Defending truth and justice. Fighting the UN dictatorship and double standard. And promoting peace and love
Monday, 29 July 2013
ICC and UN frauds exposed in Gbagbo trial
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As you can read :
17 June 2011
Dear all,
Please find below the latest public notice issued by the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) relating to Cote d’Ivoire (I) as well as related background documents (II). The OTP notice “informs victims of alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Côte d’Ivoire by any party following the presidential election of 28 November 2010 that he will shortly request authorization from the Pre-Trial Chamber II to open an investigation into such alleged crimes [… and] notifies victims of the post-election violence in Côte d’Ivoire that they can send their comments to the Judges of the Pre-Trial Chamber II on whether an investigation on such alleged crimes should be opened. The victims or their legal representatives have 30 days from this notice to make representations to the Pre-Trial Chamber.” Please take note of the Coalition's policy on situations before the ICC (below), which explicitly states that the CICC will not take a position on potential and current situations before the Court or situations under analysis. The Coalition, however, will continue to provide the most up-to-date information about the ICC.
This specifies that "The OTP notice “informs victims of alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Côte d’Ivoire by any party following the presidential election of 28 November 2010 that he will shortly request authorization from the Pre-Trial Chamber II to open an investigation into such alleged crimes " This is clearly not the case and to prove it Ouattara who is the supreme chef of the FRCI ex FN the armed rebellion has never been cited in this as suspect while Gbagbo as well as all his collaborator are all in prison and even hunted in exile. Ms Bensouda recently said that the ICC cannot look everywhere but has to start the investigation somewhere. Where is somewhere in the same war where there are 2 parties involved ? Here the ICC is caught red handed in a serious crime and this has to stop right now. The ICC has to be put on trial by a independent body as soon as possible.
Cases: Laurent Gbagbo, Simone Gbagbo * Prosecutor's initiative. But note that (a) Ivory Coast at the time was not even a signatory to the statute, but it handed jurisdiction to the ICC, and (b) the Prosecutor took steps only after getting a letter from its "president", with the specific request for "the assistance of the court in order to ensure that the perpetrators would not go unpunished". Read more:
perpetrators would not go unpunished in this case are from both camps which includes Mr Ouattara himself since he's the supreme chef of the armed rebellion which perpetrated the Duekoue genocide and the Nyhably massacre.
As matter of fact Amnesty International met with a local human rights advocate who descended into three wells with a rope; He assured that there was at least one body in each of these three wells.
Another human rights activist, who preferred to remain anonymous for security reasons, said: "If the body found in the wells were those of supporters of the Ouattara regime, they would had been extracted months ago already. But because these bodies come from Nahibly and are accused of supporting Gbagbo, they do nothing. "An autopsy has been performed on the six corpses found in the first well. However, nine months later, the findings have still not been delivered to the families of the victims and they have not been returned the body. Here it's not a matter of of reports or hearsay from dubious so called French UN experts we are talking about heard evidences still available which are avoided by the UN and ICC.
read the full story :
Sunday, 28 July 2013
Travesty of justice
Dr. Alan W. White (in jacket) is former chief of investigations for the United Nations Special Court for Sierra Leone (Credit;Alan white)
Peter Clottey
Last updated on: July 24, 2013 3:25 PM
The former chief of investigations for the United Nations Special Court for Sierra Leone has called on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate and prosecute leaders of the Forces Nouvelles over alleged atrocities the group committed during Ivory Coast’s civil war.
Alan White says there is need for the ICC to administer equal justice in Ivory Coast.
“All we are looking for is to ensure there is a balanced investigation and a balanced prosecution. Quite frankly that is one of the areas right now that the country of Ivory Coast is struggling from is the fact that there is not a sense of justice,” White said.
The ICC is gathering evidence to prosecute former Ivorian president Laurent Gbagbo for his role in the civil war after he refused to accept the October 2010 presidential vote. The election dispute led to the conflict.
Human rights groups accused supporters of both Gbagbo and current President Alassane Ouattara of human rights violations during the conflict.
