Monday, 21 May 2012

Alert Info: Me Roste BAR Heim, a lawyer with the ICC, in the heart of a network of false witness against Gbagbo in Israel. The 600 would be mounted Ocampo evidence of any part Alert Info: Me Roste BAR Heim, a lawyer with the ICC, in the heart of a network of false witness against Gbagbo in Israel. The 600 would be fabricated Ocampo evidence of any part

Alert Info: Me Roste BAR Heim, a lawyer with the ICC, in the heart of a network of false witness against Gbagbo in Israel. The 600 would be mounted Ocampo evidence of any partAlert Info: Me Roste BAR Heim, a lawyer with the ICC, in the heart of a network of false witness against Gbagbo in Israel. The 600 would be mounted Ocampo evidence of any partMon, May 21 2012 - 9:12 

 On May 21, 2012 by IVOIREBUSINESS - Information is chilling and watch as we approach the June 18 next date of hearing of President Laurent Gbagbo to the ICC, panic has gripped the Ouattara campand prosecutor Ocampo, whose partiality and collusion with  ADO-Soro, are well known.Indeed, a network of false testimony is at work for several month  in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem in Israel, to bring false charges against President Laurent Gbagbo, in return for hard cash.According to a very credible source, level A1, a lawyer listed on the ICC named BAR HEIM ROSTE whose offices are in Tel Aviv at 216 BINIAN SHAR-barhaim HAIN 3rd floor law office, and who can be contacted at (00972) 0525504368 mandated a pastor Ivorian living in Israel in Jerusalem to set up this network of perjury against the Gbagbo to the ICC. It would act on behalf of the prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo.This is Pastor Bernard Abe Ettien Ivorian who was charged by Mr. Heim Roste Bar to meet with Ivorian refugees in Israel to produce false testimony against Laurent Gbagbo, with a large sum and the assurance that their asylum applications would be accepted by the Israeli authorities. Particular emphasis was placed by Mr. Bernard and his sidekick Roste Ettien Abe, chosen witnesses are all from the southern Ivory Coast, to the eyes of the ICC, so that they appear credible.To further convince the false witnesses, Pastor Abe told the potential false witnesses the Israeli authorities have agreed to these false overwhelming evidence produced against Mr. Gbagbo .Once all convinced and well briefed, Mr. Roste BAR HEIM met them and had them fill out a form entitled the ICC"FORM FOR INDIVIDUALS. APPLICATION TO PARTICIPATE IN PROCEDURES AND REQUEST FOR REPAIRS TO THE ICC FOR VICTIMS - INDIVIDUALS ".These are all testimony taken between 15 and 30 April 2012 by Mr. Heim and Bernard Roste Bar Ettien Abe, who form the bulk of the record of 600 overwhelming evidence submitted on May 18 by Judge Luis Moreno Ocampo to the ICC.Indeed, it is a real battery of so-called evidence, including just over 600 elements, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno-Ocampo presented Friday, May 18, 2012, in defense of Laurent Gbagbo, within one month of the hearing to confirm charges.This discount false evidence follows a decision by 24 January 2012 Trial Chamber III of the Cpi. She ordered the Prosecutor Ocampo to disclose the Document Containing the Charges (Dcc) May 16, 2012 at the latest.As seen, so these are a bunch of false evidence of any kind, including audiovisual, photographic and others who have been concocted by Luis Moreno Ocampo, who will not produce physical evidence, something weird on 18 June in the bar.No doubt we shall return to this yet another plot against President Laurent Gbagbo.Christian Vabé

Alerte Info: Me Roste BAR HEIM, avocate à la CPI, au cœur d’un réseau de faux témoignages contre Gbagbo en Israël. Les 600 preuves d’Ocampo seraient montées de toute pièce

Alerte Info: Me Roste BAR HEIM, avocate à la CPI, au cœur d’un réseau de faux témoignages contre Gbagbo en Israël. Les 600 preuves d’Ocampo seraient montées de toute pièce

