Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Is there any link between the UN presence in African countries with insecurity and growth of violence ?

Abidjan(Ivory Coast) / Demonstration against insecurity in the West
Hundreds of youth and women equipped with whistles and placards rallied today at ‪ ‬ # Zoukougbeu to protest against the growing insecurity( And growth started since the UN involvement in he affaires of the country) in the region and also against physical and sexual violence against women. (Source Ivorian Press Agency,May this movement  be imitated across the country supposed toi be secured by the UN.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

"Dictateur" passé au scanner

Photo: CPI : Le procureur a jusqu'au 15 novembre 2013 pour apporter des preuves supplémentaires sur l'affaire Gbagbo. Entretemps, quelqu'un sur lequel une Accusation soutenue par la France, les USA et l'ONU, n'a pas obtenu de preuves suffisantes en un an et demi fait quoi ? La liberté provisoire s'impose. #freegbagbo

Théophile Kouamouo
Selon une recherche universitaire menée par Phil Howard la mort d'un dirigeant autoritaire signifie généralement plus de chaos et de souffrance pour le peuple, qu'il a  dirigé. Une analyse  de la recherche montre  plutôt que le problème en réalité réside d'abord dans le terme "dictateur" très souvent définis par  Medias biaisés exercant pour les gouvernements occidentaux ou autres institutions opposées à la dite "dictature". Ceci nous amène à une des autres raisons pour lesquelles la mort des dirigeants diabolisés en 
général liée à des assassinats orchestrés par les gouvernements occidentaux (derrière les fausses allégations du régime dictatorial) est suivie par une situation chaotique. Le régime est alors remplacé par un autre qui  se trouve être une vraie dictature (puisque pas démocratiquement élu par la majorité du peuple) soutenu par la communauté dite internationale. Ce n'est pas toujours le cas, mais c'est le scénario habituel.  La Côte d'Ivoire et la Libye (Khadafi n'était pas un ange mais  n'était pas ce que les médias ont dit à son sujet avant son assassinat) sont des exemples typiques . Le cas de Laurent Gbagbo actuellement incarcérés illégalement malgré le fait qu'il n'y ait aucune preuve concernant les allégations contre lui expose la réalité du terme dictateur  tel que défini par les gouvernements de l'Ouest et leurs médias. En Côte d'ivoire côte  le père de la démocratie SEM Laurent Gbagbo a été démocratiquement élu par le peuple en 2010 puis renversé par la « communauté internationale » qui a soutenu et continue de soutenir Ouattara l'agent Burkinabé (fait le candidat exceptionnel par Gbagbo sur un décret présidentiel) du FMI qui a perdu l'élection malgré la fraude massive dans son « bastion » sous controle de sa bande rebelle armeé au Nord. Laurent Gbagbo a reçu le prix Martin Luther King en 2010 pour ses efforts a établir la paix dans un pays divisé par la guerre ( La rébellion armée de Ouattara, soutenue par les gouvernements occidentaux ont attaqué le pays en 2002). Le scanning de la liste des dictateurs 2013 ne démontre qu'une demi vérité ou Ouattara encore pleinement soutenu par la « communauté internationale » qui  l'a imposé
aux ivoiriens par un putsch est classé 15e aux rangs des dictateur mais il n'a jamais été cité ainsi par un seul gouvernement occidental.  Jamais non plus le terme  dictature  n'a été utilisée pour définir un seul régime occidental depuis l'ère d'HitlerMussolini et Franco  bien qu'il soit claire selon la définition que la plupart des gouvernements dans le monde soi-disant civilisé sont dirigés par des multinationales dictatoriales. Et l'une des preuves est la dictature dans les médias biaisés relayant  des nouvelles fabriqués(au compte des multinationales)  imposées au peuple comme vérité. Et cela sans mentionner le fait que les mêmes corporocrates (le nouvel ordre mondial  dirigé par les multinationales ) utilisent l'ONUl'OTAN pour imposer leur diktat aux pays qu'ils veulent  annexer et s'approprier les ressources. Le terme dictateur est simplement inversé pour qualifier ceux qui refusent de s'aligner ou se soumettre a la dictature du nouvel ordre mondial comme c'est actuellement le cas en Côte d'ivoire.

a suivre......