White says for credibility and real reconciliation, the ICC will need to prosecute those on the pro-Ouattara side and since the court granted jurisdiction to the prosecutor to investigate and prosecute crimes against humanity and war crimes dating back to September 19, 2002 to the present.
Gbagbo supporters have accused the ICC of favouritism, claiming that the former leader has been singled out for prosecution.
“If the court continues to pursue a balanced approach, I think the credibility will improve and certainly Ggagbo’s supporters, although they may not change their mind about the court, if they are fair about the court they will certainly reserve judgement if they see that there is a balance prosecution to eliminate this perception of persecution,” said White.
Guillaume Soro, leader of the Forces Nouvelles, is currently Ivory Coast’s speaker of parliament. Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and the United Nations documented what they say are atrocities allegedly committed by the Forces Nouvelle.
Critics have said they wonder if the ICC has the political will to go after Mr. Soro due to his current position as the speaker of parliament. Others, however, say the ICC is experiencing a financial crunch, which has hampered its ability to investigate and prosecute alleged perpetrators in Ivory Coast.
“For international justice to succeed, it must be viewed as fair, free and balanced. If it is seemingly balanced on one side, it will certainly be cause for alarm for the people that would cooperate with the court,” said White.
Alan White says there is need for the ICC to administer equal justice in Ivory Coast.
“All we are looking for is to ensure there is a balanced investigation and a balanced prosecution. Quite frankly that is one of the areas right now that the country of Ivory Coast is struggling from is the fact that there is not a sense of justice,” White said.
The ICC is gathering evidence to prosecute former Ivorian president Laurent Gbagbo for his role in the civil war after he refused to accept the October 2010 presidential vote. The election dispute led to the conflict.
Human rights groups accused supporters of both Gbagbo and current President Alassane Ouattara of human rights violations during the conflict.
White says for credibility and real reconciliation, the ICC will need to prosecute those on the pro-Ouattara side and since the court granted jurisdiction to the prosecutor to investigate and prosecute crimes against humanity and war crimes dating back to September 19, 2002 to the present.
Gbagbo supporters have accused the ICC of favouritism, claiming that the former leader has been singled out for prosecution.
“If the court continues to pursue a balanced approach, I think the credibility will improve and certainly Ggagbo’s supporters, although they may not change their mind about the court, if they are fair about the court they will certainly reserve judgement if they see that there is a balance prosecution to eliminate this perception of persecution,” said White.
Guillaume Soro, leader of the Forces Nouvelles, is currently Ivory Coast’s speaker of parliament. Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and the United Nations documented what they say are atrocities allegedly committed by the Forces Nouvelle.
Critics have said they wonder if the ICC has the political will to go after Mr. Soro due to his current position as the speaker of parliament. Others, however, say the ICC is experiencing a financial crunch, which has hampered its ability to investigate and prosecute alleged perpetrators in Ivory Coast.
“For international justice to succeed, it must be viewed as fair, free and balanced. If it is seemingly balanced on one side, it will certainly be cause for alarm for the people that would cooperate with the court,” said White.
The above article is a travesty of justice , lets be serious what this call would amount if not to a smoke screen to pretend standing for justice. It's not secret to anyone that justice cannot be without truth but when Mr Alan stands in the same murky water when according to him Laurent Gbagbo is persecuted for his role in the civil war after he refused to accept the October 2010 presidential vote. Yet for someone pretending to bring a balance he should know that it was a disputed result and Laurent Gbagbo is the only one in favor of a democratic way to sort the dispute by recounting the vote . So how can he refuse a the vote when there has been refusal on the part the so called international community and their backed candidate to accept this option preferring war instead ? The other points are even more clear when it comes to expose the link between this article and the PR of the ICC as well as their agent Mr Alan who's whitewashing the institution . Mr Ouattara for instance has never had his name linked to the crimes and genocide committed despite the evidences that he was and still is the supreme chef of he armed rebellion in the Ivory Coast’s civil war since 2002 to date, Talking about not Soro when he's not the supreme chef , if Gbagbo who's not a military but the supreme chef of the FDS is on trial why Ouattara is not when the report show both sides involved in crimes . Then we have a good alibi to justify why investigation are not done for the same crimes on the Ouattara side blamed on lack of fund...." the ICC is experiencing a financial crunch, which has hampered its ability to investigate and prosecute alleged perpetrators in Ivory Coast."....Please , please please put that empty gun down. It wad a good try but not for us .....There;s money for Gbagbo's side but not when it comes to Ouattara .. Yet we were told few days ago that investigations were . on..what a travesty...
