo, May 3, 2004
Burundi, 21 September 2004
Liberia, September 22, 2004
Kenya, March 15, 2005
Comoros, August 18, 2006
Chad, January 1, 2007
Madagascar, March 14, 2008
Seychelles, 10 August 2010
Tunisia, 22 June 2011
Cape Verde, October 11, 2011
Our local correspondent Clifci
Woodji Leliondegahoulou
AS MIGHT THE INFORMATION BELOW BE correct, we can not in any way behave in this way, namely performing acts outside the law, even if we are called ICC, UN etc. ...... because none of these organizations is above the constitution of each member state, as stipulated in the laws governing these organizations. Are we at the dawn of a new international dictatorship? And as though this is done in a magic wand, why the ICC did not investigated abuses committed by Allassane Dramane Ouattara, Guillaume Soro, Cherif Ousmane and all the other warlords in 2002 in the north of Ivory Coast, given that at the time the government signed the recognition of the jurisdiction of the ICC (for investigation). Should we take it as a double standard?
================ =========== Alert Alert Alert
General mobilization! @ All patriotic resistant, all lover of Peace and Justice wherever you are, Mobilize yourselves! ICC is to send technical mission to Abidjan on Monday for the transfer GBAGBO! we just have this information, from a confidential source!
Côte d'Ivoire has not ratified the Rome Statute establishing the ICC and it can not do so immediately because of a decision of the Constitutional Council which states that certain provisions of this statute is contrary to our constitution accordance with Article 86. As a result, the ratification will be possible only after revision of the Basic Law, which review may be done by referendum as the relevant constitutional provisions are related to the exercise of presidential term (see section 126 of the Constitution).
However, in the absence of ratification of the Rome Statute which created the ICC,it has no jurisdiction over Ivorian citizens.
Recognition by the Ivorian government of the jurisdiction of the ICC can not take the place of ratification. It just allows to investigate. Indeed, if the Constitutional Council held that the ratification in the current state of our legislation is not constitutionally possible, it is not a statement of recognition that would be. However, the ratification is only allowed by national representation of Parliament. The requirement of ratification as well as being constitutional is also a measure of good governance because of the principle of separation of powers if the signing of an international convention or treaty by the executive would have been enough to involve a State.
List of 33 African countries have ratified the Treaty of Rome:
Burkina Faso, November 30, 1998
Senegal, February 2, 1999
Ghana, December 20, 1999
Mali, 16 August 2000
Lesotho, September 6, 2000
Botswana, September 8, 2000
Sierra Leone, September 15, 2000
Gabon, September 20, 2000
South Africa, November 27, 2000
Nigeria, September 27, 2001
Central African Republic, October 3, 2001
Benin, January 22, 2002
Mauritius, March 5, 2002
Democratic Republic of Congo, April 11, 2002
Niger, 11 April 2002
Uganda, June 14, 2002
Namibia, June 20, 2002
Gambia, 28 June 2002
United Republic of Tanzania, August 20, 2002
Malawi, 19 September 2002
Djibouti, November 5, 2002
Zambia, November 13, 2002
Guinea, 14 July 2003
Congo, May 3, 2004
Burundi, 21 September 2004
Liberia, September 22, 2004
Kenya, March 15, 2005
Comoros, August 18, 2006
Chad, January 1, 2007
Madagascar, March 14, 2008
Seychelles, 10 August 2010
Tunisia, 22 June 2011
Cape Verde, October 11, 2011
Our local correspondent Clifci
Woodji Leliondegahoulou
HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS IN IVORY COAST: Ivorians “invade” the UN. – Source Ivorian.Net by Zeka Togui
The UN, through the voice of the Security Council reaffirmed on March 30, about the Ivory Coast that it “strongly condemns all acts of violence against civilians, including women, children, displaced persons and foreign nationals, and other violations of human rights, particularly on disappearances, extrajudicial killings, murder and maiming of children and rape and other forms of sexual violence ” (Resolution 1975 of March 30, 2011 paragraph 5) The policy statements of this kind have always been the hallmark of UN resolutions. In its resolutions on Côte d’Ivoire, the UN has remained true to that types of statements, since its resolution 1464 of February 4, 2003. Present in the declarations, missing in action, the UN has been able to show through the abysmal gap between resolutions and its actions on the field missions. But the question becomes disconcerting when the United Nations is itself deeply involved in what it claims to condemn(acts of violence against civilians, including women, children, displaced persons and foreign nationals, and other violations of human rights, particularly on disappearances, extrajudicial killings, murder and maiming of children and rape and other forms of sexual violence). This has led the Ivory Coast to show their anger loudly against the United Nations on Friday 11 November.
