Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Abobollywood comme a Pallywood (Quand la CPI repose sur des mises en scène de mort et des preuves fabriquées )

undefinedcomme avec Pallywood en Israël, Abobollywood sera utilisé par le procureur comme preuve pour la confirmation des charges d'accusation contre le Président Gbagbo ... Eh bien faut lui rappeler que nous avons déjà décrépitée le scénario, Wikileaks RCI a tout le doc sur ce cas la ... Alors s'il vous plaît Mr le procureur McDonalds lâchez l'affaire, et laissez Fatou continuer de gonfler toute seul dans le mensonge ... C'est plus que risible de la part d'une cour accusant un président  d'avoir refusé de concéder sa défaite à l'élection de dire a travers le procureur principal (Fatou Bensouda) "nous sommes ne sommes pas ici pour prouver qui a remporté l'élection "... cela démontre non seulement une fuite de   la raison réelle de la crise post-électorale qui aurait causé plus de 3000 morts , qui est le refus de M. Ouattara et ses sponsors d'avoir refusé de recompter les résultats contestés alors que toute personne démocratique l' aurait  acceptee . Et  cette même déclaration  de Mme Bensouda révèle également que l'accusation portée contre M. Gbagbo au sujet de son refus de concéder sa défaite (qui n'a jamais été  cas car il ne peut prouver sa victoire, alors que ses accusateurs ne peuvent le faire) est sans fondement. Une véritable cour de justice ou un tribunal séreux se serait  arrêté tout juste sur cette déclaration ..... Mais puisque la CPI fait partie de l'ONU qui est financée actuellement par les multinationales en guerre contre Gbagbo et le peuple ivoirien souverain, il est évident que cette déclaration serait ignorées.
. C'est dans le
même sens  qu'il ya eu une fabrication franco-Onusienne a caractere ethno-religieuse dans le but de blâmer et'incriminer Gbagbo ...... mais qui a dit que cela allait prospérer et ne pas être exposés? Visionez s'il vous plaît  cette vidéo ci-dessous , qui n'est qu' un exemple  de nombreux mensonge les victimes présumées de Gbagbo ne sont en fait que des mises en scène de mort sous les directives de médias français et internationaux avec tous les moyens logistiques et humains fournis par la coalition de l'ONU / français ...
juste comme dans Pallywood garderiez
vous le silence devant ce mensonge grossier et cette injustice ?

Regardez Pallywood et vous comprendrez tout concernant le cas Ivoirien. Vous remarquerez en passant les suspects / acteurs habituels(France , ONU et les terroristes qui se font passer pour des victimes)

Abobolywood as in Pallywood(When the ICC relies on staged death and fabricated evidences as proofs.)


as with Pallywood in Israel, the ICC prosecutor use Abobollywood as evidence for the confirmation of charge against President Gbagbo...  ....It's more than laughable from court accusing a President for refusing to concede his defeat at the election to say " We are not here to prove who won the election" ...this  is the demonstration of the court impartiality and a the proof of fabrication  concerning the actual cause of the post electoral crise resulting in more than 3000 deaths. The cause is undeniably the refusal of Mr Ouattara and his sponsors to accept their defeat and recount the disputed results as any democratic country  would had done.   And Mrs Bensouda statement also reveals that the accusation against Gbagbo regarding his refusal to concede his defeat (which never was since he can prove the contrary but the accusers cannot do so ) has not a single foundation and is baseless. A real  or serious court of justice would had stopped all just on this statement.....But since the ICC is part of the UN which financed by multinationals warring presently against Gbagbo and the sovereign Ivorian people it's obvious that this gravious statement would be ignored.
It's in the the same vein that there has been a Franco UN fabrication of ethno-religious plot in order to blame and incriminate Gbagbo ...... but who said it would prosper and not be exposed  ? Please check this video below  as one example of the plot where alleged victims of Gbagbo are staging death under the directives of French and international medias with all the logistic and human resources supplied by the UN/French coalition...We were used to such staging in Israel in order to falsely incriminate the IDF known as Pallywood (with the saker usual suspect France and UN)  now it is Abobollywood in Ivory Coast. 

just as with Pallywood.....would you be silent before this lie and unjustice ?


