Monday, 23 January 2012

How Long ?

The U.S. government "strongly condemns the violence that occurred during the gathering of the FPI (Ivorian Popular Front)" Saturday in a neighborhood d `Abidjan, said a statement issued by its embassy in Ivory Coast.

"Violence is an unacceptable obstacle to the progress being made" in the country, consider the United States, asking the Ivorian government "d` open a full and impartial investigation and take steps to prevent such incidents from recurring ".

`The Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited on 16 and 17 January in Abidjan and called on the regime of President Alassane Ouattara to" dialogue "with the` opposition.

Monday in a statement, the Convention of Ivorian civil society (CSCI), a leading NGO, also called "a credible and effective investigation of this latest disruption of meetings."

It "calls on all actors in the Ivorian political scene to refrain from` `s attitudes or behavior likely to endanger the fragile national reconciliation under way in Ivory Coast."

One person was killed and at least 45 injured Saturday during the attack `at a FPI meeting by young people, the rally was eventually canceled.

Source: AFP

Now the reality is that the above information is half true which makes it false. Firstly the word progress as you might notice would be very in vogue concerning Ivory Coast. . This well tailored word
from Obama admin to fit the Ivorian situation would be relayed by the medias  just because it was declared by The Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during her visit  the 16th  and 17 January in Abidjan. Anyone with a commonsense would easily tell that the country is ran by the USA/UN or the multinationals since everyone has a word  excepted the Ivorian. Firstly the so called international community decided to ignore the people of Ivory Coast votes by rejecting their choice for Laurent Gbagbo and  imposed their backed candidate. There not secret that Hilary said long before the elections that she supports Alassane Ouattara..notice she never said the choice of the people. Then on the dispute regarding the results of the elections no one asked the Ivorian their opinion whether their wanted a recounting or another Afghanistan after several months of denial and a certification of a so called democratic election by the UN, it happens in fact that there was a mass fraud, same scenario in both countries the UN certification were rather falsification and recounting was the only democratic action to do..In Ivory Coast the recounting was rejected by the UN and this is the reason"It won't be fear to Ouattara" Said Ban Ki Moon, who care whether it's fair to him or not we should rather seek where is the truth whether it pleases one candidate or not the people choice should be the priority that the meaning of democracy ...We know that the UN as well as the "international community  had a lot to hide since in Afghanistan the benefactor of the frauds exposed who helped him....And guess who ? The Usual suspect caught in action in Ivory Coast....The UN, the US Embassy, the French Embassy and few EU officials..... .here again no one asked the Ivorian if they are seeing progress it's rather  the so called international community (which is in fact a bunch multinational heads ) through Hilary Clinton who is speaking for the Ivorian.....Now talking about strongly condemns the violence and asking the Ivorian government "d` open a full and impartial investigation and take steps to prevent such incidents from recurring ". What a joke...We taught that all the bombing and killing from the UN/licorne were to bring peace ans security and by the way few days ago you were talking about everything going well  after the good job you did  falsifying the elections, refusing a recounting bombing and killing civilians, setting free the criminals to terrorize the the whole country, and letting foreigners commit a genocide in Duekoué..that's a very good job toward progress, the total enslavering  of the Ivorian for the control of their land and resources...You don't want peace in Ivory Coast because you need an alibi to maintain a military force in Ivory Coast, that would be the best guaranty of your control over the country.... You  are also talking full and impartial investigation please give us a break,,,,During Gbagbo previous mandate as president you were quick to investigate all the false allegations (you still haven't finish to investigate even after you illegally transferred and detained him to la Hague ) now that you have your backed candidate imposed fraudulently in power even with all  the proof of genocide  in Duekoué not a single condemnation,not resolution, how someone been detained based on allegation and other are not even investigated despite the overwhelming proofs  ? We know all of it we're just asking how long it would take until some decent, honest people in the USA , Europe , at the UN stand for the truth ? How long will people standby the watch lies , injustice and go to sleep as everything is ok long the almighty G-d would return your soul within with great compassion and yet  you have not compassion for others ? How long ?

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