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Scanning through the Dictator’s list

Photo: CPI : Le procureur a jusqu'au 15 novembre 2013 pour apporter des preuves supplémentaires sur l'affaire Gbagbo. Entretemps, quelqu'un sur lequel une Accusation soutenue par la France, les USA et l'ONU, n'a pas obtenu de preuves suffisantes en un an et demi fait quoi ? La liberté provisoire s'impose. #freegbagbo

Théophile Kouamouo

According to an Academic research conducted by Phil Howard  the death of an authoritarian ruler usually means chaos and more suffering for the people they ruled. A scanning through the research shows that the problem in reality lies firstly in the term dictator very often defined by biased Medias working for western governments or other institutions opposed to the "dictatorship". This takes us to one of the other reasons why there's chaotic situation following the death which is in general linked  to an assassination plotted by the western governments behind the false allegations of dictatorship regime. The regime is then replaced by another which then happens to be a real dictatorship (since not democratically elected by the majority of the people) backed by the so called international community. It's not always the case but that's the usual scenario. Ivory Coast and Libya (Khadafy is not an Angel but was not what the media said about him before his assassination. The case of Laurent Gbagbo presently incarcerated illegally despite the fact that there's no evidences regarding the allegations against him exposes the reality of the term dictator as defined by the western government and their Medias. In Ivory Coast the father of democracy HEM Laurent Gbagbo was democratically elected by the people in 2010 then overthrown by the “international community" who backed Ouattara the Burkina Faso (made exceptional candidate by Gbagbo on a presidential decree) national agent of the IMF who lost the election despite the rigging in his "stronghold" the rebel controlled north. Laurent Gbagbo who was awarded the Martin Luther King prize in 2010 for his effort in establishing peace in a country divided by war (Ouattara's armed rebellion backed by western governments attacked the country in 2002). The scanning of the Dictator’s Dead Pool for 2013 shows that Ouattara still fully  supported by the "international Community" who imposed him to the Ivorian is classified as dictator but he has never been called so  by 
 any western government.  To see the list click on the link below please

 Furthermore never the term dictatorship has been used to define a single western regime since Hitler, Mussolini and Franco’s era while it’s clear by definition that most governments in the so called civilized world are ran by dictatorial multinationals. And one of the proofs of the dictatorship is in the biased Media relaying fabricated news (on behalf of the ruling multinationals) which are imposed to the people as truth. And this is not mentioning the fact that the same corporocracies(the new world order multinational ran dictatorship) use the UN , NATO to enforce its diktat in countries they want to subdue and take over the resources. The term dictator is simply inversed to label those who refuse to align to the new  world order dictatorship or taken over as it’s currently the case in Ivory Coast.

To be continued  ...

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Drone stones

" Israel , today ,a country where in the absence of milk and honey flow freely weapons and diamonds (weapons for diamonds)? The question arises : how does one explain that the very special and unofficial envoy of Netanyahu administration at the Ivorian National Security Council could extort a ghost of a budget from a desperate country the necessary funds to purchase some more sophisticated killing machines and more expensive the " catalog of hell " proposed by the arms dealers of the State of Israel " ( Eliahou Abel) )

This is the latest release in September of "Lettre du Continent" , which reveals that Ouattara wants to equip himself with drones , notably one of the jewels of technology made in Israel. General Ehud Barak , former Prime Minister , former Chief of Staff and defense minister of Israel, visited Côte d'Ivoire, at the initiative of CRS in early August to discuss this urgent need of the Ouattara government to equip itself with the nec plus ultra Israeli armaments . In July 2013, Ehud Barak , also retired from his political career as a consultant for the Swiss private bank Julius Baer, the largest independent Swiss private banking, and it is with that hat he has met in Abidjan Ivorian elite of the "FranCafrican" mafia.

During the August 7 independence, always celebrated with great pomp , Ouattara had already spilled the beans in an interview on RFI , when he announced - without mentioning Israel , " an investment of 500 billion FCFA in three years to the purchase of equipment of the army , mostly planes and tanks . " In a country so flourishing , posting double-digit growth in 2013 , it takes an army worthy of the name !
The site "Connectionivoirienne" , the echoing observers the Ivorian political scene then asked, " against which military threats a country under UN embargo , however , a country that is struggling to pay its teachers, who experiences of enormous difficulties called " structural" to equip its public hospitals or universities etc. . , against which threats the country make such a huge investment in arms ? ".