Check Pallywood and you'll understand all about  the Ivorian case.....And notice the usual suspects (France, UN).


Saturday, 16 February 2013

African lives weight nothing in the scale of the international community compared to Syrian and Palestinians


How many heard about the Sudanese air force  dropping 4 bombs inside a secondary school building and two on a church last Saturday, 9 February  ? Imagine that in Gaza or Syria  all the so called Human rights NGO and international community and their medias would be  out-crying and the UN would be already condemning and talking about resolutions.


 Yet again in Ivory Coast the same "international community " not only  creates and supports criminal regime to  exterminate pro sovereignty population opposition New World Order invasion and occupation as shown below:
   * "Fifty young" France 24, which has no corresponding on the site launched this lie repeated by the media such as BBC, but here are some echoes of people  who were present this morning (and I resumed without naming )

Chase in Yopougon, at the CP1 place  invisible to the naked eye since tear gas invaded the air.Organizers including members of the BEN JFPI  have been pursued, but Resistance continues.FRCI(Ouattara's militia backed by the UN) burst into homes ... but the brave people although bruised always chant "Free Gbagbo," the "Free GABGBO!" "We want Gbagbo!"

SITUATION IN YOPOUGON ... Do you have an idea ....  Man Hunt  presently around the place CP1.FPI still meeting. Mobilization increasingly stronger youth wanting to keep up the struggle.

click here                                                 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.428597010554876.95579.100002137422453&type=1&notif_t=close_friend_activity for photos of the repressive apparatus, UNOCI and the FRCI  at work!This is the cordoned device FRCI-Police-UNOCI at the CP1 space  of Yopougon, this Saturday, February 16, 2013 at 10am.The closure if the area starts  2 km from the site of the Space CP1: at the 1st Yopougon bridge with a van full of cops, the three vans at the  carrefour sable ;  Siporex Bridge with two vans. The palace with two vans; Fire Firefighter Crossroads  with 2 vans; Mossikro with 1 cargo, with Sports Complex 4 vans .The closer you get to the space CP1, the device tightens more and more are vehicles and Ouattara men. The population around the area were ordered to  be barricaded at home.In this picture, you have 2 elements UNOCI at ""Carrefour Lavage""Young supporters of Gbagbo responded to the call Justin Koua, but Ouatttara's order is strict: "Do not allow them to hold this meeting."At 10h30mn, young people continued to come. Which earned additional reinforcements of the gendarmerie, police and UNOCI.Carrefour "Keneya" vans of the gendarmerie and the police are parked face-to-face and at both sides of the road.At tha station William Ponty, we saw police disperse youths who bypassed the device  of the "Carrefour Lavage" to go to space CP1. All lanes linking to the area of ​​ the JFPI meeting are held by police, gendarmes, and elements of UNOCI,
The UN  and its protegee Ouattara just showed once again in the eyes of the national and the real international community aversion for democracy. This is the umpteenth time they prevent the FPI or any of its structures to manifest or hold a public meeting. In a normal  democracy holding a meeting from opposition parties would not cause any problem. But in Ivory Coast the regime shows itself as the cimetry of freedom.It's one of the most authoritative, autocratic cruel dictatorial regime of the world and this has never happened before in the history of Ivory Coast until Ouattara was imposed through a putsch by the UN French coalition. Check the List of freedom indices http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_freedom_indices

.This added to the fact that this nation since the UN/French putsch has became the first country in Africa and and the 3rd in the world were there's more killings(mainly perpetrated  by Ouattara militia on anyone seen as potential opponent or pro-Gbagbo) we wonder why the so called international community and their medias are beating more drum about Syria  armed"opposition" or the terrorist repression in Gaza ?  Check the highest homicide rate  in the world : http://www.care2.com/causes/homicide-rate-highest-in-honduras-el-salvador-ivory-coast.html  . Confronted to such cruel and assassin tyranny , with   an antipodal  attitude to democracy whom under our eyes assassinate freedom and democracy  (with the blessings and full support of the UN, EU, USA , France, UK) which we earned from high struggles after so many  sacrifices suffering and humiliations.  Although this
 genocide perpetrating regime is backed and protected by the "international community" (France , US, UK., EU, UN)

