Saturday, 15 June 2013


UN WATCH IVORY COAST: THE INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE ON TRIAL: Gbagbo's  case reveals all the shortcoming and inconsistencies in form as well as on the background of the International Crimi...


Photo: CPI : Le procureur a jusqu'au 15 novembre 2013 pour apporter des preuves supplémentaires sur l'affaire Gbagbo. Entretemps, quelqu'un sur lequel une Accusation soutenue par la France, les USA et l'ONU, n'a pas obtenu de preuves suffisantes en un an et demi fait quoi ? La liberté provisoire s'impose. #freegbagbo

Théophile Kouamouo

Gbagbo's case reveals all the shortcoming and inconsistencies in form as well as on the background of the International Criminal Court, seen by its critics as a justice of "winners.

It was a piece of choice. But it turns out  hard to swallow.
It is not an issue of  gastronomy here, but digestion problems  of some international justice. And one that should more accurately represent the International Criminal Court (ICC), a young institution as ten years of existence, designed to take over the Nuremberg and Tokyo .....

In late November 2011, the ICC is offered a piece of exception ... Laurent Gbagbo, 68 years old, a former member of the  Socialist , a friend of Jack Lang and Emmanuelli, historical opponent of Houphouet-Boigny ... ..
Obtaining, with the consent of ..... Alassane OuattaraGbagbo's transfer to the Scheveningen prison on the outskirts of The Hague, the ICC scored a big hit in its short history. It thus gained the ability to judge a head of state.
Launched under the term of office of the Argentinian Louis Moreno Ocampo, chief prosecutor at the ICC, and continued under the auspices of his successor and former deputy, Gambian Fatou Bensouda, the investigations carried out over several months were supposed to confirm the charges initially against Gbagbo. With the key, a unique case since the end of World War II.
But on June 3, those already predicted life imprisonment ..... had disillusioned.

Far from convincing the panel of judges responsible for charge or not of Laurent Gbagbo, , the copy made by the prosecutor Fatou Bensouda and her team copped a very poor "A review." The judges criticized her particularly for the weak and approximation of the investigation, essentially based on "hearsay from anonymous reports of NGOs, UN and newspaper articles." In short, shoddy work, without a "high probative value." as shown in the link bellow :

Moreover, in a room of ordinary justice, Mass was said, and Gbagbo went to the affection of his family, his wife Simone, and his son Michel, who, moreover, are still languishing in internment camps in Ivory Coast.
But, as denounced by or to the contrary congratulate opponents or critics of the ICC, it is not an ordinary institution. "All at once a legal body with unique powers but also a political construction" says lawyer Philippe Currat, Secretary General of the International Criminal Bar in Geneva.
As a result, Gbagbo remains in prison and Fatou Bensouda has a "catch-up session," according to the ironic expression of Bernard Houdin, special adviser to the incarcerated President. Houdin which obviously does not deprive  to suspect the invisible arbitration of great powers who have worked in the fall of Gbagbo, France, the United States and their subjects.

By Alain Léauthier

Link  and extra comments added by UN Watch Ivory Coast:
The criticism of the Danish Judge member of 
the ICTY against the international Courts 
added to all the above, are the signs that  
alarm bells of the urgent action to tackle 
these crimes.It must be said plainly, that the 
speaking out of the judge Fréderik Harhoff in 
the Danish media on 12 June will certainty 
make waves within the governing bodies of 
international courts(including the ICC) or 
within the UN that created them.The Dane  
F.Harhoff is an expert in International Law 
and Judge at the International Tribunal for 
Yugoslavia (icty.) He did not wear gloves to 
criticise with unusual virulence practices that 
take place in the court and therefore all 
special courts set up by the UN. He noted 
that these courts are not neutral and obey 
the orders of the great powers, the USA in particular but in 
order to to divert our attention from all the EU countries 
including Denmark his country which directly involved 
in these acts he blamed Israel which he added as great power influencing the international courts. Now contrary to 
most of EU and the USA Israel is very often on trial in before 
these courts while none of these 
countries would never be imagined there on 
trial ....They can only  be judges, or 
prosecutors  in these courts.He went further 
to directly accuse the president of icty the 
AmericainThéodore Meron which would 
exerce pressure on his staff  not to
condemn the Yugoslav, Serbian and 
Croatian officers yet convicted of crimes against humanity . 
Unable to accept "massive pressures and diligent" great powers but also and especially the gulls of suspicion in these 
courts F.Harhoff sent a "confidential" letter to the President 
of icty with copies to 56 other officials including 
lawyers.Harhoff certainly  focused his criticism more on icty 
but they have the advantage of being 
effective for all other courts, including the 
ICC. Assuredly, those who derive a large 
dividend of this output of the Danish judge, are the African    
leaders, the ones who recently launched pulls bundled 
against the ICC, accusing it of practicing a kind of racism 
in its fonctionnement. At the origin of all of 
this awakening, the case of Laurent Gbagbo