We thought that these beautiful phrases were to be understood as coded messages to these investors as expected , that Ouattara called incantatory and yet not forthcoming , while his Ivory Coast is a new land of plenty , a country reconciled where prisons open, the sicks are healed , people work and trade normally. The few political prisoners , though accused of genocide or any other crime , freed on parole , are the upfront of the " state of law" which revives the normal functioning of all institutions , where the opposition is expected to participate in government , where FRCI happily leave the squatted houses , leaving them in a better state than they found them, where the post will return half of its workforce in " the interest of reducing the payroll" as nicely written in the Mandate , the Ouattara party newspaper . Soon the post will be light as an envelope delicately scented with rose ...
To cut the long story short a stride is slowly but surely emerging in this country where everything works , children and students enroll in institutions of their choice from the home no need to travel ! Parents are blithely using their credit card to pay online tuition fees of their offspring as in any civilized country where everyone pays by card, just " open sesame ", even if the bank account is no longer stocked .

Returning to our famous military agreements with Israeli firms which Elbit Systems and Israel Aeronautics industries , named by the Nouveau Courrier Newspaper.
How Ouattara fund the weapons ? Unlike the French government who delivered him a plane before payment and six months later is still waiting for the invoice of the payment , the Israelis have made guarantees, a handshake is not enough to make a sale . And it is not the smile of lady Dominique that would underwrite the transaction.

During the recent Francophony Games , Alassane requested President Holland " outright abandonment of the Ivorian debt to France ." Or 2.9 billion Euros , of course converted into funding " development projects within the framework of a bilateral agreement. " Understand that French companies will charge for gold roads to transport coffee and cocoa , gold , diamond to move more rapidly at the port of San Pedro some hospitals ,and some schools , full of GMO seeds, to arrive to this huge amount of almost 3 billion Euros debt " gracefully surrender" , and would undermine still more the purses already empty of future generations . "Dear/expensive " France in every sense of the word!

Would he, or his wife have a legacy ? Would he persuade former Israeli ambassador Daniel Kedem he is now a more respectable man ? According to a chronicle of Hassan Magued , he apparently intervened with the Israeli authorities during the visit of the couple Ouattara in Israel in June 2012, to dissuade them from selling weapons to Ouattara regime. "If you sell him weapons , it will kill all Ivorians ," he pleaded.
According to some indiscretions at that time, the deal was to swap weapons against these tiny stones called "blood diamonds ." Who knows why , Mrs. Ouattara, hand on heart , swear no child in the North is working , not even for a pittance or slave in open pits or underground in the northern coast of Ivory ! No, these little ones are in school, the Foundation paid satchels , subsidizing schools. So how is it that 56 percent of Ivorians are illiterate , a figure almost certainly increased since the stranglehold of the rebellion of the hostages northern populations. What do the younger do during school hours ? Truancy is certainly lingers in mines or plantations of coffee and cocoa .

" Ambassador Jean- Baptiste Gomis is very active on this issue," we still reveal the newspapers. The clerk of low works to the Economist "President", Jean- Baptiste(John the Baptist) of his name ,did prepare the paths of lord Ouattara, removing barriers with some greased hands , some business arranged with dubious mercenaries ?

To believe leaks from an authorized source of the Jewish Agency , a case of " Aliyah " was completed about a year ago ... in 15 days : the French speaking Jews living in the sub -region , specialized in the diamond trade . Their record rise in Israel had received Israeli approval after 2 weeks, yet it usually takes six months to a year, the time to check the Jewishness of the people , their reliability, morality, the accelerated procedure is more than suspicious ...

Wikileaks revealed some methods of tax evasion through the agency of Julius Baer Bank in Cayman Islands , but had been ordered to remove incriminating files circulating on the internet. Of course, " tax evasion " is not " money laundering " , but having worked for several years as a simple hostess in a Diamond shop , I witnessed several transactions between wealthy Russians residing in Cyprus to whom was delivered at home orders and I saw secure briefcases , attached to the wrist of Russian- Israeli hostesses who regularly commuted .

Small stones, which had not been sold in June 2012, would there have , thanks to the friendly visit of a famous Israeli, found the path to financial legality , a major Swiss bank " above all suspicion " is now charging to launder " stones " ? Going in the same direction , Ouattara and his government work together to lift the UN embargo on diamonds , a commission of 12 apostles was even created to "prove with the most clear and precise arguments , that neither war , neither blood nor sweat or minor child soldiers are involved in the national mining production , "said late August mines minister Adama Toungara . The latter, since May 2012 attempt to assure the national and international good management of diamond mining in Ivory Coast, to recover the Kimberley Process Certification lost in 2005 , and any officialdom continue on a larger scale diamond smuggling with Mrs. Ouattara, the godmother of small Ivorians who never, ever, worked in the mines.