We will continue nevertheless the fight for the restoration of the Ivorian democracy and the safety of the national sovereignty  at the peril of our lives we'll go forward and overcome. A big thanks to the merit of the JPI and its national interim secretary Koua Justin and all the team
.Congratulation to all the youths who answered to the JPI. Thanks you for your courage keep the hope .Thank to you all for your engagement. Soon the UN, EU and Co would label us terrorists since they are the one fighting us but we  shall overcome in adversity  as long as we stand in the truth with G-d before us.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Why the ICC ignores the testimonies of eye witness and actors of a criminal case ?

côte d'ivoire,ib,rdr,rhdp,a quelques jours de l’audience de confirmation de charges à la c,les hommes d’ib font de graves révélations A few days before the confirmation hearing of the ICC charges against President Laurent Gbagbo, it appears timely and appropriate come out of the silence in which we were voluntarily - closed for a little over two years to deliver the national and international opinion from our truth,  as actor and witness in the Ivorian crisis from its origins until today. At first glance, we would like to express our full agreement with those who say there Ivorian crisis, as it appears today, is the natural consequence of this wave of violence, however, in Ivory Coast introduced by the RDR(Alassane Ouattara Party) . Things  triggered in December 1999 with the coup that overthrew President Henri Konan Bedie. We are very informed about the sponsors of this coup when we take a look at the list of leaders who were none other than Sergeant Ibrahim Coulibaly (Ib),  Diarassouba alias Zaga Zaga, Diomandé "The grenade",  Hervé Touré Pelican known as Vetcho, Cherif Ousmane, Kone Zakaria, Kambou Sansan, Boka Yapi, Adama Coulibaly, Wattara Issiaka know as Wattao, etc ... For that putsch there was quickly  congratulated  as  been done without bloodshed. But which Ivorian does not  remembers the serious human rights violations recorded in the days and months following the coup? Is it still necessary to remind the Ivorian drifts and agony caused by the famous Pc- Crisis? The Ivorians blood flowed already at that  time in profusion. Could it be otherwise with these warlords  that we now know better? brief! Let us remember that hounded and harassed  the Guei authorities  , the leaders of the Pc-crisis and the equally famous Cosa Nostra-found themselves in Burkina Faso in the course of 2000. Without giving them time to recover from their emotions, their Mr mentor . ordered them back to work quickly enough to destabilize the institutions of  Ivory Coast, because according to him, time was short. That's why after less than 4 months of training, Ivory Coast had another dark page in its history through the scope of the white Mercedes. Let us pause a little while and do a little exercise to see how many Ivorians were brutally killed during the attempted destabilization? What happened to the children of the commander of Kong brigade  killed and dispossessed of his white Mercedes? What happened to the children, wives and parents of these young policemen in service  at the Rti(Ivorian Radio and Television Station), which this night in January 2001 fell under the assassin bullets of  the sponsor's protégés ? Could we objectively talk about  justice and the fight against impunity by keeping silent about these facts? Never mind that, on this night of January 2001, the troops of the mentor failed and retreated. Sergeant Ibrahim Coulibaly, the commander of operations,  explains this failure on the oncoming due to a failure of the communication system that would have led to a massacre of civilians if he persisted in conducting the action to the end, which did not fail to put the mentor in a rage. He said on the occasion that the preservation of civilian life mattered nothing. Sergeant Chef Ib and his men were to return to work for a final action that can not accommodate any failure. Then came the unforgettable 19 September 2002. To grant it  more likely to succeed this time, the couple Ouattara imposed to Sergeant Chef Ib, the involvement and collaboration of Modibo Adama  known as Mobio Mobio and Regis Manon, both members of their private security. The instruction was clear and unambiguous:Eliminate without qualms anyone who might be able to prevent the realization of this plot. The results are now known, police officers, soldiers and officials suspected wrongly or rightly to be favorable to Gbagbo are executed at close range or slaughtered in public places. Hundreds and hundreds of young Ivorians were orphaned. Girls raped and disemboweled rushed southward demanding justice and shelter to President Gbagbo. Ivory Coast was destabilized and there was but that