Thursday, 13 June 2013

The revolt of Duékoué Victims : "Bensouda must stop choosing her victims"

The revolt of Duékoué Victims : "Bensouda must stop choosing her victims"
Posted on 13 June 2013.
 Arguing a flagrant lack of evidence against President Gbagbo, the Pre-Trial Chamber 1 of the International Criminal Court in The Hague has taken a fair and courageous decision that reveals to the face of the world all the ugliness of evil and hate that men can have toward their neighbors.
Acknowledging such a wise and important decision, the Duékoué victims collective would  like to salute the ICC judge, her courage and sense of honor, as in the case of honor,  the ICC itself is widely made up in the minds and hearts of international opinion. We also want to salute the determination and expertise of  ALTIT, his team and all the volunteers  from around the world who have  worked hard to get it in there before the final victory. Their refusal to condone immorality is in our view, a tribute to the great men that are Abraham LINCOLN, Victor Schoelcher, Martin L. KING, Kwame Nkrumah or closer to home, Nelson Mandela.
That being said, to Madam Prosecutor of the ICC, we reiterate our urgent appeal from Duékoué: Mrs  Fatou Bensouda must stop choosing "her" own victims . The blood of countless victims of the Ivorian rebellion continues to scream , in our hearts and in our minds. Recently, we came back from Duékoué with other images of horror: Duékoué at the entrance of the town (coming from Daloa), just a few meters from the station FRCI and UN Moroccan soldiers camp lies a mass grave (many bones under a tarp), just behind an alien camp . 
Under an acacia tree, two hundred meters to the right of the cacao plant COPASAG, front view . 

When was such a grave? March or April 2011 massacre in July 2012 Nahibly or summary executions by dozo or FRCI? Expect the carbon dating of the ICC to find out if this Court wants to decide finally to hear the cry of the victims that we are. However, investigations we have made it clear, fifteen miles around this grave disaster in March and April 2011, many people Guéré fleeing Duékoué massacres were descended from  public transport vehicles by the rebels, taken to the bush and are missing to date. In addition, the bones under the covering are so many, some scattered by wild animals that we concluded, in  view of only three human skulls that  more than three people were coldly executed in this place with. People remained up to date  unburied, in total disregard of alien living near the mass grave but also under the nose and beard of FRCI and UN Moroccan soldiers whom many times have hastily played pallbearers in Duékoué to hide the magnitude of human damage done by their rebel friends. Our astonishment and indignation also go to these NGOs so manipulated, who have been informed of the existence of the mass grave but are silent so far without doing anything else, when we know about their activism and their nuisance for the rebellion refused  by President Gbagbo and the Ivorian people, since 2002.
Yes, Madam Prosecutor of the ICC, grace, our calls to you are so numerous that we find ourselves  bothered. Bothered to the point of not wanting to let you sleep. Otherwise , we will not rest ourselves, so our dead and many are refusing any kind of revenge even less resignation, we are still waiting for justice for all those who have fallen where a simple recount of electoral votes in December 2010 would have been enough and before them all these many victims caused by a wild rebellion that France and the UN have created, maintained and protected for at least ten years! And hold on, Madam Prosecutor of the ICC, you must know that the last mass grave  discovered  is just a little compared to these many compatriots who were exterminated in the forests and bush in western Ivorian  by the rebels whom you refuse to arrest, they were eaten by wild animals and their bones scattered, not having the chance, they, having been covered by a tarp as is the case here.  
Yes it is you, Fatou Bensouda, who declare, last February in a peremptory tone, that "we are not here to see who won or lost the 2010 elections in Ivory Coast! "as if it had been dictated to the judicial personality  which you are, by some unknown chaps. Now the whole world is watching you and is surprised you are lashing in  a personality that you accuse of murder against one hundred seventy six (166) people on your total lies and unacceptable three thousand (3000) deaths. When will you hear the real responsibles of the other dead which the real number  is shamefully undervalued by the international community who attacked our country? The International community applauded when here, in February 2011, the European Union and the World Health Organization have resulted in hundreds of deaths declaring an embargo on medicines to Ivory Coast and French banks by the colonial banditry, have prevented  the workers of this country from earning  their own salaries, grossly interfering in the Ivorian electoral disputes?
Madam Prosecutor, opportunities to rehabilitate the ICC exist and they abound in Ivory Coast, : Free Gbagbo now and come quickly in Ivory Coast, conduct meaningful investigations  and reconcile international opinion any true democrat with your Court and that  will already be  to gain for all, the dark spirits who see our lives for less than nothing, otherwise we will always be proud, as victims of the wickedness of men, to be human but then deeply disappointed and embarrassed to be black Africans like you.
Meditating the decision of the judge of the ICC toward  President Gbagboplease Well, Madam Prosecutor, make this quantum leap  expected by the Democrats over the world to come to terms with the lexical terminologies that all these neo-imperialist give in our eyes the words of justice, peace, democracy and civilization because their false concepts, more than ever, are the real problems of humanity. Only real investigation on your part can help or contribute to the restoration of these principles violated by the thought and action of the harmful imperialists who want to impose their annoying vision , disturbing and decadent of the world.
All due respect, Madam Prosecutor, we thank you for your attention to this second call to you.
For Duékoué victims  (Carrefour & Nahibly) Emmanuel CALEB June 10, 2013
source: notre voie

