Ivorians accuse the UN and HRW planning a genocide as fearful thousands flee Ivory Coast attacks near Liberia border, but who would listen ?

More than 13,000 people have fled their homes in southwestern Ivory Coast following attacks in which unidentified armed men killed at least 22 people, including seven U.N. peacekeepers, this month, a U.N. official said Thursday.
Residents around the town of Tai are “traumatized” and in “constant fear and panic,” said Ute Kollies, the head of the U.N. humanitarian agency in Ivory Coast.
“We have recorded five attacks since the beginning of June, and given the rumors floating around, everyone is fearful of what might happen next,” Kollies said. She said in some villages all of the homes have been destroyed.
U.N. peacekeepers and Ivorian soldiers are patrolling but Kollies said the densely forested Liberia border area needs to be secured further in order to protect the population and provide safe corridors for delivery of aid supplies.
All of the displaced people are living with host families, Kollies said. “There are in some cases 15 to 20 people living with a family of five,” she said.
The putschist government imposed by the powerful multinational and there trading representative at the head of western countries falsely has blamed the attacks on allegedly former militia groups or mercenaries loyal to Ivory Coast’s legal legitimate democratically elected president Laurent Gbagbo whose opponent Alassane Dramane Ouattara refusal to proceed at recounting of the rigged votes in his stronghold in a 2010 election sparked six months of violence. Gbagbo is now illegally imprisoned at The Hague. war crimes charges after been arrested by French Army in the role hit squad on behalf of the Multinationals mafia.
So what is actually happening according to the Ivorian, it's a plot from the same multinationals using all king of trick to dispossess the people of the We people from there classified land which one of the richest in the world( good for Cocoa,gumtree, diamond , gold and other minerals and give it to the Burkinabe whom with the complicity of the UN and the blind eyes of HRW are attacking the population. This macabre strategy is to send armed Burkinabe and dozo mercenary unpaid by the putschist (after been recruited to invade Abidjan in order to take power by the means of weapons) to go and claim land which according to the pustchist belong to no one , in order to get their money back. Ttese lawless criminals then kill the villagers and land owners the rest of the population then flee and the lands are taken by the invaders. The stubborns who refuse to leave are killed , that's the genocide and ethnic cleansing the UN and the HRW in one way or the other are about to take another height when the HRW and the UN claim that allegedly pro Gbagbo militia are involved in order to have a big military intervention helpig to speed up the ethnic cleansing and the genocide.. It well known from everyone in those area that most of the armed conflict are between different fractions of Burkinabe mercenaries over war booty to be more specific land after the owners have fled the terror or attack on village by the same mercenaries . So in order to protect their newly stolen lands these bandits are ready to kill anyone in sight and since they are in majority non educated they can shoot at their own allied such as the UN or Ivorian troops.. Yes the UN and HRW are planning a simple and pure genocide but would listen the Ivorian or help before is too late, ? It seems like we prefer having big charity concerts to raise money after the genocide ? Or shall we rather denounce right now and in urgency this crimes which involves our politicians playing the Pr of the multinationals mafia. ?
More than 13,000 people have fled their homes in southwestern Ivory Coast following attacks in which unidentified armed men killed at least 22 people, including seven U.N. peacekeepers, this month, a U.N. official said Thursday.
Residents around the town of Tai are “traumatized” and in “constant fear and panic,” said Ute Kollies, the head of the U.N. humanitarian agency in Ivory Coast.
“We have recorded five attacks since the beginning of June, and given the rumors floating around, everyone is fearful of what might happen next,” Kollies said. She said in some villages all of the homes have been destroyed.
U.N. peacekeepers and Ivorian soldiers are patrolling but Kollies said the densely forested Liberia border area needs to be secured further in order to protect the population and provide safe corridors for delivery of aid supplies.
All of the displaced people are living with host families, Kollies said. “There are in some cases 15 to 20 people living with a family of five,” she said.
The putschist government imposed by the powerful multinational and there trading representative at the head of western countries falsely has blamed the attacks on allegedly former militia groups or mercenaries loyal to Ivory Coast’s legal legitimate democratically elected president Laurent Gbagbo whose opponent Alassane Dramane Ouattara refusal to proceed at recounting of the rigged votes in his stronghold in a 2010 election sparked six months of violence. Gbagbo is now illegally imprisoned at The Hague. war crimes charges after been arrested by French Army in the role hit squad on behalf of the Multinationals mafia.
So what is actually happening according to the Ivorian, it's a plot from the same multinationals using all king of trick to dispossess the people of the We people from there classified land which one of the richest in the world( good for Cocoa,gumtree, diamond , gold and other minerals and give it to the Burkinabe whom with the complicity of the UN and the blind eyes of HRW are attacking the population. This macabre strategy is to send armed Burkinabe and dozo mercenary unpaid by the putschist (after been recruited to invade Abidjan in order to take power by the means of weapons) to go and claim land which according to the pustchist belong to no one , in order to get their money back. Ttese lawless criminals then kill the villagers and land owners the rest of the population then flee and the lands are taken by the invaders. The stubborns who refuse to leave are killed , that's the genocide and ethnic cleansing the UN and the HRW in one way or the other are about to take another height when the HRW and the UN claim that allegedly pro Gbagbo militia are involved in order to have a big military intervention helpig to speed up the ethnic cleansing and the genocide.. It well known from everyone in those area that most of the armed conflict are between different fractions of Burkinabe mercenaries over war booty to be more specific land after the owners have fled the terror or attack on village by the same mercenaries . So in order to protect their newly stolen lands these bandits are ready to kill anyone in sight and since they are in majority non educated they can shoot at their own allied such as the UN or Ivorian troops.. Yes the UN and HRW are planning a simple and pure genocide but would listen the Ivorian or help before is too late, ? It seems like we prefer having big charity concerts to raise money after the genocide ? Or shall we rather denounce right now and in urgency this crimes which involves our politicians playing the Pr of the multinationals mafia. ?
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