who had the eyes of the sponsor who now controlled via the ex-rebels, half of the country. After an objective reading of the socio-political situation that lived  Ivory Coast
since, a national resistance was organized in Abidjan and deeply disturbed the plans of Ouattara's clan  . Meanwhile came within the Ivorian rebellion a  deep dissension between Guillaume Soro and Sergeant Ib Hundreds and hundreds of soldiers loyal to the last mentioned, were executed. Still more orphans among Ivorians. We do not expect the daily killings that we deplored the CNO zone(held by the rebellion) during the eight years of occupation and finally we are interested in the post-election crisis. Mr. Ouattara  was not considering any defeat. For their part, the forces nouvelles  had to intervene after the election results. Sponsors decided to appeal to all. Thus, Zakaria Koné who was out of bed with his friends and  the forces nouvelles  is recalled and remounted. required by his mentor of all  time,  he the sergeant Ib , decided to make a show of force and maneuver of seduction - right torque Ouattara Abobo settling in at the height of the military crisis in Ivory Coast. Thus the majority of fighters loyal to Ib settled in Abobo, when a group of 63 people including ourselves, was detached to the house of the PDCI in Cocody. We had to build an outpost and watch FESCI(Ivorian Student Federation) which  had been described as a pro Gbagbo militia. Our targets were then residents of the Red City, Campus 2000 and those of the city Mermoz. Our men have mystical powers that made them invulnerable to firearms and similar arms and caused panic and desolation into the ranks of each student. And since the beginning of January 2010, girls were raped while  students were fatally assaulted day after day. For this work, our men were regularly supported by the mayor of Abobo. It is the influx of complaints against the evils of our men that led to the raid muscular but legitimate and justified of the fds(Ivoirian Defense and Security Forces)  at the PDCI, the morning of 4th January  2011. That day, one of our, Diakité Karim, alias Krimo, was killed after a long battle against the forces of the regular order. Thanks to RHDP, our stay in  prison was very short . once free, then we return to our base in Abobo. Here we learn that the instructions remain the same. President Ouattara had assigned us the task in Abidjan to get rid of all those likely to be pro-Gbagbo, by all means. How  many have  been innocent victims on the basis of their ethnicity or political attach? How is it that no grave has been discovered in Abobo, while corpses littered the streets by the tens around this town? Where then the UNOCI which undertook the responsibility to collect the body with the red cross  carried the bodies of Abobo? Certainly far away to put the blame on President Gbagbo. Can I ever forget the daunting look but worthy of Captain Kassy of  National Gendarmerie and his Cecos men  before their execution? against such abuses, was Gbagbo  meant to sit back and watch his people being massacred? Should it not protect Ivorians? For our part, we believe that in this crisis, there was an aggressor and a victim. We feel offended to see that assaulted is found in prison at the ICC, while the aggressor is sanctified by the "international community". Is it necessary to describe to the Ivorian what would have happened as massacre of human beings if Gbagbo had not prevented the alleged walking on Rti to install Brou Aka Pascal? I only revealing our men infiltrated the demonstrators were instructed to remove the maximum of ex-fds by using walkers as human shields. This preced - we would say loud and clear that Laurent Gbagbo is not and has never been the executioner of Ivorians. We wish we may be permitted to say that the sole executioner of the Ivorian people is the current regime. The day this regime SPONSORS assassination of our mentor and leader Ibrahim Coulibaly, his men thought they had erased any trace of connection between IB and Ouattara confiscating two mobile phones they found on  him. But they learn well to all those who attended the man they know as Ib were always three mobile phones. The regime know that we die - like the third phone and the agenda of our mentor. Anything that will demonstrate for all to see, the collusion between the two men. In our case, we take the commitment to testify in great detail and all evidence at our disposal, so that Ouattara and Soro  would be where Gbagbo and his family are unfairly held now .

The Collective of ex-members of the political branches of the Unir (close to  Sergeant
IB ) in exile

Source: The daily "Le Temps" N ° 2824 of 11 February 2013.