Saturday, 27 July 2013
The evidences the CPI refuses to see
Scenes of Duékoué massacre in Côte d'Ivoire
Madame Prosecutor Fatou Bom Bensouda, here are the evidences you are looking for , And these are the works of Ouattara and his armed rebellion .You just have to go on the site to see the mass graves haunting the region.
-28, 29, 30 March 2011...Ouattara's Northern rebel forces launched their offensive against the South in the direction of Abidjan. One of the first cities conquered is Duékoué in the West of the country, a strategic lock between the North and the South. After the battle began the large massacres of Duékoué. The auxiliaries of the army, the traditional Dozo hunters, militia, men wearing mesh and uniformed soldiers, will invest the city and surrounding villages. They sort the population and slaughter those who belong to the Guere ethnic an ethinic group whuch is Duékoué Aboriginal in favour of president Gbagbo . Murder, rape, looting will last a whole week, under the gaze of the, UNOCI and France (Unicorne) forces and will cause between one thousand and two thousand victims.
Saturday, 20 July 2013
The full circle
20 July 2012 - 20 July 2013, a year of denial of justice.

Over 200 Wê refugees were massacred after the attack on
their camp in the presence of the authorities of the town of Duékoué and UNOCI
July 20, 2012. These poor Wê refugees, youth, elderly, women and children
were sacrificed by fire, thrown in wells and graves. Up to date no
serious investigation has been conducted and the umpteenth massacre of the Wê
people went as far as an ordinary news story or even as a non-event, something
that has never existed.
The martyr Wê people carries his cross
and continues to resist the evil plan of the expropriation and its
extermination. There will always be a Wê to claim the geographical and cultural
heritage that is ours, to the last, the Wê will meet this challenge.
the video of the attack:
these are the declarations of Apollos Dan Thé member of the Federation of Wê the Diaspora (FEWED). Later
Mrs Fatou Bensouda, finally admited in an interview
with the newspaper "L'Express", that the institution
of the ICC is subject to the political agendas
of the Western countries . This would explain why
Laurent Gbagbo and the Kadhafis are pursued, and not the murderers of children and notorious criminals
like Obama, Sarkozy, and Why countries, such as Bahrain or the
Yemen,recently theatres
of fierce repression are not worried? Because
neither one nor the other are among the Member States. Only in this case the United Nations Security Council can enter the ICC, what it did not do. Same thing for Syria: The decision does not belong to us. Clearly, we are criticized for actions that the Security Council
undertook or does not undertake. It(UNSC) is a political body which can take
decisions based
on criteria different from ours."She said. This depicts the graphic full circle conspiracy facts (and not a theory ) in Ivory Coast in particular and in Africa in general. In 2003 the ICC was called to investigate on the massacre perpetrated by the Ouattara's armed rebellion
supported by France and other western countries but the was not
sign of the ICC nor the UNSC (with France as one of the permanent
members and leading the Peace keeping troops). France who refused to
intervene during the rebels attack suddenly decided to interpose herself
between the South controlled by the government and the North occupied by the
rebellion coming from Burkina Faso. The same France who was arming and training
the rebels destroyed the entire Ivorian Air Force war planes with the alibi
that 9 French soldiers in their camp situated in the occupied rebel area were
killed in an air attack . Still the same France organised in Marcoussis a conference to sign a treaty between the
government and the rebellion using her influences and power at the UNSC to
impose some restrictions and embargoes on Gbagbo’s government therefore forcing
him to accept a coalition with the rebels. Since then France who is clearly not
a neutral country in Ivory Coast against the UN treaties regarding the
impartiality was the main country
initiating and drafting the resolutions against this nation.The abuse of power
and the injustice behind this macabre plot was made evident when France imposed
herself within the impartial force as Lycorn/Unicorn , a non neutral entity
within an impartial force would never make sense to anyone in his/her right
mind. Unfortunately the mindset in this framework is of economical and
political order and right and wrong have no place or rather are no given a
place by most . For instance most of the resolutions including the fact that
France has to be part of the impartial troops were initiated and drafted by
France, which manipulated the last decision on the UNSC leading to the bombing
of civilians under the pretext of destroying heavy weapons.It worth to notice
that the recent proof rejected by the judges at the ICC in the prosecutor
against Gbagbo were collected mainly by the same French experts who have been
since initiating and drafting resolutions against Ivory Coast. But before that point the idea of coalition government
was to sabotage the country specially
on the economy then call for an election . The emphasis during the campaign
would be on a failed governance so the people who went through a hardship due
to the sabotage would obviously turn against head of state. This plan did not
work but the was other alternatives such as election mass frauds, protest
against the election results and finally the armed insurrection. All the above were combined ,and this with the
UNSC(mainly France and its allied ) still manipulating the ICC to deny justice to the real victims closing
therefore the circle of the plot.
