Tuesday, 16 April 2013

The USA refusal to accept the Venezuela election results might reveal an international plot in Ivory Coast

 The USA refusal to accept the Venezuela's election result might force the international community(UN,US.EU ) to reveal who actually won the election 2010 in Ivory Coast. The  Globalization in the Geo-politics  imposes to us some twisting  issues :


The disputed election results which led to a war  crystallized around Gbagbo
case examined before the International Criminal Court (ICC). .

.. So here what the legal legitimate President of Ivory Coast M Laurent Gbagbo  said at the hearing :

Madam President, ladies and gentlemen judges
I followed these debates, I heard a lot of things, some times I found myself in Ivory Coast, but other times  so far away.
Maybe it happened like that elsewhere in Africa but not in Ivory Coast at the time of Gbagbo.
That is to say, there are little things like that which could have been avoided ... and it prevents us from going immediately to the bottom of the problem.Madam Speaker, my life and that, it is not only in Ivory Coast but throughout Africa and throughout France politics, I fought for democracy.
I have asked my lawyers last week, I told them that I wanted to send you all the books I've written about my journey. I would simply say that Madam Prosecutor said something that shocked me somehow.
By saying that we are not here to see who won the election and has not won. But we can not talk, and can not discuss the post-election crisis and do not know how the elections went over.
Who won the election? Because it is he who has not won that sowed disorder/ troubles. I think that's the logic.
So the question is: Who won the elections? And so when I asked and said lets count the votes, it was not a sentence in the air.
You saw yourself available documents to
the prosecution on which and the voices of the voters are listed. We have seen that in the only city of Bouaké, they added 100,000 votes to my opponent.
That is the substance of the matter.

Thus madam this is what I wanted to say..
We need democracy ..

So we need democracy Madame. But democracy is not only the vote, it's who proclaims the vote. That's also democracy.
When they go to take a night, the chairman of the electoral group (IEC Ed.), who is  led in the electoral headquarters of a candidate, they invite a foreign television, telling him to make a declaration and they film him and diffuse it the next morning. It is not very democratic that's not democracy.
Democracy, is the respect for the texts, starting with the highest standards of law  that is the Constitution.The one who does not respect the Constitution is not democratic.
Madam, it is because I respected the Constitution, that they want to bring me here.

HEM Laurent Gbagbo President of the Republic of Ivory Coast
Now if we go on the depth of the matter it's obvious that the refusal to recount the disputed election results caused the death of 3000 people officially. It's therefore to cover up this crime that the rhetoric regarding Pr Gbagbo refusal to accept his defeat was relayed by the meanstream medias like parrots. This was so   since the crimes(Ivory Coast in less than 2 years became the 1st country in Africa and the 3rd country in the world where there's more killings since this situation) in Ivory Coast which is still on going involve  the heads of the following entities UN,EU, US, France, UK acting as commercially representatives of the multinationals.
.Isn't strange for a cour accusing a President for refusing to concede his defeat at the election to say through the main prosecutor(Fatou Bensouda ) " We are not here to prove who won the election" ...this demonstrates not only a running away from the reality concerning the actual cause of the post electoral crise resulting in more than 3000 deaths which is the refusal of Mr Ouattara and his sponsors to recount the disputed results as any democratic person would had done.   And Mrs Bensouda statement also reveals that the accusations against Gbagbo regarding his refusal to concede his defeat (which never was since he can prove the contrary but the accusers cannot do so ) has not a single foundation and is baseless.

the deaths were caused by the refusal to recount the disputed election results. What makes more sense or stand water? How  one can recognize a defeat when the evidence demonstrates the opposite and why refuse the supposed winner  refuses a recount to prove his victory rejecting all negotiations and choosing war  instead?
We will always come back to who won the 2010 elections in Ivory Coast ?
  . This is France's, UN, US, EU involvement in the conflict that would be under radars. So we would come back to main point who won that very election ?

 Obama and the so called international community rejected the idea of recounting the disputed results in Ivory Coast yet in Venezuela the US refuses to accept a result why ? Well we would be happy to send you the 2010 elections audit even if the UN has burnt their copies we have ours still kept safe.