Recall that our heroes upper echelons of the IDF was once nicknamed " Ehud HaBarach " - Ehud the fugitive , the Minister Tsachi Hanegbi : while serving as chief of staff , he oversaw a workout in the preparation of a commando operation to remove Iraqi President Saddam Hussein , November 5, 1992 , training in which five soldiers were killed and six were seriously injured . The noise then ran he left his post before help arrived , serious misconduct which subsequently hindered the take-off of his political career . A common additional point with the one Ivorians have dubbed the "fences jumper ". There is no need to go into details.

As Franco- Israeli , I am more than bruised by underground or open - conducted , but still shameful , of these two countries dear to my heart ravaged by crooked statesmen and businessmen respectively taking in hostage Israeli and french peoples afflicted by the outrageous silence that media under the orders enveloping 9/10 "dirty" information , some preferring Gallic rooster, the other , the ad Eternam cult of the suffering , blind and mute on the suffering of others ...

While the Israeli military planes constantly flying over my head at the point of annoying me immensely , I cling with all my strength to my little unlikely story : No, it's not the diamonds of the North that allowed the transaction, Ouattara has probably found the money of the WACB breakage blamed on the Minister Koné Katinan . It is a housekeeper of the Ministry of Finance , cleaning a cluttered closet who would have found bags and bags of cash , intrigued to discover a boat in this room.

Why buy Israeli ? Why would Ouattara imitate Laurent Gbagbo, while he hates him ? According to Frank Toti of Nouveau Courrier, France had violently attacked Israeli drones in November 2004, unarmed and delivered to the regal army of Ivory Coast. Today will they be pleased with this acquisition by Alassane , a betrayal for them, since so far , weapons, and despite the embargo , it was an exclusive contract . Nevertheless , we expect that if the great Alassane the international community gets the jewels of the last Israeli technology , its FRCI their global reputation also - and this is my only consolation - will they be able to handle them beautifully !

Shlomit Abel , September 12, 2013

This is the 3rd warning to PM Benyamin Netanyahu and the Israeli government at the a high holiday as the 2 previous...We can call on the UNSC and the US to act in Syria and Iran in order to prevent a planned destruction of our nation but meanwhile we are helping a criminal regime known to be genocide perpetrator(Duekoue and Nihably ) to carry on its finale solution which we are all aware about since former Israeli ambassador Daniel Kedem warned us about it. A Country which went from being the heaven of peace to become the 3rd country in the world and the number one in the world where there's more killing per inhabitant since the UN/French putsch of the 11th April 2010 listing the nation within the World's Most Dangerous Countries(3. Ivory Coast 56.9

homicides per 100,000 (10,801) 2. El

Salvador 69.2 homicides per 100,000 (4,308)

1. Honduras 91.6 homicides per

100,000 (7,104).
The combined list
By combining the positions on the two lists, we will make a third one. Venezuela is for example placed 14 and 5. 14+5=19. We can assume that the lower the combined number, the more dangerous the country. Brazil has the most homicides, but is not among the top 25 on the deadliest per 100,000 people list, neither is the US. The worst ten from the two combined lists will then be:

10. Tanzania: 18+16=34
9. Guatemala: 7+20=27
8. Ethiopia=22+4=26
7. El Salvador: 2+23= 25
6. Mexico: 21+3=24

5. Colombia: 12+9=21
4. Honduras: 1+19=20
3. Venezuela: 5+14=19
2. South Africa: 11+7=18
1. Ivory Coast: 3+15=18 .Ivory Coast has the highest murder rates per inhabitant in the in the world

Ivory Coast Rate : 56.9 count :10,801

These homicides are mainly the committed by the so called international community backed Ouattara regime. The UN spokesperson Kenneth Blackman of the peacekeeping mission in Côte d’Ivoire voiced deep concern about reports of numerous human rights violations by members of the country’s armed forces.
Members of the armed forces, known as FRCI, are accused of carrying out rapes, acts of torture, armed robberies and other abuses in several location. With such a cv there no need to have a so called international good management or the Kimberley Process Certification or to define what's right or wrong. The same way we can see for ourselves when it comes to the wellbeing of our nation Israel is what we are required to do to others especially for a Country which has been within our dearest and closest few friends in a world where we cannot longer rely on some of our own brothers . Can we afford to participate in the extermination of such friends dearer than some of our own brothers ? Well we have the Yom Kippur to re-adjust ourselves by coming before Hashem with all our wrongdoings to be forgiven. May G-d forgive us in the name of Moshiach and cleanse us from all these bloodshed made in the pursuit of vanity such as diamonds . No, diamond are not forever especially when there are bloodstained but human souls are forever. We cannot afford have more drone than sens of humanity when our mission is to be the light of the world(humanity).

