This article, signed Dike, is a terrifying record of one of the flagship of the candidate Sarkozy promises of 2007. At a time when the man is again a candidate and uses all the tricks to survive at the Elysee Palace, here's a list that goes on by May 6, 2012, of those that pollute the Sarkofrance for over 4 years. Some cases do not have a long history (cf. 23, 24 and 27), but their authors were promoted by Nicolas Sarkozy for reasons of internal politics at the UMP.
Since 2007, we regularly inform the media business and possible scandals involving government ministers Fillon, under the presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy. Of course, most of this information has not been followed by judicial sentences and could be attacked for defamation if we were not careful about the words used to call them back.
However, within one year of the next presidential election, it is important to keep in mind all these scandals of the "Republic impeccable" advocated by Nicolas Sarkozy, whether actual or simply reported by the media.
1. Tunisian undergoing a revolution, Michele Alliot-Marie proposed January 11, 2011 in the National Assembly that "the expertise of our security forces, which is recognized around the world, makes it possible to deal with situations of this type security." The delivery of tear gas was ultimately overturned by the Minister 18 January 2011, four days after the flight of Ben Ali.
2. But Le Canard chains also revealed that Michele Alliot-Marie has spent his holiday season in Tunisia, while the Tunisians had already started their revolution. Michèle Alliot-Marie, her companion Patrick Ollier, and his parents have made two trips in the private jet of Aziz Miled, a businessman who was close to the family Ben Ali Trabelsi. He even discussed a real estate transaction in Tunisia. Mediapart said Michele Alliot-Marie would have also maintained the phone with "the President on the run" while on vacation. She eventually resigned.
3. The case concerns Visionex a company that has offered to buy the café internet terminals which, according to the prosecution, would in fact allow for slot machines illegal paris. An investigation for violation of legislation on gambling was opened. But on October 6, Le Canard Enchaine revealed that during a search conducted in the Senate David (indicted on 1st October 2010) the officers of the brigade of repression of banditry have found a letter written in July 2008 by Michèle Alliot Marie, annotated by Rachida Dati, Minister of Justice asking for "close the investigation as part of the commission, because the good faith has been proven." However, the investigation involved the son of former Justice Minister Albin Chalandon, Fabien Chalandon, indicted May 20, 2010. Rachida Dati said it was a false statement and that it was considering filing a complaint.
4. According to Le Canard Enchaîné, Fadela Amara two brothers would have occupied the official residence of 120 sqm (three rooms, an office, two bathrooms and a cook available) in Paris for several weeks and accommodation to relatives charge of the Republic.
5. Duck chains revealed that White Christian was purchased from the budget of the secretariat of state for € 12 000 cigars in ten months. It would have paid 3500 euros corresponding, according to him, his "personal consumption", before reimburse all the expenses ...
6. Le Canard chained in June 2010 revealed that Jeannette Bougrab had doubled his compensation as President of the High Authority (from 6900 to 14 000 euros a month). After she filed a complaint for defamation, the Paris court has dismissed stressing that the investigation was serious duck chains and that the figures reported were "anything but fanciful."
7. The mission entrusted to globalization Christine Boutin by the Elysee. The former minister was paid 9,500 euros per month for this mission (which some professionals felt that it had an interest measured), which it subsequently abandoned, and that it accumulated with his monthly pension and MP general counsel.
8. We know the positions of Christine Boutin on homosexuality in his book The Marriage of homosexuals (published in 1998), Christine Boutin asks: "Where do we put the border, for an adopted child, between homosexuality and pedophilia? ". But let's not forget the opposition of Luc Chatel to the spread of short animated film "Kiss of the Moon" in schools, for the prevention against homophobia, and how Roger would have pushed Valérie Pécresse Karoutchi to his "coming out" at the investiture UMP in regional elections in Ile-de-France, implying that a head of region was first head of a family, which Mr. Karoutchi could not be ... Finally, note that the current Minister of Defense and Veterans Affairs, Gerard Longuet, would have made a connection between homosexuality and pedophilia, in July 2008, the Senate. He does not recall the remarks.
9. Marc Robert, procurator of the Republic of Riom in 2000, was transferred (in 2009) because it would have criticized the reform of the judicial conduct by Rachida Dati, a process called "promotion-punishment." Now, 30 December 2010 the Council of State annulled the decree of mutation Marc Robert (who had already been transferred to Paris) on the grounds that it was unlawful. It is new Prosecutor of the Republic of Riom since March 30, 2011.
10. Duck chains revealed that Christian Estrosi has canceled bookings of a scheduled flight of Air France, which should have led him and a delegation of elected officials and journalists in Washington. He would have rent the place as a Falcon 900 flight schedules of Air France would not allow him to attend a cocktail party at the Elysee. Le Canard Enchaîné said that this change in the total program cost of 138,000 euros to the state. Estrosi apologized.
11. Duck chains also revealed that Christian Estrosi would have occupied two homes feature: an apartment in Bercy and a mansion in Paris 2900 m² (with Cook) belonging to the Republic, and that his daughter would have occupied. He invited the press to visit the dwelling to explain this information ...