Saturday, 13 July 2013
ICC prepares the public opinion for a future Gbagbo bail

If the judges in The Hague have once again extended the decision to hold the first president of the Second Republic in Ivorian in the Scheveningen detention, they have never been "hot" to find an arrangement for him benefiting from a system of provisional release "reassuring" for an "international community" that continues to support Ouattara but feels embarrassed at the seams. Anything could happen! At priori, the third periodic decision of Trial Chamber I on the detention of President Laurent Gbagbo is no different from others. However, it was highly anticipated, since the judges who ruled on the issue are the same that there is a little more than a month, asked the Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda to review its because she had not "sufficient evidence" to justify a lawsuit against the head of the Ivorian state overthrown by the UN-France coalition
Silvia Fernandez de Gurmendi (Argentina), Hans-Peter Kaul (Germany) and Christine Van den Wyngaert (Belgium) decided, in spite of what could be considered as new circumstances - Does the defendant have to pay the fact that the Prosecution failed to mount a credible case against him over 18 months? - To keep Gbagbo in custody. They believed that the postponement of the decision confirming or denying the charges did not mean reversal of charges, and did not constitute a "change in circumstances" likely to change the status quo ante.
Why the judges rejected the parallel with the Kenyan case
Reading the judges' decision, which was made public yesterday, allows to realize that highly controversial reports of UN experts continue to be taken into consideration when it comes to justify the continued detention of Gbagbo, yet they have not been validated as "sufficient evidence" to pave the way for a trial.
How does the Chamber explained this apparent contradiction? In what may appear to some observers as a kind of hypocritical legalism. The "standard of proof" applied by the House are not the same when it comes to justify the detention of an accused and the determination of the facts alleged against him, explain the judges!
The defense tried to plead the release of Gbagbo relying on the ICC proceedings on the post-election crisis in Kenya in 2008, which saw the main defendants - including the current head of state Uhuru Kenyatta - appear free. The Trial Chamber has responded to this argument by arguing the argument that the choice between an arrest warrant and a summons within the jurisdiction of the prosecutor's office, which will decide on each case based on "specific circumstances ". On the existence of a "network" of Gbagbo supporters in Côte d'Ivoire and the outside, which could help to escape the gauntlet of justice if released, the existence or not of material resources placed at his disposal, which could thwart the work of the ICC, the judges felt that the defense did not provide any new information that may lead them to change their decision.
Why this decision marks a turning imperceptibly
Nothing new under the sun, then? Not. Despite the development of the above arguments, the Trial Chamber I is showing itself more than ever open to a formula guaranteeing Gbagbo bail while reassuring the ICC. Of course, beyond the ICC, one can glimpse the "international community" (UN and France in particular), which is concerned that Gbagbo out of Scheveningen could cause as political damage to the "new political order" that it painfully trying to implement in Côte d'Ivoire with Alassane Ouattara which it continues to support with the energy of despair, but about whom many have no longer any illusions about his ability to reconcile Côte d'Ivoire.