Le Président Laurent Gbagbo le 05 décembre 2011.
Le Président Laurent Gbagbo le 05 décembre 2011.
Le 21 mai 2012 par IVOIREBUSINESS – L’information fait froid dans le dos et montre qu’à l’approche du 18 juin prochain, date de l’audience du Président Laurent Gbagbo à la CPI, la panique s’est emparée du camp
Ouattara et du procureur Ocampo, dont la partialité et la collusion avec le camp ADO-SORO, ne sont plus à démontrer.
En effet, un réseau de faux témoignages est à l’œuvre depuis plusieurs mois à Tel Aviv et Jérusalem en Israël, pour porter des accusations mensongères contre le Président Laurent Gbagbo, moyennant des espèces sonnantes et trébuchantes.
Selon une source très crédible, niveau A1, une avocate inscrite à la CPI du nom de ROSTE BAR HEIM dont les bureaux à Tel Aviv sont au 216, BINIAN SHAR HAIN 3rd floor-barhaim law office, et qui peut être jointe au (00972)0525504368 a mandaté un pasteur ivoirien vivant en Israël dans la ville de Jérusalem pour mettre sur pied ce réseau de faux témoignages contre le Laurent Gbagbo à la CPI. Elle agirait pour le compte du procureur Luis Moreno Ocampo.
C'est le pasteur ivoirien Bernard Abé Ettien qui a été chargé par Me Roste Bar Heim de rencontrer les réfugiés ivoiriens en Israël pour produire de faux témoignages contre Laurent Gbagbo, moyennant une somme importante et l’assurance que leur demande d'asile serait acceptée par les autorités israéliennes. Un accent particulier a été mis par Me Roste et son acolyte Bernard Abé Ettien, afin que les témoins choisis soient tous originaires du Sud de la Côte d’Ivoire, afin qu’aux yeux de la CPI, ils apparaissent crédibles.
Pour mieux convaincre les faux témoins, le pasteur Abé leur a affirmé que les autorités israéliennes ont donné leur accord pour que ces faux témoignages accablants contre Laurent Gbagbo soient produits.
Une fois tous convaincus et bien briefés, Me Roste BAR HEIM les a rencontrés et leur a fait remplir un formulaire de la CPI intitulé
Ce sont tous ces témoignages pris entre le 15 et le 30 avril 2012 par Me Roste Bar Heim et Bernard Abé Ettien, qui forment l’essentiel du dossier des 600 preuves accablantes remises le 18 mai dernier par le juge Luis Ocampo Moreno à la CPI.
En effet, c’est une véritable batterie de soi-disant preuves, comprenant un peu plus 600 éléments, que le procureur de la Cour pénale internationale, Luis Moreno-Ocampo a remis le vendredi 18 mai 2012, à la défense de Laurent Gbagbo, à moins d’un mois de l’audience de confirmation des charges.
Cette remise de fausses preuves fait suite à une décision rendue le 24 janvier 2012 par la Chambre Préliminaire III de la Cpi. Elle ordonnait au Procureur Ocampo de divulguer le Document Contenant les Charges ( Dcc) le 16 mai 2012 au plus tard.
Comme on le voit, ce sont donc un ramassis de fausses preuves de toute nature, notamment, audiovisuelles, photographiques et autres qui, ont été concocté par Luis Moreno Ocampo, qui ne produira pas de témoins physiques, chose bizarre, le 18 juin prochain à la barre.
Nul doute que nous reviendrons sur cet énième complot contre le Président Laurent Gbagbo.
Christian Vabé

Saturday, 12 May 2012

ECONOMIE: Le FMI appelle à des réformes dans l`énergie en Côte d`Ivoire

WASHINGTON - Le Fonds monétaire international a appelé vendredi à des réformes dans le secteur de l`énergie en Côte d`Ivoire, à l`occasion des porpalers sur un que  versement de 100 millions de dollars d`un prêt  que le pays demande.

L`institution a annoncé dans un communiqué que son conseil d`administration avait donné son feu vert à cette somme, deuxième tranche d`un prêt de 600 millions de dollars accordé en novembre.

En Côte d`Ivoire, "un programme étendu et ambitieux de réformes structurelles longtemps différées est en cours d`application", s`est félicité le FMI, citant les "gros efforts" pour moderniser la gestion des finances publiques, le secteur du cacao, et le droit et la justice.

"Mais l`application des réformes dans les secteurs énergétique et financier a connu des retards", a poursuivi le Fonds.

Il a appelé à assurer l`avenir de la Compagnie ivoirienne d`électricité (CIE) par "de nouvelles mesures, y compris des hausses des tarifs" car "si ces mesures ne sont pas prises, l`investissement si nécessaire dans de nouvelles capacités de production restera un voeu pieux".

"Il est aussi nécessaire de passer à la fixation automatique des prix des produits énergétiques, tout en protégeant en même temps les populations les plus vulnérables", a-t-il ajouté, en référence aux mécanismes de subventions aux hydrocarbures.

Dans le secteur financier, "il est urgent de concevoir et d`adopter un plan de restructuration solide pour les banques de dépôts publiques en difficulté", a estimé le FMI.