Senator Jim Inhofe testifies :

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

After the dissipated smoke (from the stuffed elephant cooking )

As demontrated few days ago the conspiracy to exterminate the real people of Ivory Coast is not a theory nor a fiction but a reality 
http://unwatchivorycoast.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/lets-face-re-ality-no-w-more-than-2.html                 . And           http://unwatchivorycoast.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/annihilation-by-starvatio.html       .           Now that the heat has cooled down on the Ivorian situation now the smoke screen has dissipated we can see clearly what actually happened and still happening. As shown on the article below by "the Permanent Revolution":

Ivory Coast: American NGO International Watch explains technically why Gbagbo won the election November 28, 2010!Perhaps, as "the Permanent Revolution", you have known and therefore could not pay soon enough attention to the immense work done by this organization, which is probably wanted to be discreet during the 2010 election in Côte d'Ivoire .But since the revelations  in Médiapart by a blogger, "Permanent Revolution" happening constantly review the analyzes published by the NGO. Today, we are pleased to share with you that further analysis short, precise and very relevant that reveals how and why President Gbagbo won the elections on 28 November 2010."Publications of November 8, 2010 - www.interwatch.org / publicationsThe results of the elections in Côte d'Ivoire given by the IEC in the 1st round are: Gbagbo 1,750,000 votes, 1,450,000 Ado voice Bédié 1,150,000 votes. To pass the 50% mark Gbagbo needed Bédié 425,000 votes, while ADO  needed 725,000.Bédié Voters  majority from Akan group attached to the monarchical and land ownership, a dim one eye Ado perceived as the candidate of the foreigners and to distribute the Ivorian nationality to foreigners so that they would benefit from same property rights in rural areas as stipulated in the  rural land code(as eligible to Ivorian only).Therefore it will be easier for Gbagbo, defender of national sovereignty, to get his 425,000 votes of Bedie electors  than ADO to gather 725,000 voicedespite Bedie call  to do so. Except surprise, the battle will not be easy to erase the image of Ado  as candidate from abroad after the error of Dakar. 'Manifestations of this analysis at the Second round of the elections by International WatchThe 725 000 votes needed by Mr. Ouattara represent the electorate of Mr Bedie, carry a rate of 63%  voices. However, the 725 000 votes represent 12.66% of the 5,725,721 registered voters at the national level.Thus What this figure of 12.66% involved?First, it puts Ouattara in the requirement to obtain a reporting of voice without mechanical dispersion, from Bedie .Second, it  would have to make compulsory the same turnout(83%) as in the first round of the elections .Third, if in the  second round, there is a low turnout(les than 83%) to vote  preventing Ouattara to reach 12.66%  of the voice from any of  Bedie or RHDP  it is that he has lost the elections.But more importantly, President Gbagbo had less need of reporting voice  than abstention from Bedie supporters .What does this mean in practice? Mathematically, more there are  abstentions in participation, the higher the rate of 38.04% obtained by President Gbagbo in the first round mechanically increases  at the second roundHowever, before the beginning of the Franco-UN electoral fraud, voter turnout unanimously displayed in the second round was 70% in contrast to the First Round where there was 83% participation rate. That is to say, from the First Round, 13% of voters not having their candidates in the race have not been to vote and among these, there are at least 95% of which are  Bedie voters other RHDP  candidates scoring less than 70,000 voters in all cumulative scores.Consequences:The prognosis of the NGO International Watch continues. Indeed, with 13% abstention rate compared to the 83% participation of the firsr round is 751 983 Baoulé and other Akans who abstained from voting for whom they call "Mossi"(from Burkina Faso the real nationality of Ouattara as shown on his IFM cv).Thus, they allowed Laurent Gbagbo to win the elections. Indeed, by deducting 751,983 Abstentions to 4,843,445  Voters in the first round, it is 4,091,461 voting in Second Round. Assuming that President Gbagbo retains its  1,756,504 of the first round, the rate of 38.04%  in the First Round is 42.93% at the Second Round . It is then 7.07%  of the first round which is 324 431 voters plus one vote to win the election, which should give 1,756,504 + 324 431 + 1 = 2 080 936 votes to win the election.However, despite the unwavering harm and massive fraud, Youssouf Bakayoko(the chaiman of the IEC) himself announced that Laurent Gbagbo received 2,107,055 votes in the Second Round. This is very clear. Gbagbo needed 2,080,936 votes to win the election. He won according to them, 2,107,055 votes or 26,119 votes more than he needed. Make the conclusion yourself.This is why "the Permanent Revolution" thinks now, more than ever, for the truth, particular attention should be paid to data published by the International NGO Watch.