The last sentences of the text released yesterday by the Pre-Trial Chamber I are in this respect instructive. "In the decision of 12 March 2013, the Judge held that" the risks associated with the release and the knowledge by the outside world of such a release can currently only be effectively managed in the detention center of the Court . " As noted above, the risk still exists. Nevertheless, the Chamber considers that, in light of the particular circumstances of this case, and considering the fundamental principle that deprivation of liberty should be the exception and not the rule, determine whether it is now possible 'sufficiently mitigate these risks through a form of parole.
However, it should be noted that, at this stage, no specific option to release Mr Gbagbo in conditions that would be enough to mitigate these risks are known in the House. Thus, parole can not currently be given. However, the Chamber notes that this decision is without prejudice to the possibility of considering parole in the future, if a viable solution is found, with the imposition of appropriate conditions. The House is open to the examination of such a solution, and seeks itself to identify potential methods of parole sufficient to mitigate the identified risks. If it becomes necessary, the House will hold a status conference to this effect, "it said.
In summary, the judges felt that the formulas presented in the past were not so reassuring, and ask Gbagbo lawyers to get back to work and to think of other solutions which will enable him to get out of jail while having sufficient guarantees of representation for further proceedings. Better still, it proposes itself to consider THEREFORE an appropriated draft. Secret negotiations have already begun! According to information from Nouveau Courier(Ivorian Newspaper), negotiations could be accelerated after the summer recess, which run from 19 July to 12 August.
In the coming weeks and months , the Ouattara regime, whose current nervousness on this issue is due to his knowledge of the evolution of the state of mind of certain circles in the ICC , will have in mind trying to prove by all means that any release of Gbagbo would be equivalent to the return of civil war in Côte d'Ivoire. It is not impossible that in the near future, the regime creates "attacks" or publicized "confessions" of alleged destabilizing commissioned by "Gbagbo" to fuel its apocalyptic theories.
Source : Nouveau Courier by
Now why these highly controversial reports of UN experts continue to be taken into consideration when it comes to justify the continued detention of Gbagbo,since they have not been validated as "sufficient evidence" to open the way for a trial. ? .. Well the very controversial reports of UN experts are the same on which all resolutions on Côte d'Ivoire is based .... As we did not stop to say everything is a montage in the Ivory Coast Vs multinationals and the tools(UN, EU, IMF , France, Obama), . ... the very presence of French in a so called impartial forces while the most illiterate person knows that France cannot be a neutral country her "former" colonies confirms our view .... And the proof is that these montages against Gbagbo during a decade that led to the resolutions of the Security Council (manipulated by the same France) in Ivory Coast up to the bombing of civilians by the UN/French troops are initiated and draft by France ..... So unless the ICC believes we are out of our mind or intellectually defective they cannot expect us to be ignorant of all these details consolidating the political mafia order of the trial ... Anyway we were warned that the ICC was not a true court because funded mostly by the same mafia that multinationals are racing Ivory Coast as George Soros and so on. Otherwise since when it's in the ICC role to keep a country of political protest or event ? If the UN or the international community were really worry about civil war they wouldn't help help the armed rebellion in Ivory Coast and elsewhere such as Libya, Mali, and Syria....Secondly that's the job of the peacekeeper not the ICC...And regarding the so called the existence of a "network" of supporters in Ivory Coast and the outside, which could help to escape the gauntlet of justice if released we can just ask the juges to check President Gbagbo's files once again, For someone who rejected Obama offer to make him escape the USA from the presidential residency while under heavy UN/France troops bombing to be a lecturer in Boston , And the same person still insisting to recount the ballot which should confirm his victory for those who still doubting , and for someone who is ready to go through all the trial if the court is impartial, how on earth would he escape when he's the one who is having his accusers on trial ? Please lets be serious for once the only risk the ICC as well as UN/EU/France/USA would be facing is be exposed since the only real threat for them is the people of Ivory Coast behind the one they chose to govern their nation....If the regime imposed by a putsch and their support can't take that's they business it cannot constitute ICC reason for rejecting a bail, specially when the prosecution is based on UN experts fabrications....for such a serious accusation as crime against humanity , rapes etc with more than 18 months of detentions....competent juges would had closed the cases and sanctions the prosecutor....
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