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

CPI les jeux sont faits #FreeGbgbo

Les juges  de la Cour pénale  internationale disent que les cas de crimes contre l'humanité  contre le président ivoirien Laurent Gbagbo peuvent aller de l'avant parce qu'il ne fait pas face à une poursuite en cours dans son pays d'origine.?? Alors pourquoi a-t-il été arrêté dans son pays d'origine pour et remis à la CPI s'il n'affronte pas une poursuite en cours dans son pays d'origine? Lors de la dernière intervention de la CPI, il a affirmé qu'ils avaient simplement agi parce que Gbagbo a été remis à leur disposition par l'Etat de Côte d'Ivoire qui le poursuivait pour des crimes... Alors, sur quelle base s'il ya des poursuites en son  encontre  il a été détenu pendant des mois par le régime en place ? Nous savons tous qu'il a été arrêté pour la même accusation que la CPI émet contre lui en  plus des prétendues crimes économiques ... Mais voici le plus bizarre et douteux.  que n'importe qui, même un nigauds reconnaîtront que nous avons affaire à une mafia et non une cour de justice  dans cette parodie de procès.. Sur la page de tweeter de droit international au Royaume-Uni .. "UK International Law @ UKintlaw 6h # CPI rejette  la demande de recevabilité de l'ancien président Gbagbo # partiellement sur ​​la base qu'il y a des poursuites internes. décision prévisible
Suivie par UK Mission Genève et 4 autres ... Eh bien les gars vous avez été pris dans vos propres trucs veuillez mettre vos armes et se rendre les jeux sont faits  /game over. # FreeGbagbo ... On vous l'avait dit plusieurs fois avant  qu'en ce qui concerne la vérité et la justice  le président légal de la République de Côte-d'Ivoire SEM Laurent Gbagbo est clean et chacun d'entre vous agissant comme des mafieux devraient être en prison.

ICC game over #FreeGbagbo

International Criminal Court judges say the crimes against humanity case against former Ivory Coast President Laurent Gbagbo can go ahead because he does not face an ongoing prosecution in his home country.???? So why was he arrested in in his home country for and handed to the  ICC if he does not face an ongoing prosecution in his home country ? On the last intervention of the ICC it was claimed that they were just acting because Gbagbo was handed over to them by  the state of Ivory coast ...So on which basis if there's prosecution against him by the state ? We all know  that he was arrested for the same accusation and more (economical crimes)... but here's the funny and dodgy bit . this is were anyone even a fool would tell that we dealing with a mafia and not a court of justice.. This is from the UK international Law tweeter page.."UK International Law ‏@UKintlaw 6h
#ICC rejects admissibility claim of former President #Gbagbo partly on basis that there is domestic prosecution. Predictable decision
Followed by UK Mission Geneva and 4 others... Well guys you have been caught in your own tricks please put your gun down and surrender game over. #FreeGbagbo...We told you before as long as the truth and justice are concern the legal president of the republic of Ivory Coast is clean and all of you acting like Mafiosos should be in jail.

Saturday, 8 June 2013


DUEKOUE alert / what is the #UNOCI COOKING at DUEKOUE city since this morning? Fabricating evidences against Gbagbo? # FreeGbagbo

It is  been coming up to us repeatedly that early this morning 7am, detachment of UNOCI in the city gathered plane wrecks in large quantities and set them on fire and then made ​​a video taken of individuals who lied  as certainly dead by the  flames. We trust in the skill and expertise of Gbagbo lawyers to remove such rudeness but it is useful for us to advise the national and international opinion and invite all  Ivorian  to extreme vigilance about facts and movements of this organization and Dramane Ouattara men  #  capable of anything implausible scenario in their quest for additional(real evidences as requested by the the ICC)'' evidence'' hoping to bend the verdict of the #ICC in their  faveur. All Ivorian should report or even better photograph these suspect movements to be used for this end.If they(UNOCI and Alassane dictatorial regime) think  of distracting and intimidate us by arbitrary Hitler style arrests(Koua Justin , JFPI the Ivorian People Parti Youth  National Secretary Kidnapped  at  the FPI HQ  ordered by  Ouattara ) , it  is doomed to failure, we are committed and we are sensing  just like them the return of our leader. Ivorian proud.