12. Le Canard chained pointed to the Bursar Penelope Fillon would have used a private jet to get to Roscoff (Finistère) which took place the baptism of a ship in the fleet of Britanny Ferries that links between France and England. Cost of flight: 10 000 euros. She would not have wanted to take the TGV, the cost would have been only 130 euros return.
13. End of September 2008, François Fillon and his family were on the way back from a "weekend private" in the Sarthe when a tourist plane grazed the plane would have the prime minister. Problem: expensive aircraft of the Republic should be used in a strictly professional ... The prime minister seems to have a habit of visiting his castle of La Sarthe in Falcon, while that residence is 1:20 from Paris by TGV.
14. Duck chains revealed that the Prime Minister and his family have stayed in a private capacity during the holiday season of 2010, Egypt luxury hotels in Aswan. They were invited by Hosni Mubarak, President ousted following the Egyptian revolution.
15. During his vacation in Italy (Tuscany), François Fillon had obtained the loan of a blue Ferrari for the day, free of charge, with the owner of the mark (Charlie Hebdo).
16. A woman who was on a motorcycle on the bypass of Rennes, May 19, 2009, was doubled by a 4x4 with four young people on board, the driver was the son of François Fillon, Edouard Fillon. They had fun "to stick", the bike enough to be struck in the back, then fled. She said: "I really got scared in my life, There were two young men at the front. They stuck me. I was driving to bear against the car. One moment, they have slowed. I accelerated. They stayed behind me a few moments before I exceeded again. Here I was treated to a variety of insults. " (JDD) The next day she filed a complaint at the Rennes with the registration number of the vehicle she was raised. The son of François Fillon has called into question as the subject of a recall to the law, September 16, by a delegate of the prosecutor.
17. February 28, 2011, the website reveals that Henri Guaino, special adviser to Nicolas Sarkozy, has spent the Christmas and New year in Libya.
18. Hortefeux is sentenced June 4, 2010 by the Paris Criminal Court at 750 euro fine for non-public insult to a group of persons because of their origin, to 2000 euros in damages payable to the MRAP, and the publication of a press release in light of the "deleterious effect on the social bond of such a connection, when it is held by an officer of so high a level." The sentence in question, for a young man of North African origin, was: "When y 'is one, that's fine. It's when there are many that there are problems. ".
19. Hortefeux was also sentenced Dec. 17, 2010 by the High Court of Paris for the presumption of innocence of David Senate, former adviser to Michèle Alliot-Marie, to pay one euro in damages. He suggested that David Senate was the source of leaks to the newspaper Le Monde in the case Woerth-Bettencourt. He appealed both convictions.
20. Alain Joyandet was renting a private jet to € 116 500 to travel to Martinique, where he was to attend an international conference.
21. Duck chains also revealed that the same Joyandet would have benefited from an illegal building permit for the expansion of his villa in the Var. The minister then gave up the building permit ...
22. Duck chains, in 1995, revealed an internal document of the City of Paris, signed by the hand of Alain Juppe, giving orders to his services to reduce the rent for his son Laurent Juppe, who lived in an apartment belonging to 189 m² the City of Paris (Rue Jacob in the sixth arrondissement, the most expensive town in France). Work, amounting to several million francs, made at taxpayer expense, have also been made. A complaint for "illegal taking of interest" was filed by the Taxpayers Association of Paris created ad hoc by Arnaud Montebourg. A judicial inquiry was opened by the prosecutor of Paris, Bruno Cotte, who held that the offense of "illegal taking of interest" was established. He announced his intention however to close the case if Alain Juppe was leaving the apartment. The Attorney General at the Court of Appeal of Paris, Jean-Francois Burgelin, then released a statement, approved by the Department of Justice, claiming that the offense was not established and it was in any case required . However, the classification decision has imposed on Alain Juppe to move. On 28 August 1995, the Justice Minister, Jacques Toubon, Bruno Cotte ordered to leave the floor of Paris' (Lawrence's Blog Discount) ...
23. In the case of fictitious employees of the municipality of Paris, Alain Juppe was convicted on 1 December 2004 to fourteen months suspended sentence and one year of ineligibility by the Appeal Court of Paris. He was initially sentenced by the criminal court in Nanterre, January 30, 2004, to eighteen months suspended sentence and ten years of ineligibility.
24. Françafrique bottom of scandal and conflicts of interest. In 2009, Pierre Pean, in his book The World According to K has revealed that Bernard Kouchner had been consulting activities to the authorities of Gabon (Republic where political change is non-existent) and the Republic of Congo (where elections are marked by many irregularities) in the context of reforming the health sector in both countries. Bernard Kouchner would also be involved in the collection of bills for two consulting firms, and Africa Steps Imedi, while he was Foreign Minister Nicolas Sarkozy.