Friday, 23 August 2013

Martin Luther King Jr memory's trashed by the Obama led international community

This weekend marks the 50th anniversary of 

Martin Luther King's civil rights march in Washington.

The honorable iconic civil rights activist  memory  has been immortalized by  the Foundation Martin Luther King Jr. at Morehouse College in Georgia (Atlanta) the United States . This foundation organised  a US-Ivory Coast 
Promotion of peace and justice,  during which in Au16 2010
 Gbagbo was  awarded the Martin Luther King prize by the Foundation . This award distinguished  the Ivorian President, Laurent Gbagbo for his efforts in favor of peace and justice in political action.Dr. Lawrence Edward Carter, Dean of the University, officially handed over the award to the Head of State, August 7, in favor of the commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary at the Presidential Palace in Plateau"Within the international Martin Luther King Jr.chapel , we have a room of peace recounting the victories for peace, the heroes and heroines of social inclusionthe heralds of justice,unconditional love of literacy and education for sustainable development, the environment, peace and human rights.(...) We have identified a man totally committed as an educator and activist in the eyes of all in favor of peace and non-violence and international justice, "said Dr. Lawrence Edward Carter speakingof Laurent
 Gbagbo . Before recalling the academic and political background of the Martun Luther King Jr.International
 Chapel of Morehouse College especially emphasized that in his career, Laurent Gbagbo has suffered humiliation and bullying even imprisonment. But when he came to power, he has ignored it all and wrote with the dignitaries of the former ruling party.The representative of the Martin Luther King Jr.Foundation paid tribute to President Gbagbo 
for his openness and forgiveness.Dr. Lawrence Edward 
Carter urged Gbagbo  to go to Morehouse College to see the university andgo to the Americans. It was based on these that president Obama offered Gbagbo  to leave the power and come to the US  as a lecturer at Boston University. Common sens would had asked why a Martin Luther King awarded man identified as  totally committed   educator and activist in the eyes of all in favor of peace and non-violence and international justice would refuse to acknowledge his defeat  ? Why his suggestion to recount the disputed ballot has been rejected, and why a criminal was invited to be a lecturer in Boston by the US president ?All the above question and their answers clearly show that the international community(UN, France, EU) led by Obama  and all the medias trashed President Gbagbo with false allegations(Judges at the ICC found  there's no valid proof against him) have no respect for human rights even less for Dr Martin Luther Kings whom by ricochet has his memory trashed through this  shameful attitude.For 

many real civil rights activist and followers of Dr 

Martin Luther such as the 80 yrs old veteran

Muller this 50th anniversary of the  march in Washington  would 

have a strong bad taste of hypocrisy on behalf of the 

Obama administration and the international community.When 

there's high respect and protection under the Bretton 

Woods treaty of impunity for a well known criminal 

such as Mr Ouattara because he works for the interests 

of the IMF(the so called international community). 

Many official reports expose  his  responsibilities in the  
Duekoue genocide and the Nyhably massacres not 

even mentioning the permanent unfair arrests and 

detention of citizen as well as insecurity (which  led 

Ivory coast as the number one country in Africa and 

the third in the world with the highest rate 

of homicide per in per year per 100,000 inhabitants) are 

ignored or rather pushed aside. And yet  PresidenGbagbo 

who incarnates  the spirit and work of Dr Martin Luther King 

is victim of fabricated allegation of killing , humiliated once 

again and illegally detained at the Hague. Isn't strange that 

the UN which is meant  to establish peace and security is 

in reality doing the  opposite  every countries where 

the UNSC has a resolution of military intervention rather

than peaceful and non violent solution are on the list of the 

most dangerous countries or have the highest rate 

of homicide. This can verified from DRC  to Libya via 

Ivory Coast.Today there are trying to arm the rebels in 

Syria as they did in Libya, Ivory Coast. There's 

therefore a staged  celebration of peace through 

the  50th anniversary of the civil rights march  in 

Washington while Martin Luther King's  dream is 

trampled down and trashed by the Obama led 

international community(UN) in the name of the 

democracy imposed by war which is in fact a good 

business for the UN.