 Now la réalité est tout autre chose il n y a aucune reforme ni aucun effort fait a part que la Cote D'ivoire n'étant pas un vrai Pays Pauvres Tres Endettees (PPTE) il a fallu a la mafia du FMI avec l'aide de son agent saboteur Mr Alassane Ouattara d'endetter pour de vrai le pays afin que remplissons les criteres d'incapacitee de remboursement . Cela ferait de la Cote D'ivoire un pays en faillite la vraie definition des PPTE et donc la saisine des ressources naturelles dont l'énergie. Cette saisine est en cours effectivement depuis novembre et passe a sa deuxième partie qui doit être accélérée afin d'atteindre  le vrai niveau de PPTE avant Decembre 2012 la date de la saisine complète...Et comme la mafia craint un changement après les élections Franç faut tout accélérer...Now si ce sont les endettement massives et l'arrestation de ceux qui voulaient empecher cette mainmise et l'assujetissement de nos biens qu'on appele effort on peut bien comprendre mais nous sommes loin d'etre des idiots a qui ces declarations honteuses pourraient animer un sentiment de joie comme on le voit avec certains qui meurent d'envie de faire partie des PPTE et en attendent quelque chose de bien pour la Cote D'ivoire en particulier et l'Afrique en général....

..Ivory Coast: Violation of freedom . The Managing Director of "Cyclone" publisher of the daily "Le Temps" illegally detained at the Maca prison in Abidjan Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast: Violation of freedom. The Managing Director  of  "Cyclone" publisher of  the daily "Le Temps" illegally detained at the Maca prison in Abidjan Ivory Coast


Mass Arrest/Murder of Patriots is ongoing in Ivory Coast

The mass arrests and killings of patriots ( labeled militia by the media of the new world order) have already started in Ivory Coast.... Anyone refusing to submit to the new world government would be called terrorist....And taken to prison as it's happening in Ivory Coast to Gbagbo and all his supporters ....With the blessing of our respective western governments....meanwhile they would keep the people busy with all kinds of stupid stuffs on TV , news . entertainment, sport events, nationally as well as internationally... Wake before it's too late...the Revolution is now.

Tortures, abuses, violations of human rights: A concentration camp located in Yopougon

Tortures, abuses, violations of human rights: A concentration camp located in Yopougon

According to the victims of the camp FRCI, armed pro-Ouattara, located in New Yopougon neighborhood, practices that occur there are inhuman. Tortures, abuses, violations of human rights ... Everything passes out of sight. And with impunity. The testimonies of individuals who have come out alive, but in human rags, gave chilling sensation on the back. They believe this is a real concentration camp, a hospice that is reminiscent of Boiro camp in Guinea-Conakry under Sekou Toure. "When they send us in this camp, they  plunge our heads in barrels of water to try to suffocate to extract confessions from us. We were seriously beaten all the time by the FRCI.
Benjamin Kore Angel Dove

Côte d’ivoire: Atteinte à la liberté Le Dg de « Cyclone » du quotidien « Le Temps » illégalement détenu à laMaca

Friday, 11 May 2012

UN WATCH IVORY COAST: Cocoa Smuggling and Graft Buy Ivory Coast Arms wi...

UN WATCH IVORY COAST: Cocoa Smuggling and Graft Buy Ivory Coast Arms wi...:   Cocoa Smuggling and Graft May Buy Ivory Coast Arms, UN Says May 4 (Bloomberg) - Income from racketeering and smuggling of cocoa may ...

Cocoa Smuggling and Graft Buy Ivory Coast Arms with the help with the coalition UN/Sarkozy mafia


May 4 (Bloomberg) - Income from racketeering and smuggling of cocoa may be used to purchase weapons and fuel conflict in Ivory Coast, the world’s biggest producer of the crop, according to the United Nations.
Illegal taxation of cargo trucks by security forces is
“widespread and systematic” across the West African nation,
and is operated by the military, which has a monopoly over
weapons in the country, a United Nations Group of Experts(not to confuse with UNOCI operating the smuggling with the Ouattara forces) wrote in a report to the Security Council.
The group carried out an eight-month investigation starting
in July 2010 into alleged violations of UN sanctions by
individuals and companies during the rule of former leader
Laurent Gbagbo and under President Alassane Ouattara, who was illegally sworn in last year after a violent five-month crisis triggered by disputed a election in November 2010 which any democratically minded institution would had called for recount to resolved. Instead Sarkozy and Gangs ordered and bombing of civilians which the UN and the so called human right groups try to brush aside.

Diamonds, Gold, Cocoa, Coffee and other

The FRCI escorts the trucks with the illegal beans into
Ghana and helps thwart efforts made by local officials to halt
the trade, the group said in the report. Diamonds and cashew nuts are also smuggled into neighboring countries, it said.
The funds raised from the smuggling and racketeering on the roads is raising concern that FRCI officials may buy weapons, contravening UN arms sanctions in place since clashes in 2004.
The uncontrolled circulation of weapons by the rebel  army outside the country, as well as a shortage of customs officials at the country’s borders pose a “heightened risk that arms and ammunition could be diverted into Ivory Coast from neighboring countries,” the report said.