25. On May 10, 2011, the Attorney General of the Court of Cassation, Jean-Louis Nadal, called for an investigation for "abuse of authority" against Christine Lagarde in the case of private arbitration that resulted in the award of several hundreds of millions of euros to Bernard Tapie in 2008. But the prosecutor would make a factual error by stating that Christine Lagarde has decided to arbitration in May 2007 because the then Agriculture Minister, not Finance, a position she held from June 19 2007. It would Borloo, Minister of Economy, Finance and Employment from May 18 to June 19, 2007 should be referred. We specify that Borloo was the lawyer for Bernard Tapie, but it would also be a very close friend. A preliminary investigation into possible "abuse of social power" in the case Lagarde-Tapie has just been opened. It applies to decisions made by senior officials (Jean-François Rocchi Scemana and Bernard), who have concealed elements of the arbitration process in the project and added the concept of arbitration hurt feelings (amounted to 45 million Tapie euros for spouses). The Court of Justice of the Republic has reserved its decision on July 8 on the possible initiation of investigation against Christine Lagarde.
26. Most recently, Ms. Lagarde said his candidacy for the leadership of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), to succeed Dominique Strauss-Kahn, indicted by U.S. courts. Get the job requires a campaign of self-advertising in the world. However, as many newspapers have pointed not only spends time Christine Lagarde (theoretically dedicated to his position as Minister of Economy) as well as public money to this cause. On June 16, 2011, the expansion gives a figure of 150,000 euros for the cost in public money to campaign for a position yet private. Lagarde, who will receive 35 000 euros per month if it becomes executive director of the IMF, continue to receive his salary during his campaign to minister more than 20 000 euros per month.
27. Gérard Longuet is known for various court cases for which he was never convicted. Thus, he was indicted in 1995 in the investigation into the secret funding of the Republican Party but has received no case March 8, 2010, thanks in part to the amnesty law of 1990 on financing policies. In a case involving the construction of his villa in St. Tropez, where he is accused of "the misuse of credit," the minister is acquitted at trial, then by the Court of Appeal of Paris in 1998. It was also in police custody in May 2001 for concealing corruption in the case of procurement of Ile de France but acquitted in 2005.
28. In 2010, Gerard Longuet opposes the appointment of Malek Boutih at the head of the High Authority as it considers that "it is better that this is the traditional French corps feels responsible for the reception of all our compatriots," Mr. Boutih thus excluding a "traditional French corps' supposed.
29. The daily La République du Centre revealed that Olivier Marleix, adviser to the President of the Republic and son of former Minister Alain Marleix, traveling at a car fleet of the Elysee when he was arrested by the police for driving at 119 km / h instead of 70 allowed. It would have claimed his relationship with the military and would understand it would be "preferable to classify the incident." Mr. Marleix denied, he said that the gendarme had recognized as Mayor of Anet would have spontaneously given up the verbalize.
30. Rue89 site informed us that an employee of 36 years of Spring Nancy would have been dismissed following an altercation with Nadine Morano. In a statement, Nadine Morano has denied being behind the dismissal, which would have identified it as the sole discretion of the employer ... Ms. Morano had called the store manager to inform him of the behavior of this employee ... This would have resulted in his dismissal.
31. Patrick Ollier, companion Michele Alliot-Marie, former president of the National Assembly, Minister of Relations with Parliament since November 14, 2010 is also a friend of Muammar Gaddafi, and is the head of the friendship group France-Libya in the National Assembly.
32. On June 22, 2011, Georges Tron is under investigation for "rape and sexual assault in a meeting" of two employees of his City Hall Draveil. It is under judicial review.
33. The press also echoed the doubts of the elected opposition in the city of Draveil regarding the source of funds that would have funded the installation of a cabinet of reflexology Georges Tron adjoining the Town Hall.
34. The wife of Eric Woerth, budget minister, would, in the words of Patrice de Maistre recorded by a butler Liliane Bettencourt, was hired to please the minister, within the company Clymene responsible for managing the assets of the billionaire heir to L'Oreal. Florence Woerth resigned June 25, 2010 after accusations of conflicts of interest concerning her husband. The website also revealed Express Eric Woerth was awarded the Legion of Honour Patrice de Maistre.
35. Eric Woerth has also been criticized for the combination of his ministerial duties with that of treasurer of the UMP. However, according to the former accountant Liliane Bettencourt, Claie Thibout, 150,000 euros of cash, exceeding the legal maximum of 7,500 euros, were given to Eric Woerth through Patrice de Maistre to fund campaign Presidential Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007. The minister announced his resignation as treasurer of the UMP July 13, 2010.
The press was also surprised that although the second capital of France has itself admitted defrauding the Inland Revenue (she said it had restored order in its accounts since), the tax, in turn, never ask any questions to Ms. Bettencourt on the subject ...
36. Le Canard chained and Marianne revealed Eric Woerth was authorized in March 2010, selling over the counter of a parcel of the national forest of Compiegne at a price much lower than the market, the private association Company Compiègne races. Seized by the Attorney General of the Supreme Court, Jean-Louis Nadal, the Petition Committee of the Court of Justice of the Republic has given a January 13, 2011 opinion in favor of an investigation for "illegal seizure of interest ".
After reading this list we see both that court sentences are relatively rare (the ministers who have not been convicted are now officially innocent of the facts mentioned by the press) also, we note that the few convictions - a criminal record - do not prevent those who have been to positions of power.
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