They(Ivorians ) traveled to Geneva the Swiss capital, to do so. To protest against the UN crimes and serious violations of human rights in Côte d’Ivoire, Geneva was indeed the place indicated. It is the city that houses the headquarters of the High Commissioner for Human Rights United Nations. They Came mostly from France and Italy, These Ivorians, and their compatriots in Switzerland, have responded to the appointment of Geneva. It was to denounce and condemn all the crimes which the UN is directly responsible or in which it is involved through the actions of its peacekeepers in Ivory Coast. The event began with a major operation. It is from the Cropette’s park that the protesters went to get to the Place des Nations. Holding placards and banners with images of cruelty in serious violations of human rights in Côte d’Ivoire. The march was marked by a true manifestation of anger expressed by virulent remarks against the UN. A group of teenagers and children supervised by demonstrators Genava has also mark its presence. They chanted “Gbagbo President ! Sarkozy murderer! Free Gbagbo ! ” (click on video image below )
It was around 2:00 p.m., at the Place des Nations, that occurred intervention from policymakers and Associations. Were present for the occasion a large delegation of the Representation of the FPI(Ivorian Popular Front) in France, Abel Naki and Willyla of the Cri Panaficain, Leontine Topo, President of Women patriots ,of Christine Zékou CODESCI (Defence Committee of the institutions and structures of the Coast Ivory), Zap Krasso and JC Gnawa of COJEP There was of course a representation of COPACI (Current Thought and Action Ivory Coast) led by its President Blaise Pascal Logbo. His party was the main initiator and organizer of this historic event, in collaboration with the associations mentioned above.
Blaise Pascal Logbo and all other officials who spoke were quick to condemn the actions of the UN in Africa in general and in the Ivory Coast in particular. They emphasized the responsibility of the UN for serious violations of human rights in Côte d’Ivoire. They denounced the guilty silence of the UN in dealing with all serious violations of human rights in Côte d’Ivoire. All have not failed to demand the release of all political prisoners under Alassane Ouattara.
Resolution 1975*(initiated and drafted by France a non neutral country in Ivory Coast as her past and action prove therefore illegal according to the UN charter) was passed, it is said, to protect the civilian population. This view has been challenged by the President of COPACI. Resolution 1975 of March 30, 2011 was, he said, “granted the coalition Unicorn - UN peacekeepers- rebels a license to kill . By this permit to kill the peacekeepers themselves raised up as makers of war. “The UN soldiers and the French Licorne have provided logistical and operational support to the rebellion force to carry out the coup of April 11, 2011 against the President Gbagbo. For Blaise Pascal Logbo, “the only democratic solution to a contentious post-election was the recounting not the bombing.”?*(Which any real organisation promoting peace and security would had done, but the UN refused to recount) and bombed ,ke;;ing civilians)
Before the end of the event, the president of COPACI was received on the premises of the High Commissioner for Human Rights United Nations, where he filed a motion.
It should be remembered that by resolution 1479 of May 13, 2003 that the municipality was created (United Nations Mission in Côte d’Ivoire).
Its mission was originally “to facilitate the implementation by the Ivorian parties of the Linas-Marcoussis Agreement.”(a pure mafia deal)
At the request of President Gbagbo, in a message to the UN on 10 November 2003, the UN was willing to get involved in the maintenance of peace in Côte d’Ivoire. It’s With this in mind, that the municipality was converted into UNOCI (United Nations in Côte d’Ivoire).(Now notice it’s all in the details the UN at the instant where it turned from UNMICI to UNOCI is no longer in mission but an occupier entity in Ivory Coast as we can now see the territory in fully occupies by the UN and there would be more to come since they are talking about a concern regarding the security)
But when hostilities broke out in March 2011, the “neutrality”, still proclaimed by the UN, which so far advanced under sheep clothing(under neutrality) ,which no longer suits her. She decided to drop the mask and write her name in letters of blood in the history of Ivorian chaos by giving a war order to its peacekeepers and the French Licorne force, along with the rebellion.
Origial text by Zeka Togui translated and reedited by Patrick Cohen
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