The report omits either genuinely or willingly that the whole North was under Ouattara's forces control and all this was with the help of the UNOCI   knowing that the organization is not at its first involvement in criminal activities where its has been sent to operate. In  Congo(rapes of under ages girls) Haiti(rapes of underage girls, elections frauds) , Afghanistan( elections frauds) Mr Galbraith the former UN official in Afghanistan dismissed Mr Karzai's claims , saying the suggestion that the UN would organize electoral fraud was "absurd" since he directly accused by Pr Karzai  . Nevertheless the previous statement  of Mr Galbraith regarding the fact that his institution did not do enough to prevent the mass frauds as well as the 2  remake of the same story one successful in Ivory Coast(Same scenario, French and USA embassies, EU., UN officials) and one failed in Haiti confirms that the UN is definitely involved in the mass frauds. 
Frozen Assets

  the legal legitimate president Gbagbo, whose assets have been frozen by the UN for no reason, is said to be  still receiving funds from Ivory Coast via a front company, the report said, without giving details why do they have to hide anything if the report is to expose the truth ?. Gbagbo faces charges of crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court still based on reports of his enemies including at the UN and other international institutions some funded by Ouattara friend's such as George Soros.
“There is no concrete proof whatsoever to support this
accusation,” Toussaint Alain, head of Washington-based advocacy group Cote d’Ivoire Coalition Inc. and a spokesman for Gbagbo during his presidency, said in an e-mailed response to questions today. “We doubt the United Nations is impartial. It overstepped its mandate by taking active part in military operations that resulted in the arrest of president Gbagbo by the French army.”


Monday, 7 May 2012

Hard times for Ivorian Refugees

Hard times for Refugees. Ouattara closed down the camp EluboIvorian refugees living in camps in Ghana  are currently experiencing serious problems. With the announced closure of the Elubo camp, on the border with Ghana, and the suspension in the coming weeks of the food ratio at the Ampain camp , the largest Ivorian refugee camp .

Le nouveau courrier

Refugiés Ivoiriens

Ivorian refugeesIvorian refugees
in camps living  in Ghana , are currently experiencing serious problems. With the announced closure of the camp Elubo, at the Ghanaan  border  , and the suspension in the coming weeks of the food ration  at the Ampain camp , the largest Ivorian refugee camp .UNHCR officials and local authorities have informed this week Ivorian refugees living in the transit camp of Elubo at the border with Ghana, the decision to close the camp. According to information in our possession, this closure is secondary to pressure - in recent months - the Ivorian authorities that they were "dangerous to the stability of the border Ivorian-Ghanaian" maintaining the refugee camp Elubo.The arguments advanced by the regime Ouattara is that this transit camp would be the "nest" of ex-combatants, including military and "militia" that would always activate  to destabilize Cote d'Ivoire, from  Ghana. According to Abidjan, the Elubo camp at the border with Ghana, would serve as a "rear base" to ex combatants driven by a clear desire to foment a coup. These arguments Abidjan apparently  paid since yesterday officials of Ghana Refugees Board prepare the camp closure. However, they proposed to  the refugees,  those who wish to resettle in another locality, within Ghana. Ivorian Refugees (near thousand) in the camp of Elubo are in distress and outrage of such a decision. Especially the latter, they say, is the result of government pressure from Abidjan."How can people who have fled war, atrocities and seek refuge in that sister country,  can be accused of wanting to make a coup? To do what? We just want to live in peace. This is not because we are pro-Gbagbo that must necessarily accuse us of wanting to destabilize the regime of Ouattara. These accusations, are  pure inventions. Ouattara has always wanted to close all refugee camps and without reason, that's all, "laments a young Ivorian refugee in Elubo, camp  reached by telephone.Ampain camp in the viewfinderAt about 57 kilometers from Elubo, is the largest Ivorian refugee  camp , the Ampain camp . Again, there's not  peace of mind. Since last few weeks, the manager of the camp made it formally know that  the food supply will be suspended by the end of July. Clearly, the Ampain refugee camp  will be deprived of food ration provided by the Hcr. Already food intake was reduced for months in refugee camps. The cause was linked to a funding problem.Ditto for the Ivorian  refugee camp of Egykrom. This is Ghana which should take over  to "feed" the Ivorian refugees. But for how long? And as if that were not enough, Ampain refugees camp will soon be without electricity. Since there is now asked to make an individual subscription amounting, according to information, to 95,000 CFA francs. This is another blow to the Ivorians who fled the atrocities and seek refuge in the neighboring country.

 Frank Toti