The cooking of the stuffed Elephant (a new French speciality with an international touch UN, US. EU etc) has produced a very thick smoke but with the time passing all has dissipated and we can see how has been cooked in Ivory Coast.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

From theory to reality (The conspiracy against Ivory Coast is not just a theory a report from the HRW shows)

Lets face the reality ,for  more than 2 years we have been striving to prove that there is a conspiracy from the "Corporocracy" using all the their international institutions (such as the UN, IMF, WB, EU, ICC, as well as Human Rights Watch itself )to destabilise politically or economically the pro sovereign and independent people of Ivory Coast and  this through the overthrowing of their president Laurent Gbagbo. The destabilization starts very often by false accusations  led somethings by the  so called  Human Right NGO's ( such Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International etc) then relayed by the medias which main incomes depend the funding of the same usual suspects at the head of some multinationals.  One of these heads is George Soros(A major private financier of the ICC, HWR, IMF, WB, UN) very close to Ouattara and  partner of the agro food magnet Anthony Ward Mr Choc Fingers the boss Amajero is among the biggest  cocoa's dealer(Ivory Coast the world first cocoa producer).  The HRW is just trying to divert many issues . Firstly it's based on their fabricated accusation along with those of many other NGO that Gbagbo and the Ivorian are in this present situation, of course the were doing on behalf of the multinationals but nevertheless they were as accomplice as the rest of  crime committed before and after the post electoral crisis As proof many of the same  false accusations are repeated in the report below . For instance Gbagbo government is accused of crime in 2002 and after knowing that there were defending the country against an armed rebellion, secondly they are accused in the report of not bringing anyone of both side into justice regarding the crime committed in 2002 and after and not being fear and honest.  If Gbogbo's govermnent was not honest and fear based on that why are they asking the ICC to go back to the sources of the conflict and investigate all crimes from 2002 ?The reality is that under international pressures Gbagbo was forced to make an amnesty and forgive the past  get to a reconciliation and ignoring this is simply an intellectual dishonesty. The background of their report ignores many important points and therefore exposes their biased view as well as the attempt to divert the issue in order to save their face including those whom they work for. Notice that the non  disarmament of the rebels , the election mass frauds , the refusal to recount the disputed ballots, the illegal  involvement of the UN, France alongside the rebels etc are not part of the report . It's the lies based on the fabricated accusations of exclusion and discrimination against the people of the North repeated by the HRW and other NGO then relayed by the corrupted medias  (which is fact one of the destabilization strategies ) that led to the conflict(the major mean of the destabilization ). All this in order for the multinational to invade, control the land and its resources as we can see now. And this could only be done with the complicity on non Ivorian  hence the imposition of Ouattara the Burkina Faso national(you can check his nationality while at the IMF) through a putsch by UN. France. So this so the called discrimination which was simply a constitutional application of  the eligibility  at the presidency election for Ivorian national only . That is the case in many countries even a national who has already been under a different nationality and worked at a high function of that nationality is prevented to be candidate only in Ivory Coast the HRW and all the  so called international community would call it an exclusion and discrimination to reach their goal of controlling the country sold to them by non Ivorian resident .   In this  set frame  it should be easy to understand the whole conspiracy but we have many who for some reasons would claim this to be just a theory. When a democratically elected president is attacked by rebels backed . armed, trained financed by the UN, US, France, EU then kidnapped by French special Forces (who gave him away to the rebels  to be tortured then be )sent to the ICC  and prosecuted based on the HRW and other NGO's reports yet in their report below and no where you'll see a single accusation directely against OuattaraThe accusations are always against the forces loyal to Ouattara  or  people close to him including warlords . Ouattara is exempted yet this parody of report  below would like to make us believe about  fighting against impunity, is it that Ouattara's being of the IMF and working in Ivory Coast now on behalf of the multinational for whom the HRW works as well as is untouchable ? We know that according to the Bretton Woods treaty's all staffs of international institutions are under the protection of international immunity is it what you are hiding  HWR and Co ? Thanks for exposing for youself the reality of the conspiracy, that would save us from trying to prove that every single thing we  said about the conflict in Ivory Coast was not just theory.
Turning Rhetoric into Reality

Accountability for Serious International Crimes in Côte d’Ivoire

April 4, 2013

This 74-page report analyzes Côte d’Ivoire’s uneven efforts to hold to account those responsible for serious international crimes committed following the November 2010 presidential election. Since his May 2011 inauguration, President Alassane Ouattara has repeatedly declared his commitment to bring all of those responsible to account, regardless of political affiliation or military rank. However, while prosecutors have charged more than 150 people with crimes committed during the post-election violence, none of those charged come from the pro-Ouattara forces.
Read the Report
ISBN: 9781623130015

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