Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Duekoué's Genocide once again France and the International community i in the front line and behind of the crimes

  I  am frankly flabbergasted. They accuse an innocent of perpetrated  crimes , transferred  him unfairly to the ICC, while the real criminals' hands are now on the helm of state.
Here Amadé Ouremi the killer of the classified forest of Mount Peko (Bangolo and Duékoué) in foreground with in
FANCI(rebel force) treilli . Just behind him, a French soldier of the Force Licorne  training weapon handling to these the criminals. Zongo Alassane this sad crime is also on the photo.
Not really but Alassane Ouattara is about to exterminate the 
people to replace them with his brothers from Burkina Faso. And the excuse is that he evokes "the sold their lands and forests. The are militiamen and pro Gbagbo. "
My friends who do not know it yet or who  have doubt,  just know that the 
people are victim of their rich soil and the green gold which is the density of its forests. Since our parents started growing rubber trees which is also profitable, the United States perceived the threat that could hover over the cultivation of cocoa. Had to  removed urgently His Excellency President Laurent Gbagbo and hunt  the people from their land or to exterminate  and replaced them by Burkina Faso people so that the land become a crossroads.
But all these criminals and their sponsors are defeated in Jesus' name. The only one who left an empty tomb.


 by: Bingnégnélon Djiezion

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